“how dare you……”

Before the dying, he was still amazed, apparently unable to believe, after listening to the name of the sorcerer, Zhao Fang dared to go down Assassin.

Even more shocked Zhao Fang’s Strength, so terrifying, a sword crushed all of his defenses and split himself in half.

“brat, you killed me, the family will not let you go, it will not!!”

With a savage resentment and screams, the soul of the escaping escape, surrounded by Demon Qi, completely annihilated in the countless devil’s chew!

The scene was dead.

The tide City Lord only feels scalp tingling.

In Demon Qi, the sound of the devil’s chewing is too harsh. Like the humeral head, the sacred soul is shredded and swallowed.

“You die together too!”

Zhao Fang’s voice was dull, and with a wave of his hand, Demon Qi instantly enveloped all the bandits in the group.

next moment.

The group of thieves turned into a human domain.

Countless thieves die, even the resistance is not.

This is also normal. The first major practice of the demon record requires two 9-Star magic devils, and once cultivated successfully, it has the strong great war force of the enemy.

Zhao Fang didn’t use the magic of 9-Star, but instead replaced it with real Demon Blood beads.

That is the heart of the magic field True Demon, even if the power is broken, it is even more than the countless times of the magic of 9-Star.

The magic that is based on the real Demon Blood beads has no regrets, and Strength has won the 3-Layer.

Even the protagonist of the power of the netherworld can’t stop his magic knife, not to mention the bandits of the group of thieves. After all, among them, in addition to the dead mountain blame, there is no other powerhouse.

Demon Qi is almost a crushing situation!

Just a short moment.

The group of stolen mountains and bandits died and died, leaving no one.

The tide City Lord and others have been at the side of the look at, after reading, the body is cold and the heart is shaking.

Some timid young girls, even complexion whitish, holding their companions tightly, looking at Zhao Fang, the body is shaking.

Even if the tide of the City Lord is well-informed, I have never seen a party like Zhao Fang, but the face of the group did not change the color of the fierce person.

“It’s finally quiet!”

Zhao Fang said a faint gaze, turning to the tide of the City Lord.

The latter was scared, and quickly crouched on the ground, cried: “See Sir spare the life !”

Zhao Fang startled, and immediately reacted: “Do you think that I found me in order to put an end to the powerhouse, killing people?”

The tide of City Lord naturally thinks so, but in the face of Zhao Fang, he dares to admit, unless he does not want to live.

“Hey, you think of Zhao Young master as who, if so, why should he take action to save you, let us take a bunch with a group, and then take action, isn’t it better?”

Although the charming face is whitish, she still maintains a bit of reason and analyzes.

Zhao Fang appreciated her look at her, said with a laugh: “Not bad.”

Wen Yan.

The tide of the City Lord is a loose heart.

Zhao Fang coldly kills the images of the group of thieves, leaving him with a strong visual impact. He believes that Zhao Fang is a ruthless hangman, and his life is in his eyes, no different from the grass mustard.

But after such a reminder of his daughter, he also found that he lost his wisdom.

“I am the gentleman’s belly, I also ask the Young master not to sin, myself represents the crowds of the Chaoshan City, thank the Young master for the help of life.”

The tide City Lord respects.

He now puts himself very low, because he knows Zhao Fang’s fierceness, and he dares to take the City Lord’s arrogance.

He was also fortunate that he had previously protected Zhao Fang many times and did not offend him.

Otherwise, I am now afraid to become the same as the group of thieves!

At the same time.

In the heart of the secluded and Li Ran silently.

Whoever offends is not good, but he offends the moody and ruthless Lord.

When I was thinking about it, Zhao Fang’s voice came from the ear: “Get up.”

The tide of the City Lord got up and still respectfully stood on the side of Zhao Fang.

Not only him.

I have seen Zhao Fang’s cold-blooded killings. When facing Zhao Fang, I dare not have any other emotions.

Zhao Fang felt bored and left the Battleship to go to the group of stolen mountains and search for the thieves Treasure-House left by the mountain monster.

With his strength, finding nature is not difficult.

However, the mountain monster is just a bandit leader who has just been promoted to a long time. Even though there are some good collections in the hand, in front of Zhao Fang who has seen the sea of ​​seafood, his home-cooked dishes are not enough.

It is the tide of the City Lord and others, the eyes are straight, the look of desire.

Zhao Fang took out two pieces and gave them a donkey.

His impression of the young girl is still pretty good, and it is a good seed that is worth cultivating.

My nephew resigned several times, seeing Zhao Fang’s face, and a few angry anger, only in the eyes of other people envy envy hate, closed down.

The tide of the City Lord is laughing. “With these few things, you will be able to stand out in the ‘Yuyue Dadian’, maybe, and chance to become the Emissary of this month’s Goddess.”

Speaking of it.

The young girls on Battleship look at the eyes of the deaf children, all full of envy.

“汐月大典?” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows, “What activities?”

“Young master doesn’t know?”

“It’s a great event in the world of this is netherworld, and it’s the most outstanding younger generation in the netherworld world.”

Zhao Fang shook his head.

He just came to the netherworld world, and how many Great Influences in the netherworld world are unclear, how can he know about this kind of activity.

After deaf children explained, Zhao Fang realized that the so-called Haoyue ceremony was a big competition for the young Supreme Talent in the netherworld world.

Through the selection of layers, the strongest will receive the collective blessing of the two people of the netherworld, becoming the gods of the netherworld and even Goddess.

Then enter the legend of the netherworld in the legendary practice, and have a chance to get the inheritance of the netherworld Immortal!

“This way.”

Zhao Fang After listening to it, there is not much interest.

With his current Strength, what to deal with in the competition, the early is not very enthusiastic.

“My purpose in the netherworld world is to find Xiaoyou. Just, the netherworld world is vast and endless. My Time has an extremely rush, how can I find her?”

Zhao Fang frowned.

“The Strength is too weak and the future is limited. If the Young master participates, maybe there is a chance to win the leader, become a candidate for the Son of God, and even the Son of God.” The tide City Lord said.

“What? With Young master, now, Strength, can’t be a god?”

Others were shocked.

“Which is so easy.” The tide City Lord is very easygoing and explains: “The Moon Festival is a grand ceremony held every 100 years in the netherworld world. Almost every youth Supreme Talent will participate, almost countless.”

“I want to win the final leader among hundreds of millions of people. Is it an easy task?”

“And, according to previous performances, the ability to win the Goddess position, is not to enter the existence of the Middle Stage.” He said, he glanced at Zhao Fang, seeing his gods as usual, can not help but be a little surprised.

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