“Do we look like someone who lacks a few bottles of Pill Medicine?”

The bird is even more dissatisfied.

The life-saving grace, in exchange for a few bottles of Pill Medicine, this fellow is too embarrassing.

As for Zhao Fang’s saying that the road will be a big gift, in the eyes of the bird, it is completely to deal with the situation in front of the situation.

The nephew smiled and quit.

With her status as a netherworld, it is true that she is not a Pill Medicine.

“Hey, it’s a gift from the mysterious Fellow Daoist. Maybe it’s an extraordinary thing. It’s better to open it and let us see it.”

Tall young you are smiling.

Others havetened to follow suit.

For Zhao Fang who descended from the sky, they are somewhat curious. I don’t know how my mysterious fellow, Pill Medicine, is really valuable Pill Medicine or ordinary Pill Medicine.

Zhao Fang swept his eyes.

Most people are curious in their eyes, only the secluded, in the eyes with a bit of jokes and ridicule.

“This has nothing to do with you.”

The nephew coldly refused.

Zhao Fang saw it and understood in his heart that it was a real case of Goddess who had no intention of God.

I happen to be a shield.

Your sister, father just came to the netherworld world and lay his gun.

Zhao Fang is very depressed!

The child’s entire refused the secluded capital, but could not stand the crying of other Young Lady sisters, and finally looked at Zhao Fang.

She is quite good at Zhao Fang. Seeing his clothes is not so outstanding. Pill Medicine, which he wants to come up with, will not be good. If he is exposed in public, he will let the other party not come to Taiwan.

Zhao Fang saw her hesitation and smiled. “Since it is difficult, you may wish to open it.”

See Zhao Fang saying this, and my nephew has no other choice.

Open one of the vials under the eyes of a group of friends.

Suddenly, a strong and pure force, scattered along the mouth of the bottle, and even with a golden glow.

“This, what is this Pill Medicine, how do I feel that I am stuck in the six-fold cultivation base, and there is a tendency to upgrade again?”

Beside the freckled young girl, a young girl cried.

Not only her, but also a few other young girls who have returned to the virtual world.

Even if it is a sinister one, it feels the potency of contain in Pill Medicine and the instinctive desire of the body for Pill Medicine.

Just like a fish craving the sea.

Even the nephew is a beautiful eye.

Her immediate is a resounding, almost standing in the existence of the returning virtual peak, the perception of the value of Pill Medicine, extremely clear.

“If you take this pill, my cultivation base, maybe you can get into the virtual nine, and save decades of hard work.”

The nephew was shocked.

And on the side of the secluded, frowns: “This is imaginary Dan?”

“Hey, this pill does have some out of the ordinary, it can help the return of the Nult lower than Realm’s Cultivator, smoothing the promotion one level cultivation base.”

“But it’s just nothing more to return to the Cultivator.”

It’s not a shame. With his origins, getting this kind of Pill Medicine is not a difficult, and naturally it doesn’t look good.


He was just about to ridicule Zhao Fang. When he saw the second bottle of Pill Medicine opened by his nephew, the whole person immediately stopped.

“Daohe Dan?”

Then, the nephew opened all the remaining Pill Medicine.

“Up the road.”

“Dragon Tiger is on the road.”

The more you look at it, the more surprised you are. At the end, the whole person is paralyzed.

If you are imaginary, he is dismissive.

Then Daohe Dan, let him have a little solemn.

Shengdao Dan is very surprised.

Dragon Tiger rose to the road and became shocked.

These kinds of Pill Medicine, in addition to the virtual Hedan is taken to return to the virtual Cultivator, the remaining Pill Medicine, is the need for the road to Pill Medicine.

Daohe Dan can help return to the virtual peak Cultivator and smoothly enter the road.

Ascension Dan can help to combine the Cultivator and Upgrade cultivation base.

Dragon Tiger’s might of the road is dozens of times that of Shengdao Dan, allowing any Cultivator under the environment to be promoted without a side effect.

This is to give the Eighth Cultivator enough to save the single hundred years, even the number of 1000-year bitterness, one step into the eight.

It can be said.

This kind of Pill Medicine, even in the Great Clan of the netherworld world, is rare.

Even if it is secluded, it is also very eye-catching.

Freckle young girl and others, have not seen these Pill Medicine, but have also heard of it, especially when I saw the green eyes of the ghosts, it is even more shocked.

I know that my nephew has been handed over to the Universiade, and I have received so many treasures of Pill Medicine.

“This, I can’t do this.”

The children also noticed Pill Medicine out of the ordinary, collected them and handed them to Zhao Fang.

“Just a few bottles of Pill Medicine nothing more.” Zhao Fang smiled and waved.

With his current cultivation base, there are still a few bottles of Pill Medicine in his eyes. If the cultivation base is too weak, he intends to send her Ninth Rank.

After paying the public treasury, he got the most, the fairy!

Freckle young girl is completely dumb at the moment.

When looking at Zhao Fang, it is no longer so hostile.

Zhao Fang’s ‘big bang’ shattered all her dissatisfaction.

The deaf children repeatedly resigned and eventually closed down.


She also found that people around her eyes looked a little weird.

Envy, envy, and greed.

of course.

Those people who are on the sidelines are not dare to show too much, but for Zhao Fang, they are not so friendly.

a path of eyes staring at him, like a hungry wolf seeing a fat prey.

The nephew was frowned, hesitated, and whispered a few words with You. He didn’t know what to say, and the complexion of the child was not very good-looking.

But in the end it was clench one’s teeth.

The nephew walked up to Zhao Fang and said: “Zhao Young master, you first came to the netherworld world, and you are unfamiliar with life. If you don’t give up, how about going with us?”

In the past few remarks, both parties also knew the name of the other party.

Zhao Fang looks at the child, and then squinted at the behind, sneer and sneer, naturally heard that the nephew had paid a price in order to let the secluded promise to bring his own peers.

“it is good.”

Zhao Fang did not refuse.

Compared with his nephew worried about his safety, he is even more worried that this surface is cold, but in fact, the kind and simple little girl can keep these Pill Medicine.

See Zhao Fang promised, the child’s charming face reveals a happy color.

Several people left on the spot.

Those who stared at Zhao Fang in the distance could not be seen by frowned. Unexpectedly, Yu had accepted Zhao Fang.

“Hey, this appetite is too big, want to be alone?”

A middle-aged man who is also a harmonious environment is always with a laugh.

“Sir, I have an idea, not only to get the treasure on that brat, but even…”

Next to man, a tip-nosed monkey whispered in his ear.

Man listened, the light flashed a few times, and finally coldly smiled, “just do what you say.”


When the youth left, the middle-aged man stared at the back of Zhao Fang and the others, revealing a trace of a cold smile. “You are best to be acquainted, otherwise, father doesn’t mind killing you!”

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