“What does Your Excellency mean?”

I heard the cold killing intent in Zhao Fang’s words, Huang Ju complexion ugly, turned and looked.

Even the gangsters who had already retired, they also looked over and looked badly.

It seems that Zhao Fang’s words are not what they want, and they will be as hard as Zhao Fang!

The crisis has not been completely broken!

The young girl is cold in her heart.

You are even more sneer: “brat, you don’t know how to converge, you can scare off this group of desperados. The ready is burnt, and you dare to provoke it. Do you think that you can do what you want?”


The atmosphere has become tense again.

Zhao Fang seems to be unaware of, indifferently said: “before I have given you the opportunity to choose, you have not cherished, now, want to leave without paying the price, do you think it is possible?”

“brat, we can afford you, only to let you live a life. If you have to court death, then don’t blame us for being ruthless!”

Huang Jue is coldly snorted.

He wouldn’t have been willingly leave, and was provoked by Zhao Fang’s words, and he had already killed the killing intent.

How about the seven-way joint?

But one person nothing more!

There are two or three hundred people on our side, and there are twenty or thirty people in the road.

Huang Jue made a note, this time to give Zhao Fang a long time to remember, let him know that even if the cultivation road is seven, it is not the capital you want!


Almost as for a moment, the leader of the gangsters took the lead.

Nearly two hundred gangsters took action together, and the momentum was extremely amazing.

The unfinished, multi-faceted attack has already teared the void and roared.

The young girls on Warship were directly frightened by these attacks, and the complexion was whitish.

They are so big, they have never encountered such a scene, for a moment, the women scared to the extreme, some timid, even crying to find mother.

“It’s over!”

Even if I had a trace of hope for Zhao Fang, I smiled and shook my head.

Zhao Fang is strong again. After all, he is a person, and his fists are hard to beat.

What’s more, the situation in front of us is not four hands at all. Damn is almost four hundred hands, and it is possible to cope with some old-fashioned joints.

Zhao Fang’s words may be too reluctant!

Moreover, in addition to this group of gangsters, there are Loose Cultivators such as Huang Jue, and the situation is very worrying!

When I thought about it, my nephew found that the Zhao Fang complexion did not change at all and remained calm.

Even when the looks at the more and more gangsters, the lips still have a touch of sarcasm.


Haoyue startled, doubt is not wrong.

But soon, she was happy, “Do you have a card?”

Just thinking about it like this.

However, Zhao Fang slowly walked out of Warship and looked at the gangsters who roared. He didn’t have much moves, and he didn’t have any big means to attack and kill. He just took a shot.

Demon Qi spurts and instantly condenses a terrifying palm in the air.

But all the gangsters who are covered by the clutches are complexion greatly changed, and there is a strong sense of uneasiness.


The clutches were shot down with the power of the stars.

The first gangsters, who had no room to struggle, were smashed by Berserk Demon Qi.


This is not the most terrifying.

The palm of the hand fell and the Void trembled.

A black ripple that is visible to the naked eye, such as the waves of waves caused by boulder, all of a sudden, spread in all directions.

The gangsters who have escaped from the clutches have not had time to rejoice, they are caught up by the Black ripples, and then the Fleshy Body is destroyed, die without a whole corpse!

Just a blink of skill.

The gangsters, who were originally cruel, all became corpses, and those who died could not die anymore!

Even the gangster who was a six-way gangster burned out the blood essence and wanted to escape. He did not escape and was shot dead on the spot!

There was blood rain in the sky.

The wind whimpered, with a pungent smell of blood, seems to be telling the tragedy of before.

On the Warship, the red lips were slightly stunned and shocked to the extreme.

Other young girls are even more scared, and they stand in the same place and forget the reaction.

Huang Ju complexion is ugly to the extreme.

The collective rush of nearly two hundred gangsters, in this way, was one person and one hand, easily flattened?

He has been unable to believe so far.

It’s too shocking!

Zhao Fang expression Indifferent, wide-sleeve fluttering, a pair of Powerhouse style, seems to shoot the dead gangsters, just crushing a group of ants, very light.

His eyes turned back, and he fell on the behind. He was not a retired Huang Jue. Indifferently said: “Now, it’s your turn!”

Originally in the tormented Huang Jue, I heard this, almost scared to the ground, complexion extremely pale, said solemnly: “Seeking Young master to let me live a life, I can swear to God, this life is no longer with Young master enemy!”

Zhao Fang does not say, quietly looking at him.

Huang Jue felt great oppression.

The complexion is changing, the knees touch the ground, and it is not far from Zhao Fang. He said: “As long as the Young master is willing to let me go, I will serve the Young Master for a hundred years.”

Zhao Fang is still not saying.

“1000-year.” Huang Jue bit the clench one’s teeth.

In his opinion, this is already a great price.

When you see it, you can’t help it.

My own father, who wants to recruit Huang Jue, is somewhat rejected. Now, he is eager to serve the youngster as master.

“Seeking young master spare the life, I am willing to follow the Young master, after the saddle horse, never die!”

Other Loose Cultivators have also come back to taste and have fallen.

Their Strength is almost the same as the gangsters, and even weaker in number.

Even the gangsters were all beaten to death by Zhao Fang, giving them the courage to dare to compete with Zhao Fang.

The eyes of the children were bright and could not help but look forward to Zhao Fang.

Regardless of the true identity of Zhao Fang, Huang Jue and others who surrendered alone are a huge force.

If you can fully integrate it, you won’t necessarily be inferior to 3rd-rate Influence.

But she knows where else.

Zhao Fang In the ink world, there is an eight-folder, and will soon break through to the nine-servant maid, and will see the people who are weak and cunning.

For such people, Zhao Fang has always had only one solution.


“I want to surrender to me? You are not worthy! Give you a chance to take action.” Zhao Fang indifferently said.

This statement, Huang Ju complexion ugly, “Your Excellency really want to kill? If we spell self-destruct, Your Excellency can be unscathed?”

Zhao Fang smiled: “You can try!”

The words are plain, and I have not put the threat of Huang Jue in my eyes.

“You are deceiving too much!”

Huang Ju complexion haze, yelled: “brothers, this person is very heart-wrenching, we must kill us, what do you say?”

“either the fish dies or the net splits !”

“irreconcilable until death !”

Loose Cultivators can go to the right path, and they are all hard-hearted and fierce, bowing to strength, and they experience more than once or twice.

However, it is really urgent, they will also desperately.

The rabbit is anxious to bite, not to mention a group of seemingly harmless, but in fact, the cruel heart of the Loose Cultivator!

“Well, everyone takes action together, even if it is dead, but also pull the brat back.” Huang Jue said, bursting out of the burst of Blood Mist, aura also in the all of a sudden skyrocketing, faintly reached the seven.

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