He is the tide of the City Lord, grand is a big Powerhouse, so polite to a junior, even if the other party is a talent, it should not be so big.

Zhao Fang’s dull reaction made the tide of the City Lord have a trace of dissatisfaction.

But in Zhao Fang is the savior of his own daughter, and Zhao Fang’s own natural talent strength is indeed very strong, he did not care.

Just meeting for the first time, the sense of Zhao Fang is obviously not very good nothing more.

Other young girls came to see their own City Lord, and they all were overjoyed and didn’t notice this scene.

Only Li Ran, the slightest in the eyes, reveals a trace of thinking.

Such an arrogant combination of seven heavy, should not be a nameless generation.


He has been able to move unhindered netherworld for many years, and has never heard of a joint territory called Zhao Fang.

“Li Ran Elder, I want this person to die!”

At the time of doubt, the face was swollen like a pig’s head, and suddenly pointed to Zhao Fang, gloomy shouted, with a strong killing intent in the voice.

Li Ran turned and looked at the injury on his face, and looked at Zhao Fang, who was indifferent, and faintly understood.

The children’s complexion is slightly changed, and I don’t want to elaborate on the previous battle with my own father, just asking my own father to save Zhao Fang’s life.

“Your Excellency, who?”

Li Ran went up two steps. Although Aura didn’t show up, he was a powerhouse, and every move was in line with Grand Dao, which led to the trend of heaven and earth. If the cultivation base did not reach the level, he would feel it in front of him. Extremely powerful oppression.

But what surprised him was that he used the power of heaven and earth to become an oppressive force that seemed to have no effect on the youngster.

Youngster turned and didn’t look at himself. His eyes fell on the secluded body. “Do you want to die?”

Simple three words, but scared the expression of a tremor.

Li Ran Elder is a expression of sinking.

In front of his own genius to win the face of the Powerhouse, dare to threaten the Young Master, really thought that they are not existence?

“Your Excellency is too impudent!”

Despite the heart of Zhao Fang’s natural talent, it is really better than fighting, trivial is a seven-pointer, where to enter Li Ran’s eyes.

“Give you another chance and think about what to say. Otherwise, even if you take a take action, you will die.”

Zhao Fang is indifferent.

“You court death!” Li Ran’s eyes were cold and he wanted to raise his hand.

Zhao Fang stood up with his hand and ignored it. He did not put Li Ran in his eyes.

This deputy sent the tide to the City Lord and raised his eyebrows slightly. “Does this brat beside the Powerhouse Protector?”

Generally, Great Clan Supreme Talent comes out and he will follow one or two extremely powerful bewilders. He still knows this.


Zhao Fang has no Guardian. He doesn’t know. I want to see it, but I can’t hold my own daughter’s frequent pleading. I only got the voice: “Li Ran Fellow Daoist, can you give me a thin face? He saved the little girl after all. Others.”

“You want to stop me?”

The sudden start to talk of the tide City Lord is beyond the expectation of Li Ran, not to be slightly frowned.

“Also ask Fellow Daoist to take a break from Thunder’s anger. Why do you have a general knowledge of a junior? And, I think there must be a misunderstanding.”

He said, he blinked and said: “Hey, let’s talk to you about Li Ran senior. What happened here?”


The nephew respected nod, and recounted in the face of the tide City Lord Li Ran and others.

When he heard the gangsters dare to threaten the Young Master, Li Ran’s eyes flashed cold.

As for the secluded to take away the nephew, leaving the other young girl alone, Li Ran Chaos City Lord did not care.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world!

I can’t keep myself, let’s talk about others.

But when I heard it, at a critical juncture, Zhao Fang came forward and the tide City Lord couldn’t help but see Zhao Fang’s eyes.

As for Zhao Fang, who shot nearly two hundred gangsters and one of the six sergeants, he couldn’t help but be surprised, but a little more surprised.

Even Li Ran Elder is also slightly frowned.

“In the end, Huang Jue and others are dying, burning blood, wanting to pull Zhao Young master to bury, but still being killed by Zhao Young master.”


The tide City Lord and Li Ran Elder at the same time look at Zhao Fang, both people have a thought, this fellow is really a seven-way?

Or, he hides the cultivation base.

Otherwise, how to explain that he killed the Ding Liuzhong like killing chicken and dog, easy to the extreme?

Moreover, when Zhao Fang faced the tides of City Lord and Li Ran, they did not have much respect and revere, which made them a bit more conjecture.

“Li Ran Fellow Daoist, this is a little bit of junior, please don’t worry.”

The tide of the City Lord has already understood why Yu is swollen like a pig. It is purely his own mouth and has repeatedly mocked Zhao Fang.

Change to be yourself.

If there is a way to dare to ridicule, he may shoot the past with a slap in the face and send him directly to the West.

Zhao Fang This way of processing, always is very gentle.

Li Ran frowned. This matter is indeed that the Yuzu is not ruling, and it is still very shameful.

Coupled with the tide of the City Lord, he even wants to deal with Zhao Fang, it is not so simple.

Moreover, at this moment, there is no more screaming for Zhao Fang.

However, Li Ran knew clearly that not all of them had hatred, but they had deep fearful thoughts on Zhao Fang and he was frighten.

“This damned brat, dare to threaten me, can’t let him live!”

Li Ran has already had a heart-wrenching heart in Elder’s heart, staring at the tide of the City Lord, saying: “This child is too mad, committing my genius dignity, but my family enemy, do you really want to protect him?”

The tide of the City Lord frowned, said: “It’s just a mess between the juniors. Why should Li Rand be so stunned? The most urgent task is to remove the cancer of the group of thieves. They dare to deal with the Young Master, simply sinful.”

“Group of stolen mountains, it should be!”

Li Ran also ordered nod.

Immediately, he glanced at Zhao Fang and killed the person. He was indeed not in a hurry.

Seeing to keep Zhao Fang, the tide City Lord did not give a sigh of relief, he appreciated Zhao Fang’s natural talent and cultivation base, if you can introduce yourself, it is estimated that it will take a long time to recreate a Powerhouse.


What surprised him was.

In the face of his own great benefactor who saved him from Li Ran’s Elder, Zhao Fang is still the look of his own, and he does not mean to feel his kindness.

For a moment, the tide of the City Lord is very regrettable, why do you want to keep this kind of faith that is not grateful, arrogant.

“hehe.” Li Ran smiled and laughed.

The tide number turned around and went straight to the most abyss of the group of thieves, all the way, without any hint of cover.

With the tide of City Lord and Li Ran’s Strength, they completely swept the group of stolen mountains, so they chose the hard-bridge hard horse’s storm.

The high-profile of the Chaoshan was quickly discovered by the group, and Powerhouse came to block it.

In this regard.

Li Ran and the tide City Lord do not say anything, take the action directly, annihilate some comes. After several kills of continuous killing, no one dared to start with the tide, just staring at it until it came to a mountain that resembled a giant axe.

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