Pēng pēng pēng.

A lot of Loose Cultivator within the body, all of which came out of the groan, and the body was filled with Blood Mist and aura Berserk.


Only the Loose Cultivator of nearly a hundred people, the imposing manner of emits, is even stronger than the previous gangsters.

“brat, this is what you are forcing us. Today, let you understand that the seven roads are not invincible! Kill!”

Huang Jue and other Loose Cultivator, like a hairy hungry wolf, flew to Zhao Fang.

The voice is stunned, and the young girl, the complexion, is white.

Zhao Fang expression Calm, facing this Rank, still just raise your hand.

“Don’t he also plan to use the previous move to deal with Huang Jue and others? Will they do what he wants?”

As the young girls thought, see Zhao Fang take action, Huang Jue and others immediately dispersed, scattered throughout the land.

The reason why the gangsters were solved by a palm, apart from the unparalleled power of Zhao Fang, has a lot to do with the gangsters.

“I will not give you the opportunity to reapply.” Huang Jue sneered.

Zhao Fang ignored it.

It is still a palm.

This palm, only shot a dozen or so dead Loose Cultivator.

The casualties caused are not serious.

When Huang Jue was about to ridicule Zhao Fang, all the a sudden, the Void reappeared with the black ripples visible to the naked eye, and rolled down the four directions like a wave.

And the range of divergence is more than the range of the previous gangsters, even if it is self-defeating to some Loose Cultivator outside the safe range, after the black sex fiend pattern is approaching, there is not much resistance, directly killed.

Large area Blood Mist burst.

A group of blood clouds condense in the air.

In the end, under this palm, only Huang Jue escaped.

He motivated the strongest strength, and used a life-saving secret technique to escape the sniper, but his complexion was very pale due to the huge consumption.

“You, how can you be like this strong?”

Huang Jue discovered at the moment that he had underestimated Zhao Fang from the beginning.

I thought that Zhao Fang Strength is also in the same way, only to control a relatively powerful Immortal Technique, in order to sneak attack, killing the gangsters.

For such people, Huang Jue is very wariness, but not afraid.

Really fighting, he is not good, but he can escape.

But now.

Everything is in great harmony with what he envisions.

Zhao Fang is more than just the ordinary seven-way simple, just the palm of the hand, the ordinary eight-way is just the same.

“There is a word, you are right.”

Zhao Fang did not answer him, but instead he was calmly said.

Huang Jue startedled, what did you say? He is almost forgotten almost!

“It’s really not the best in the world, but it’s enough to destroy your group of chickens… enough!”

The last three words contain strong confidence and cold killing.

Huang Jue trembled, the first time he gave birth to fear.

This kind of person, I damn can’t beat it at all.

He didn’t think about it, he used the secret technique to escape, and the figure turned into a blood rainbow, running through the heaven and earth, and shooting toward the distant sky.

Zhao Fang did not stop, quietly glanced at the eyes, and in the eyes of the children and others.

call out.

A beam of fingers, smashing the sky, suddenly appeared in Huang Jue behind, in his stunned look, from his heart.


The yellow prince, covered in blood light, blasted directly, and Fleshy Body burst into mud, and the soul was also smashed in an instant.

The women on the Warship saw this, but they should have been happy, but because of the terrifying method exhibited by Zhao Fang, they produced a trace of fear and trepidation.

The only thing that can stay calm is the only one.

She forced her heart to shake, move towards Zhao Fang and took a deep look: “Hey, on behalf of the whole ship sister, thank you Young master for your help.”

Zhao Fang waved his hand. “They came for me. If you say it, I am still tired of you.”

That being said.

But where can I really dare to ask Zhao Fang?

With his cold tricks of killing the gangsters, who dares to start to talk, maybe he will be shot dead.

If Zhao Fang knows what they think, they will know’t know whether to cry or laugh, and his means is very ruthless, but only for those who want to kill themselves.

Like these young girls, one or two words in the belly, he does not care too much.

If you have to retaliate in this way, he is too careful, and it is too tired!


Just when the young girl and other young girls were slightly loose, Zhao Fang turned around and let her heart just put down and raised it.

“What are you, dare to stand on my head.”

But seeing Zhao Fang, his eyes looked cold and looked at the quilt in the air, with a cool killing intent in his voice.

The secluded complexion has changed.

“I am a lover, and I have not offended you. Do you still want to kill me?”

He quickly lowered the figure and wanted to fall on the Warship, but he was swept out by Zhao Fang and flew straight out, cough up blood on the spot.

The young girl saw it and was secretly happy.

You have just left the nephew to leave, and to abandon their practices, they have completely placed themselves on the opposite side of the young girls.

Because of the identity of Youdu, they did not dare to do anything with the secluded, and did not have the capital of hands-on.

Now seeing Zhao Fang, he will have a heavy injury. He only feels guilty before, and all of them are venting. Looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, it is softer.

Some daring, after calming down, even figuring out how to hook up Zhao Fang.

Such a young Junjie, if it can be attached, is a great thing for themselves and even for their Clan.

“Young master is angry.”

At the crucial moment, I still stood up.

“Young master, can you ask me to spare you once?”

My nephew is sincere and sincere.

In fact, she did not want to pay attention to the eternal life.

Behind the secluded, after all, it is the sorrow. If Zhao Fang is impulsive, he will kill the secluded, and he will offend the sorrow.

That is a huge monster, an excuse that cannot be provoked.

Zhao Fang glanced at her and her eyes turned to the quiet. “You said, should I spare you?”

The secluded complexion changes, after all, it is still a low head of humiliation.

He can’t gamble, this kind of cruel’s brat, whore will be wariness, if it is wariness, if you don’t care, then you can finish it!

Only an outstanding talent can recognize current trends.

He is arrogant and rude, but he also knows that the situation is stronger than people.

“Myself has lost words, please Young master forgiveness.” You have endured the inner humiliation, said solemnly.

“Picture a hundred, spare your life.” Zhao Fang took the hand, calmly said.

“You…” You slammed his head and looked at Zhao Fang, but he was exposed to a pair of indifferent eyes. All the resentment and unwillingness were instantly shredded under the sharp eyes.

“Young master, can you change your sin method? I have some treasures here, I am willing to give it…”

He bit his clench one’s teeth, and when he didn’t finish it, he was interrupted by Zhao Fang.

“Two hundred in the palm of your hand.”


“Three hundred!” When I heard this, I was honest and never dared to start to talk.

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