“Kill me? Hey…”

There is a strange sneer, “Young people, you are too mad, really thought that killed a mountain monster, you can swept other Powerhouse?”

He is while speaking, palms rushing countless death Black netherworld power, an unspeakable sense of oppression, full of enthusiasm, swept away!

Zhao Fang also felt it.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Unlike the Chaos City Lord’s complexion greatly changed, the look of Chao Fang is a strange look.

Because he found that the power of the nettherworld seems to be able to communicate with the soul of the netherworld world, and use the power of Law to suppress the opponent.

“No wonder.” Zhao Fang got it.

Being able to communicate the power of Law is equivalent to comprehend the species of Law.

The battle between the secluded and the tidal City Lord is equivalent to comprehend the Cultivator of Law, and the ordinary Cultivator.

Even if the same level of battle, can mobilize the power of Law’s power, there is also the tension of the tide of the City Lord, not to mention, his own Strength is stronger than the tide City Lord.

“so that’s how it is.”

Zhao Fang laughed.

“If you die, you can laugh out.”

The secluded sound is cold, “Sure enough, the arrogant of the arrogant, bundle!”

Call ~

The power of the law of the strength of the nettherworld, whistling, covering the Zhao Fang circumference number of hundred zhang (333m), directly sealed him on the spot.

“I thought you have any means, but that’s it!”

Seeing it so easily, the town sealed Zhao Fang, and there was some surprise in the secluded, but because of the confidence in the power of the netherworld, he did not think that the other side had the opportunity to break free.

Now Zhao Fang, in his in the eyes, is the lamb to be slaughtered, as long as he is willing, he can obliterate at any time.


When he thought so.

Zhao Fang, who was enveloped by the power of the rich netherworld, shook his head: “It’s too weak!”


The secluded look at the past.

“I want to be Favorability and realize the power of Law in the netherworld world. Unfortunately, your strength is too weak and it does not help me insights.”

Zhao Fang sighs.

The secluded complexion is a stiff.

After he was promoted to the second place, he was rampant in the nettherworld, with few opponents, or first time. Some people said that he was too weak.

“I don’t know what to say, if you really have the ability, how can I be sealed by me?” The lingering disdain, I feel that Zhao Fang is still screaming.

“I have countless ways to break the seal, but I don’t want to do it, it’s too much trouble. So, there is only one way!”

Zhao Fang complexion calm, lip angle and even a trace smile, “the devil record is the first, the magic has no regrets!”


In an instant.

Zhao Fang has a lot of sticky Black Mist Demon Qi, which directly engulfs him. Demon Qi screams, and there seems to be a countless devil.

“You, are you going to break through the power of my netherworld?”

The face is full of surprise and unbelievable.

This is the most stupid way to crack Law shackles.

Only the cultivation base is higher than the practitioner himself, in order to be effective.

The youngster in front of him is just a seven-way team. He is not even a winner. He is a Great Realm. How come he is confident and dare to use this brute force to break through the bondage?


The force of Zhao Fang’s netherworld, under the tear of the magic, there is a layer of cracks.

The secluded complexion big change, suddenly a little panic in my heart.


When the crack is more than one degree, the layer is bound, in a burst, vanish like smoke in thin air.

Zhao Fang broke free of the bondage and walked out. The body of Demon Qi rolled over. The whole person was like the distant Recient God of the same resurrection, staring at the dawn of the bloody and cruel, staring at the secluded: “You said, how should I deal with it?” you?”

“I do not believe.”

The secluded scorpion, and the power of the nettherworld, attempted to seal Zhao Fang.

But this time Zhao Fang is as good as he wants.

Raise your hand and directly shatter the power of the nettherworld.

In the stunned gaze, Zhao Fang indifferently said: “If you don’t want the power of Sense netherworld, insights this World’s Law, you don’t even have my qualification!”

Hearing this, the secluded complexion is ugly.

He finally understood that the youngster in front of him was a terrifying existence!

“Your Excellency, I just passed by, did not cause any substantial harm to you, let me leave, all if nothing happened?”

The solitude is paralyzed.

What he relies on is the power of the netherworld.

But now, the youngster can grind up with his hands up, his cuddling, into a paper paste, how can this damn fight?


The tide City Lord and the tidal city Powerhouse are both stunned. I thought that when the power of the nettherworld came out, Zhao Fang could not escape the fate of the seal.

Unexpectedly, he not only broke free, but also forced the invisibility of the invisible.

Let the desperate, they have a trace hope in their hearts.

Compared with them.

The thieves of the group of stolen mountains are desperate.

When the mountain monsters die, they can rely on them, and only the mysterious secluded Sir.

Now, even the other party is soft, and what do the group steal the mountain to counter the white youngster?

Just as they thought, Zhao Fang would accept the sly proposal, and Zhao Fang shook his head when the two sides stopped talking:

“You sealed me, and I want to accept me as a slave. If my Strength is not bad, I am afraid that the immediate is being slandered by you. Now, if you can’t help me, you have to stop, hehe, and your sister’s fart. And, really, father has no temper?”

The secluded complexion is not very good-looking: “I was just reckless, I can apologize for Your Excellency.”

This is the biggest concession he can make.

“No need.”

Zhao Fang shook his head. “I can’t hear it because the dead will not apologize!”


Take a take action.

The magic excites infinite magic, forming Demon Qi prison, trapping the secluded.

The secluded rushing around, can not rush out, can only passively fight, but only for a moment, he was beaten by the difficult situation, and his body was wounded.

Zhao Fang’s combat power is beyond his imagination.

If there are still a few good sacred treasures in his hand, I am afraid that the moment is a dead person!

The secluded complexion ugly: “I am the Lineage Elder, Your Excellency really wants to be an enemy of my family?”

Upon hearing this, the tide City Lord complexion greatly changed.

“Small, little friend. The sorcerer is the strongest influence of my netherworld family. It is very short-guarded. If they kill their Elder, they will definitely not let you go.”

He discouraged Zhao Fang, no longer dared to put out the City Lord’s arrogance, extremely earnest, and hoped that Zhao Fang was on the verge.

Even if he had almost killed him before, he didn’t dare to have a little revenge.

This is the shock of the genie!

Wen Yan, a trace of smug smile on her face.

In the entire netherworld world, the Powerhouse has not been given to the sorcerer.


His Luck today is very bad.

“You? Want to retaliate, let them come, I am waiting!”

Zhao Fang looks dull.

With his current strength, he is enough to compete with the most Peak Influence in the netherworld world.

The words fall.

In the faint and incredible gaze, draw the demon Qi, condense a terrifying sword, and squat directly to the secluded.

The sword is out, and the secluded body is split into two halves.

As soon as the spirit escaped, it was wrapped in infinite Demon Qi, and gradually disappeared in the chewing sound of the countless devil’s head.

This is the end. A generation of secluded Powerhouse is secluded, annihilating the group of thieves!

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