“Zhao Young master, why did you just descend from the sky?”

“How did the Battleship disappear?”

“Are you really a person in the netherworld world?”

After mixing with the nephews and others, Zhao Fang finally realized how it felt like being surrounded by a group of young girls.

Their curiosity is too strong!

Just now, Zhao Fang’s high-cold posture, despite his doubts, is not enough to say.

Nowadays, after some contact, it was discovered that Zhao Fang did not imagine that it was indifferent to speak, even milder than the secluded, and they could no longer be curious.

Zhao Fang has a big head.

Suddenly I found that staying with a group of beautiful young girls is not necessarily a good thing.

Coping with the road: “Have you heard of a set of palms that fell from the sky?”

Young girl we startled.

N face dumbfounded.

Still a child to solve the problem: “Is it true, Zhao Young master was just practicing some Immortal Technique?”

Zhao Fang gave her an appreciative look. “It’s true, but unfortunately, Immortal Technique I haven’t grasped it yet.”

As he said, he turned his head and asked about the young girl, why is it here.

Young girl said awkwardly, did not pay attention to being biased.

Only Quiet rarely talks and stands by.

Gradually, Zhao Fang learned from the enthusiasm of the young girls that they really came to the netherworld world. The place where they landed was the place of monuments in the Extreme North area of ​​the netherworld.

Half a day away from the Shadow Mountain, there is a huge city called Chaoshan City, which is the goal of a trip.

At the same time.

Chaoshan City is also the place where the young girl Clan is located.

The father of the child is the City Lord of Chaoshan City.

The group took a flight of Warship, talked and laughed, and headed for the Chaoshan City. They touched it for more than an hour, away from the shadow mountain and into a deserted mountain range.

When I got here.

Everyone talked about laughter and obviously weakened. Everyone’s eyes were indistinct and they looked at the mountains and looked alert.

Even the arrogant secluded, but also changed the previous lazy, look a trace solemn.

“This is the group of stolen mountains?”

Zhao Fang picked up his eyebrows. He was from a young girl’s mouth. The nether generation of the netherworld frontier had thief slashing, gathering together and occupying the mountain.

Because there is no shortage of Strong in thief, and the group of thieves is easy to defend, the surrounding Influence was very resistant to them at first, but after many failed, they admitted their existence.


The group of thieves has a very good behavior, and the Cultivator from the nearby Great Influences will not be provoked.

The Great Influences around didn’t feel the threat, and they didn’t feel it.

But the ordinary influence is not so lucky, passing through the group of stolen mountains, will be exploited by the three layers of the thief in the group of stolen mountains.

This is still good, at least to save a small life.

Bad luck, even life has caught up.

Because the group of pirates is in the middle of the shadow mountain and the tidal city, even if the young girls do not want to pass through here, they cannot be avoided.

Fortunately, the signboards of Chaoshan City are still useful. When they came, they did not encounter the thief of the group.

But this time, their Luck, it is not so good.

Although Warship still bears the flag of Chaoshan City, but after entering the group of stolen mountains, it was stopped by a group of fierce and fierce gangsters.

For the first person, the portable double knife, two meters tall, imposing manner is very sufficient, just to that stop, it is enough to scare the ordinary Cultivator for mercy.

Standing next to him stood a chopping knives.

Everyone carries a 1.5 m machete, imposing manner, which is amazing.

Young girl Where have they seen this scream, they are scared and screamed, Warship messed up.

At this time, you can see the difference between greenhouse flowers and people who have experienced blood.

In most young girls, the complexion is pale, and when hiding in the last side of Warship, the nephew stands at the forefront of the crowd, indifferently looking at the crowds.

Standing next to her is the complexion of the weak Zhao Fang, as well as the disdainful secluded.

“Your Excellency, why should I stop me and wait?”

汐儿start to talk, the sound is calm.

This quiet, not disguise, obviously, is the person who passed the Great Array!

“This, this mountain, yes, I am open, this tree, yes, I planted it, I want to think about this road, stay, stay, stay, buy, road money.”

The two-meter-high gangster, speaking clearly, was unfavorable. A start to talk destroyed the atmosphere of the scene.

Zhao Fang didn’t hold back and laughed.

The smile is as contagious as it is, the moon smiles, and the freckle young girl laughs.

Even the nervous young girls, who are more or less exposed, have a trace of smile.

The two-meter-tall gangster didn’t laugh, but instead gloomy’s face, the laughter on Warship fell into his ear, like the biggest ridicule to him, let him completely worry.

“Sir is angry.”

“I am the daughter of the City Lord of the Chaoshan City. I just passed the expensive place and there is no infringement. Please also let us leave.”

The deaf children show their identity and are not humble.

The two-meter-tall gangster also knows that he is not suitable for start to talk. He didn’t talk anymore. One of his shoulders, Azure Dragon’s younger brother jumped out and shouted:

“Hey, father, you are Chaoshan City, or Chaodong City, don’t leave a road to buy money, then follow us back to the mountain, like your naughty little girl, our brothers, will be entertained.”

The gangsters said, giving a slutty smile.

My child’s charming face is a sinking.

The young girl is also complexion big change!

They lived in Chaoshan City, not far from the group of stolen mountains, and naturally heard that those who were smashed into the group of thieves and women.

Luck is better, will become the leader of the gangsters, only accompany a man, Luck almost, but the common people of the gangsters.

I don’t know how many women there are, so they are born to live and die.

At the thought of this, the young girls can no longer maintain the fear of their hearts, and their eyes are cast on the secluded:

“You are young master…”

This ancestor-born family has become their lifeline.

Quiet expression calm, enjoy the feeling of being valued, and in the eyes of the young girl almost praying, he stood up.

“I am the quiet city of the Yuzu, let us leave, otherwise, just wait for my family Powerhouse to come and step out of your group of stolen mountains!”

You are arrogant and indifferent.

“Big Brother, it’s really a gimmick Command Token.”

“You are, I have heard of the whole person, and I am the leader of the young generation of the Yizu.”

Several gangsters whispered and looked at the two-meter-high gangster.

The latter complexion is calm, as long as I know that my eyes turned, and the younger brother who smacked Azure Dragon gave a wink.

The younger brother would like to go forward and say: “We Boss said, you can go, but other people must stay.”

You are frowning, cold said with a laugh: “What do you count, and talk to me?”

He is a grand patriarch, even if the City Lord of the Chaoshan City sees it, he has to be polite and when is he treated like this?

What’s more, the other party is still a gangster with a cultivation base lower than him!

“damn it, your big hair garlic? Don’t go, believe that father father has married you!” A complexion cruel gangster said with a laugh.

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