
Rays of light flashes.

Several shrouded shrouded appearances of terrifying Demon Qi appeared.

They look a bit miserable.

Even the difficult situation of the clothes was not hurt.

“We use the Gorefiend to trace the source of Dafa and track the Young Master aura. It seems to be the last place.”

A tall, broken armor with dozens of bruises on his face, Demon Dao Powerhouse said solemnly.

“Hey. This Demon reminded you at the time that it is the first priority to save the Young Master. You have to kill the group with the Xianmeng and delay Time. This time, if the Young Master is in trouble, blame it, our Heavenly Demon world Can’t afford it.”

A vulture old man, very dissatisfied.

“The people of Xianmeng are too mad, killing us so many lang, how can this tone be tolerated? And, Young Master body Rare Treasure, it is no problem to support for a day or two, who would have expected…”

One of them, Demon Dao Powerhouse, sighed.

“What if I’m going to do it?” asked Demon Dao Powerhouse.

“Separate search, no matter what means, you must find Young Master, and bring back to the Heavenly Demon world safely. This matter is of great importance. You must not keep your hands!”

The man who broke the magic armor, said solemnly.

“I took out the young master fellow from the Xianmeng consciousness, and he took away the appearance of the Young Master fellow. He seems to be called Zhao Fang. He has a thousand relationships with the reincarnation of the car. It is said that the public losers are shattered. He is manipulating behind the scenes.”

The vulture is yin.

“So, you go to the public to go.”

The magic armor broken man looked at the vulture, and the latter ordered nod.


Several Demon Cultivator Powerhouse silhouette, once again disappeared into 茫茫Void.

But very soon.

Myriad Worlds vibrates.

Demon Cultivator Great Expert, who won the seven-fold vulture, boarded the reincarnation, slaughtered dozens of large Clans, and forced the public to surrender Zhao Fang.

The white robe white robe army confronted the vulture, and the two sides fought in nine days above.


The bald eagle has a difficult situation to leave, leaving a slogan, and he will come again every day, and he will step on the public, destruction.

Soon, another news came.

Demon Dao Great Expert, no armor, to the thirty-five Coiling Dragon world, one palm smashed half of the Coiling Dragon world, countless annihilation, seems to find only a fellow called Zhao Fang.

Followed by.

Other Worlds have heard bad news.

Only in the place where Zhao Fang has appeared, Demon Dao Powerhouse has appeared one after another, and they have appeared every time, bringing terrifying hurricane.

For a moment.

Myriad Worlds Vibration.

The name of Zhao Fang, resounding in the universe.


What makes Demon Cultivator Great Expert uneasy is that since they madly slaughtered other Worlds and searched for Zhao Fang, this person, as if it had disappeared from the world, never appeared again.

Netherworld world.

Take a photo of the mountain.

Young girl Hey, with a few friends of his own, in the shadow mountain, observe the images left by the Powerhouse in the era of the Netherworld, in order to understand the mysterious.

“Those seniors are so powerful, even if the images are separated by countless years, the insights still make people feel amazed.”

My nephew’s companion, a good-looking, but freckled young girl with a sigh of emotion.

“At least the images of the Late Stage Powerhouse can be left in the shadow mountain. Those gentle postures are not the ones that you can realize.”

Beside the freckled young girl, there is still a youthful, youthful out of the ordinary, aura, and extremely tyrannical, which is the threshold of the cultivation base. One.

“But my nephew, with your qualifications and my help, you may be able to break through the virtual bottleneck within two years and promote the level.”

The youth laughed and looked at the young girl who had been sitting in the enlightenment.

The nephew ignored the meaning.

Conversely is her young Lady sisters, looking at them with a look of envy, I can’t wait to replace them.

The name of the youth is called Youdu.

Although arrogant, but with arrogant capital, his Clan, in the netherworld world, can also rank in the top ten.

You are more qualified and belong to the younger generation.

And they are just the origin of the binary 3rd-rate Influence in the netherworld world. The most Powerhouse in the family is nothing more than nothing.

There is a great gap between the secluded and the secluded.

The disparity between the two men and women is unreasonable. It is reasonable that they will not come together.

But because of a wonderful encounter, Yu is looking at the natural talents who are very good, and expressed love to her.

If it is an ordinary woman, you have to encounter this kind of partner, you must laugh and wake up, you can’t wait to marry to You.

Can face the conditions and background of the privilege, the nephew refused.

The child is soft outside, although the origin is not good, just 2nd rate Influence Clan’s Young Lady, but for this kind of climbing dragon attached to the phoenix, taking her body as a bargaining chip, in exchange for the capital of the upper position, she has always been contemptuous.


The reputation of You are outside, not very good.

Therefore, for the confession of Youdu, she repeatedly refused.

But the secluded is like she has been shackled with her, has been entangled, and has been wrapped up for half a year, no matter where she goes, there is a silhouette of the secluded.

Young girl although tired, but wariness behind his influence, after all, did not show too much, just to him, not false.

“Hey, look at it, is there anything in the sky that has fallen?”

Suddenly, someone shouted at sky.

There are a lot of talents from the netherworld who have looked up.

Even the you’s lap, and the nephew who is still sitting on the plate, opened their eyes.

In their sight, a black dot appears in the sky and then grows bigger.

Blinking, it turned into a big ship, falling wildly.

“fuck, what the hell.”

“Flee away.”

Most people are still cursing, but someone is not good enough to spread out.

With the terrifying fall of the big ship, even a mountain can be flattened, let alone human.

“It’s where it falls, it seems to be on our side.”

Freckles young girl complexion pale.

Whether it is her or not.

You also found that the strange ship was coming to their location.

“Hey, quickly go!”

You are taking a step to the front of your nephew and take her away.

The children fluttered, and they took out a weird seal and hit the big ship that fell in the sky.

“It’s flying restriction secret technique? Hey, have you gotten through?”

Freckles young girl is shocked.

The flying restriction secret technique is one of the many secret techniques in the shadow mountain.

Rumors, cultivation to the extreme, not only can ban Void, but even imprison the cultivation base.

I don’t know what to say.

Only the look at flying restriction secret technique, which slowed down the speed of the drooping big ship, only slightly smiled.

That smile, the flowers are eclipsed.

The whole person is stunned, standing in the same place, in the eyes flashing hot rays of light.

“Look, someone has fallen.” At this time, someone shouted.

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