And said.

Since Zhao Fang has made a strong Demon Blood bead, it is the foundation of the fighting magic record. When the magic power is cultivated, the entire ink band World is covered by the thick terrifying Demon Qi.

not only.

The true Demon Blood bead also emits an extreme terrifying will.

In front of the will, I wanted to save the golden plaque of Zhao Fang. After the shock, the charming face was full of twilight.

With her cultivation base, she was swept by the will, just as the little white rabbit encountered the prehistoric Tyrannosaurus Rex, there was no room for rebellion.

Simply, the person who is willing to target is not her. Otherwise, if she can survive, she is expected to suffer from a serious injury.


Kim Jong looked at him and was covered by Demon Qi. He was oppressed by the terrifying will, and he was still unyielding. Zhao Fang, in the eyes, stood a trace of deep concern.

In the next Time.

Demon Qi is getting stronger and stronger, and the will is becoming more terrifying. Even Jin Yu has to retreat thousands of miles away and dare not approach.

During the period, she also tried to get close.

But being swept by the will, the mind was instantly criticized, and immediately serious injury, if not her physique special, I am afraid that I am not already pregnant!

“Half a month. When is this a head? If this continues, the Master will be crushed even if his will is firmer.”

The worry on the golden face is getting thicker and thicker.


The familiar screams sounded.

Kim Min sighed, and she almost got used to it in the past half month.

However, this scream is more than a few times worse than before, revealing a listener who shed tears, and the sadness of the listener suppresses the pain!

Followed by.

She Sense, the entire ink belt of World’s Law, is gathering at Zhao Fang’s location.

“What does the Master want to do? Is it going to use the Law in the ink ribbon against the powerful will?”

Jin Hao quickly looked at the past.

The power of the majestic Law, turned into a terrifying giant sword in the air, when the air went down.


The power of Law and the will of the Kings collide with each other. The entire ink band World is instantly filled with these two forces.

that moment.

Jin Hao even felt that this piece of World does not have its own foothold.

She was so upset that she never thought that a confrontational confrontation could produce such a terrifying imposing manner.

The two forces are deadlocked and intensified. Just as Kim Min Jong believes that a more terrifying power will erupt, the two forces are magically integrated.


Above the ink ribbon World, there is a phantom of the countless devil’s roaring roar, the imposing manner, even the golden scorpion, is scared of chills.

“Master succeeded?”

Although scared, but Kim Min also understands that it will be Zhao Fang’s cultivation success, only this Rank phenomenon.

She rushed over and saw Zhao Fang, who was in a huge deep pit, bloody and not adult.

“Master ?”

Jin Hao did not dare to approach, it was like a broken meat body, emits aaura that made her horrified, similar to the previous Demon Dao will.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes with difficulty, said with a laugh: “It’s over, it’s safe.”


The golden plaque is nod.

After a while, Zhao Fang staggered and stood up, raising the bloody palm of the hand. Low roaring sound: “My Lord of the World, all the power of Law, listen to my command, come!”

With his last word spit out, the ink band World is raging, countless road power, like milk swallows homing, madly coming, and on the top of Zhao Fang, forming a huge funnel.


With heavy Gravity blessing, Zhao Fang is not an adult-like body, fixed with one kind of amazing speed.

in a blink.

A male body with a long and graceful shape, beautiful and beautiful, bathed with infinite power and appeared in front of Jin Hao.

He is so young, handsome, shrouded in the paint around his body, Hei Mo gas, set off his unusual evil charm.

“First time, hello, Kim Min!”

Zhao Fang did not use camouflage again, and this Venerable faced the gold.

Kim Min-soo was a little surprised, but not shocked. Apparently she was prepared.

“who are you?”

“My name is Zhao Fang.”

“Since I want to lie to me, why don’t you lie to me for a lifetime? Why tell me the truth?” Jin Hao’s eyes were filled with a trace of sadness.

Zhao Fang sighed.

“Actually, when I first saw you, I noticed it, but I didn’t want to believe it. Later, you put the Vermilion Bird of the generation of the public to enter the World of Ribbon, let me kill, I know your identity. .”

Jin Hao fiercely looked up, his expression was no longer confused, and he was very firm and convinced: “The public loser is very scoundrel, and it is cruel to treat his wife. He can treat subordinate only. It is extraordinarily wide and tolerant. If you are really him, you will not let me do it. !”

“But you still have to do it.” Zhao Fang looked at Jin Hao deeply.


Kim Min’s look is complicated. “Maybe, I don’t just love him, but hate it!”

“What are you planning now? Kill me?” Zhao Fang asked calmly.

Kim Min smiles more bitterly: “You are now a Cultural Technique, and the ink band World is in your palm. It is already invincible. How can I kill you? And, I am not planning to kill you!”


Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows, but the result was beyond his expectations.

“Actually, there is no deep hatred between us, and even a few times of dew love, you are much better than the old man who passed the public…”

Said, Jin Hao charming face actually revealed a trace blush.

Zhao Fang stunned, finally understand, what kind of feeling is sleeping in a person.

He smiled with a trace evil looking at his lips. “It’s not just stronger, he is not a frequency with me.”

His Void Hand waved, and Demon Qi rushed out, wrapping him and Jin Hao in an instant.

Kim Min-jin seems to know what Zhao Fang is going to do, but he does not resist it. Instead, he bows his head and looks like he wants to refuse.


“It’s still the air of Outer World, which makes people feel refreshed and happy.”

Perhaps because of the practice of the martial arts, the whole Zhao Fang’s mood for these few days is a bit dark, and after a lingering with Jin Jin, he is a lot easier.

However, when Fang looked down on the outer hull of Battleship, Zhao Fang couldn’t frown.

On the surface of the hull, there are a lot of pits and gaps, like the great war left.

But he knows that when he fights Demon Dao Powerhouse like Blood Bone, Battleship is extremely slight, although it is damaged.

Those pits and gaps are obviously only later.

Ask the person in charge of Battleship.

I learned that in the Void Shuttle, I was chased by some powerful cloud beasts living in Void, and the traces left after the battle broke out on both sides.

“Metal Beast Battleship Defense Power, even if the odds are not broken, but it is completely torn apart by a group of cloud beasts. This Void Shuttle is really a dangerous thing. If you don’t win the Sixth and above Strength, you will die Ah!”

Zhao Fang deeply felt that Void Shuttle was sinister and exclaimed.

“én? What is ahead?”

At this time, the front of the Battleship, there is a huge black curtain, even the sky, the hook is nine, and the eyes are a bit sinister. “Young master, that’s the barrier to the boundaries of the netherworld world. Just cross the barrier and you can enter the netherworld world!”

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