啪啪 Bang!

A crisp, rhythmic palm-squeak, echoing under Void.

A tall and handsome Young master, under the attention of a group of young girls, is self-sufficient, even though the young master has a humiliating expression, he does not dare to stop.

Just now, he just paused once, and Zhao Fang waved his hand and shot all of his bones.

If Zhao Fang is not allowed to stay, I am afraid that I will die on the spot.

“It’s too light.”

See the young girls who are relishing the look at, Zhao Fang shaking his head.

This is also a helpless thing.

Young girl 慑 慑 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young young

Although he controlled the power, each palm sounded loud and loud, and the actual damage was too great.

You can still hate Zhao Fang.

The scars on the body are comparable to the humiliation of the soul.

He is a grand young master, and he has been treated like this.

“Damned fellow, I will let you regret what you are doing today, and you will be frustrated!”

You are fanning himself while swearing.

Zhao Fang smiled at him like a smile, just like seeing through his thoughts.

You are gazing at the eyes and dare not look at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ignored him. After the plundering, he sighed in his heart. “After the road, the level up will become slower, killing so many imaginary, it is better to have more experience in the Powerhouse.”

“Hey, since this is a group of stolen mountains, it should be more than just those robbers.”

Young girls, it’s fun to see their own faces, and Zhao Fang is bored and wants to find something to do.

My nephew didn’t know Zhao Fang’s thoughts. When he saw him, he said everything he knew.

The group of stolen mountains, also known as the thirty-six mountains.

Because thirty-six powerfulful bandits got their name.

For these 36 people, each cultivation base is no less than six.

Everyone has a ticket to follow.

As previously robbed Zhao Fang, that is thirty-six thieves, one at the end of the ranking, Strength is mediocre.

Really powerful, is the top five rankings of ranking, each one is a joint nine-powerhouse.


The leader of the thirty-six thieves, ‘Kaishan blame’, is a Powerhouse.

“Would you like?” Zhao Fang looks bright bright, this is a big fish.

“Young master, what are you going to do?”

See Zhao Fang’s eyes and rays of light flashing, and the child suddenly has a bad feeling.

Zhao Fang laughed. “Of course…”

When he hadn’t finished talking, he seemed to notice something, and he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. “Someone is coming.”


汐儿 startled, immediately, charming face a hi, “Is it 爹爹?”

Soon, she also noticed Void in the distance, and there was a rumbling sound coming like a Ponte Great War ship.

Followed by.

A 艨艟Battleship of about hundred zhang (333m) appeared in Zhao Fang, nephew, and a group of young girls in the eyes.

Young girl I thought that it was the thief who came again, and each one scared and evaded, but when they saw the flag on the Battleship, they all overjoyed and shouted:

“My sister, it is the Battleship of our Chaoshan City!”

“This is the tideship Battleship, Sir City Lord’s exclusive Battleship, it appears here, is it… Sir City Lord is there?”

When I saw the middle-aged man standing at the forefront of the Battleship, a face fierce, the young girl was more radiant and cheered:

“Really is the Sir City Lord!”

Even the professional who played his face on the side of the face, a trace excited, because he saw the old man in the black robe standing next to the middle-aged man.

“Li Ran Elder.”

Quietly smashed out in an instant, just like seeing himself on the back of the mountain, the excited ones are crying.

“én? who?”

The secluded city is just approaching, and the Chaoshan City Powerhouse is blocked.

“Get away, father is secluded, who dares to block!” You are arrogant and arrogant, as if you want to blame all the wrongs you have suffered.

“You are?”

Preparing to block the Powerhouse startled, he naturally heard of the name of the young Master, if he is the other party, he really can’t stop.

But the other party’s emits, a pair of difficult situation, miserable look, put on the street saying that beggar is believed by some people, to say that it is the Young Master, not killing him.


Just in this hesitant split second, the secluded is already close to the tideship Battleship.

When the Powerhouse wanted to take the action again, it was stopped. It was the black man standing next to the City Lord, Li Ran.

“Li Ran Elder.”

The Powerhouse was shocked and respectfully.

He knows that this old man seems to be dry and haze, in fact, it is a powerhouse, and even the City Lord must be respectful.

Li Ran did not pay attention to him, his eyes were straight on the secluded city, and he was not sure: “You are young Master?”

“It’s me, Li Ran, Elder.” Quietly cried, in order to win the letter, it was to take out his identity Command Token.

In fact, when he heard the voice of Youdu, Li Ran was ready to determine the identity of Youdu.

However, he could not imagine that the Grand Young Master, in the end, was in such a dangerous situation that he was so miserable.

Especially the swollen face, almost no adult shape.

“You are young Master, you, how do you become like this?” Li Ran saw that the secluded were seriously injured, aura weak, and quickly led him to the tideship Battleship.

On the side of the tide, the City Lord saw it and cast a look of care.

“Not all…”

You are full of anger and fill your chest, looking at Zhao Fang in the eyes, in the eyes flashing crazy pleasure.

He did not expect that his own Li Ran would come so fast.

In this way, the humiliation suffered by him can be fully repaid to Zhao Fang.


When he looked at Zhao Fang, he saw Zhao Fang looking at him like a smile, and the calm smile made the secluded reminiscent of the fear that was previously dominated by Zhao Fang. In the eyes at the same time, killing The intent is also getting richer.


Li Ran’s eyes glanced at him and looked at him. He saw Zhao Fang and could not help but frown.

Such a young and harmonious road is rare.

I am waiting for an inquiry.


The young girl, such as the nephew, rushed over to control Warship.

“I am relieved to see you okay, right, those gangsters? Dare to rob the City Lord’s daughter, the City Lord is going to kill them!”

The tide of the City Lord looked up and down, seeing the daughter did not matter, could not help but smile, then smile cold.

When he received an emergency message from his nephew, he called the Chaoshan City Powerhouse and rushed in without stopping to see the imaginary gangsters.

At the same time, he also noticed Zhao Fang.

no way.

Zhao Fang is too arrogant, plus the undisguised seven-cultivation base, even if it is him, it is not bright, “Is this little Fellow Daoist?”

“Hey, you have come too slowly. The gangsters, and Huang Jue and others, have all been exhausted by Zhao Young master.”

Said the child.

Then introduce Zhao Fang to his father.

“Many thanks Zhao Fellow Daoist assistance, this kindness, this City Lord wrote down.”

The tide of the City Lord rushed Zhao Fang slightly handed.

Zhao Fang just clicked nod. This reaction makes the tide City Lord in the eyes flash a trace unpleasant.

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