“ha ha ~ tide City Lord, you can think about it, will you have today?”

Once again, the tide of the City Lord flew out, and the mountain monster asked grin hideously.

The tide City Lord struggled to get up.

But he is too hurt.

Especially the black robed man.

Although only take action once, but he hit the power of the nettherworld, but invaded himself with the body, unable to drive out, causing him to use 80% force to suppress.

When fighting against the mountain monster, the available combat power, even the usual 20% is not, directly pressed and hit, and became a serious injury!

It’s not that the tide City Lord is too incompetent, but the power of the nettherworld has an extremely powerful suppression of the ordinary Powerhouse.

That’s why the big Clan Gathering, which has refined the power of the nettherworld, is the root cause of the Great Influences in the netherworld world.

“If you promise Li Ran’s request, he will join forces with you, I will kill you, maybe it will cost a lot of hands and feet, and even, it may make you escape.”

“Unfortunately, you actually refused Li Ran for a good combination of seven, what a stupid!”

The mountain monster seems to have the idea of ​​the City Lord, and he keeps ridiculous.

“I really regret it!”

The tide of the City Lord raised the face full of blood, and there was not much expression on his face.

“If you listen to the rumors early, will you destroy the group of thieves, and you will have a disaster today? I hate it!”

The tide of the City Lord is not willingly, he had the opportunity to eradicate the group of stolen mountains, but missed the opportunity, resulting in today’s disaster!

“Hey, stay in Hell and regret it.”

The mountain monster grin hideously, the move is very ruthless, straight to the tide of the City Lord.

The City Lord has been a City Lord for many years, and naturally it is a bit of a treasure. It is easy to avoid this deadly killing move.

However, it was still affected by the offensive of the mountain monster and the injury was intensified.

If this continues, even if he has treasure, it will not last long.

“There is still a backhand force?” black robed man The voice is cold, raising his hand, a force of the nettherworld condenses the ring, covering the tide City Lord.

The ring seemed to have the power to seal the town, and the tide of the City Lord was completely suppressed.

“hēi hēi.”

The mountain monster grin hideously up, “This time, see how you look!”

He danced a big axe and cut through the sky, shining a trace of amazing axe, heading for the tide of the City Lord, “dead!”


The axe blade fell, with an amazing tearing effect. Those who want to go forward to rescue the tide of the City Lord’s Chaoshan City Powerhouse, just as soon as they approached, they were sharply sharpened by the axe blade, or heavy injury, or killed!

For a moment, screams and Blood Mist come together.

“Do not!”

My eyes are red.

Hearing this heartbreaking scream, the tide City Lord trembled, he was not afraid of Death, but who would take care of the deaf after his death?

Fierce, his mind flashed a youngster silhouette.

He didn’t know that at the end of life and death, the person who wanted to entrust the daughter was actually a fellow who had just not known for a long time.

“Hope, you can take care of my nephew for me.”

The tide City Lord muttered.

“Take care of people so troublesome things, or come by yourself.”

A faint voice rang in his ear, and when he reacted, there was already a silhouette in front of him.

It’s him?

The tide City Lord recognized it.

It was Zhao Fang who was in front of him.

“brat, fast retreat, dangerous!”

Feeling that the sharp axe will fall, the tide of the City Lord complexion drastically, shouted.


The youngster didn’t seem to hear it. He stood there quietly. Only when he was only three feet away from him, he raised his hand slightly, held his hand into a fist, and took the flowing light to the big axe.

Ninth Rank Next Immortal Technique, flowing light punch!

Like a flowing light, there is no match.

After the Immortal Technique was quiet for a long time, it once again appeared in the eyes of the world.


Gold and iron cross.

Berserk aura raged, and the big axe was shaken back by this punch.

The mountain blame was out of reach, and the power of the big axe shook the arm, and the whole person flew out.


This scene, stunned countless eyeballs.

The scene of the scene is still boiling, like the instant Freeze, a path of gaze, Qi Wei looked at Zhao Fang.

Even the tidal City Lord, who had just closed his eyes and died, did not know when he had widened his eyes, and his face was shocked and unbelievable.


Black robed man gave a horror and stared at Zhao Fang. “Trivial is a seven-way team. It has a lot of power. It’s a bit interesting. Just after the young master is missing a Servant, I will choose you!”

He also does not need Zhao Fang to promise or refuse, as if his order is everything.

“Roll, swear, smash you!”

Zhao Fang coldly gave him a look.

Black robed man With a negative hand, he whispered: “Young people, you can fly to the Powerhouse in a harmonious way. There is indeed a proud capital, but in front of Old Man, you still have to take away your poor capital.”

He did not take action to deal with Zhao Fang.

Or, the strength of Zhao Fang’s display is not enough for qualification to let him take action.

“Open the mountain monster, take him, I want to live!”

He is indifferently said.

The mountain monster that had already climbed up and rushed over, without saying anything, picked up the big axe and killed it.

“brat, this time I must marry you!”

Since the promotion of the mountain, he has dealt with the same level of Cultivator, and he has a great advantage with his superb overbearing axe. He has never had a difficult situation like that.

If the opponent is a big one and can make himself into the same way, he will accept it.

The key is that Zhao Fang reveals the aura, just the seven-way nothing more than the road.

This made him unbearable, decided to kill Zhao Fang, a shame!

“Open the mountain monster, don’t kill him!”

Black robed man Frown, reminding the mountain monster.


He just fell, but he saw Zhao Fang and pointed to the sword, raising his hand and drawing an amazing sword light.


The muffled sound suddenly came out.

The former rushing mountain monster figure a pause, the head immediately blasted, bursting into a group of Blood Mist.

Then, the headless body, like the loss of power support, fell to the ground.

When he died, he still maintained his pre-shooting posture.

The crowd is dead!

The heart is shaking.

Grand group of thieves, the leader of the mountain, aspirations for a mountain monster, just like this, was pointed out obliterate?

Everyone feels ridiculous.

Because obliterate is not a powerhouse, it is a way of sharing.


When they saw this scene, they doubted it.

Zhao Fang is really just a cohesive Cultivator?

“The leader is dead!”

There were a moment of confusion in the thirty-five thieves of the group.

With the black robed man start to talk, the town was suppressed.

“Amazing swordsmanship, Who is Your Excellency?”

Black robed man The secluded voice is no longer the previous light, with a trace solemn.


Zhao Fang showed his proud Strength, even the black robed man, and had to admit that he had previously stunned each other.

On the Chaoshan, the already desperate nephew and others, when Zhao Fang came forward again and waved the killed mountain monster, they were shocked.

The look of each other looking at him is full of shock and incredible, more hope and expectation! “Kill your people!” Zhao Fang bounced his fingers, indifferently said.

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