“Where is the netherworld world?”

Zhao Fang is strange, if no one tells him, even if he finds it alone, it is estimated that he will not care too much.

“Domain barrier?”

This thing, Zhao Fang is not the first time to deal with, knowing that it is a World self-protection barrier.

The stronger the source of World, the harder it is to break the barrier.

The netherworld world belongs to the top ten World, and the barrier attack is very difficult. Even if some of the seven major Cultivators are here, it is not necessarily broken.


This can’t help him.

If he does not pay the price, he will be able to break through the obstacles.

But the movements that are doing that are too big, will inevitably lead to the resentment of the Netherworld Powerhouse, being treated as enemy!

Although he is not afraid of those adversaries, he just comes to find someone and does not want to get into trouble.

“The barriers of each boundary have their own characteristics. The boundaries of the boundary of the netherworld are simple, that is, the power of the huge netherworld is mixed with the power of Law.”

“The Powerhouse, the power of the netherworld, can be easily accessed, and those who practice other Culture Techniques want to be hard, but extremely difficult.”

Battleship is in charge of humanity.

He once drove the Metal Beast Battleship, carrying the high-ranking public, went to the countless World, and knew all these things.

“The power of the nettherworld?”

Battleship is close to the boundary barrier, and Zhao Fang closes his eyes and feels the power of the netther of the barrier emits.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and the light showed a trace of color.

“How is the power of this netherworld so similar to the magic?”

The two forces seem plausible, but when they are actually observed, they find many similarities.

“Don’t there be any connection between the netherworld world and the Heavenly Demon world?”

When thinking about it, he has a way to crack the boundary barrier.

I saw him stretch out his right hand, the majestic Demon Qi, instantly squirting from his palm, condensed into a huge palm, pressed to the boundary barrier.

An unexpected scene appeared.

The boundary barrier is pressed out of a big hole, like opening a large gate that looks like a palm.


The head of Battleship is dumbfounded.

When he saw that Zhao Fang was not prepared, he began to crack the boundary barrier, and his heart was still secretly sneer.

I did not expect that the result is face-smacking.

The ranking of the top ten World, the boundary barrier of the netherworld, was so easily broken?

Have you made a mistake?

At this moment, he even suspected that Zhao Fang was the native of the netherworld world.

The barrier cracked a huge gap, and the terrifying suction, Zhao Fang, and even the entire Metal Beast Battleship were forcibly sucked into the gap.

The head of the Battleship was initially horrified, but when the Battleship was about to disappear into the gap, he thought of something, and the complexion was mad!

“Young Master, Law inside the netherm world is extremely special. For the alien Battleship, there is extremely powerful suppression. If we go in like this, I am afraid it is not good!”

The head of the Battleship yelled.

His voice was drowned in the long winds of hunting.

When Zhao Fang noticed, the Metal Beast Battleship was like a toy that was thrown high and fell sharply, and it fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Even if he is himself, it is suppressed by the power of the powerful law, and the figure falls quickly.

“There are mountains below, falling down, you can’t die, but there may be heavy injury. Others in Battleship may have casualties.”

Zhao Fang frowned.

The power of Law is too strong, the skill of the moment, the vast majority of people on the Battleship, are ready to leave the Battleship, and the figure is out of control.

“Can save one count.” Zhao Fang sighs, controls the Law of the World of Law, at the same time against the bottom of the netherworld, and will be surrounded by one of the Battleship technicians, all into the Ribbon World.

But there are still most people who can’t save.

Eyes look at them, they are going to hit the mountains, and they are on the spot…


A strange power, like a huge light cover, hangs over the huge Metal Beast Battleship, and even the crew that fell out.

The people who fell quickly seemed to be dragged by some sort of mysterious force, and the speed slowed down.

“This is ?”

Zhao Fang was too late to be surprised. Now when it was time to save the crew, the ink mad Berserk rose, the power of the powerful Law rushed out, wrapped around the crew, even with the Metal Beast Battleship, all at that, was taken in by the ink ribbon. .

When the flying restriction power disappeared, only Zhao Fang was left in the air.

At the same time, he also became the target of Law in the netherworld world.

The force of the terrifying Law is completely applied to him, and the man who dares to be enemies of the whole netherworld is thoroughly crushed into patties.


The true Demon Blood bead, which was smelted into the body and became the enchantment of Zhao Fang, seemed to be stimulated and self-motivated.

The rich Demon Qi vented from him.

To his surprise, when Demon Qi came out, the force of this heaven and earth’s rejection of him instantly weakened, and the yin and yang wings appeared behind him, which could control the figure.


In the countless horror of the mountains, Zhao Fang descended into the sky and landed in front of the young girl.

Rushing children and others smiled a little, he astringed his aura, he was leaving.


Someone shouted at him at behind.

Zhao Fang turned back and found that she was talking about a freckle and a very good woman.

Unfortunately, it is long-lost.

In the heart of Zhao Fang, freckles young girl start to talk, “You have no politeness, others have saved you, how do you say thank you and leave?”

“Who is the take action?”

Zhao Fang directly crossed the freckles young girl, her Strength in a few people, barely belong to the lower middle level, even the joint road is not, simply impulse to show the mysterious flying restriction technique.


His eyes locked the two people.

A tall handsome, complexion some unnaturally pale, you are exactly the secluded.

There is another one, after she fell, she saw the first netherworld connoisseur, young girl.

The two people cultivation base is the most outstanding among the people, youth is already a harmonious environment, young girl although is still returning to the virtual level, but there is a mysterious force on the body, so that Zhao Fang has some eyes.

“It’s a nephew.”

Freckles young girl pointing to young girl.

“The bird.” The child is not the kind of person who asks for the newspaper, wants to stop the freckle young girl, but already late!

Zhao Fang walked to the young girl, next to her, said with a laugh: “The original flying restriction technique was just from the hands of such a beautiful woman.”

Young girl The face is red.

“I won’t say thank you, it’s too cliché.” Zhao Fang said.

Young girl is also busy with his hands, “just do it, don’t be too polite.”

Aside from the freckled young girl, I can’t stand it anymore. I replied: “Hey, you guys don’t know how to be polite. If you don’t take action, you are dead, you don’t have a chance, but you can say it now.” ”

“Finch.” The girl gave her a look and was not happy. Zhao Fang laughed. “It’s true. These bottles of Pill Medicine have some help for your cultivation. You will receive it first. When you breakthrough, I will send you a big gift!”

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