“Compulsory participation?”

Zhao Fang startled, complexion is weird.

Unlike other World Codes, the Lunar New Year Ceremony does not follow the wishes of the participants, and you will participate if you are willing or not.

at this point.

As the most terrifying two giants in the netherworld world, the Supreme Talent of the Nguyen and the Nguyen can’t resist.

Listening to the tide of the City Lord, Zhao Fang has gradually learned about some of the Great Influences in the netherworld world.

“Netherworld is the Peak Influence, only one of the netherworld halls, and there are several people who have won the Seven Powerhouse oversee.”

“The Netherland is a subnet of the Netherworld, and any of the two families has their own countless branch.”

“As in the previous secluded, it is the genius ‘Tianmai’ disciple, Li Ran is the Tianmai Elder.”

“The secluded, is also the other branch family Powerhouse of the genius, but which branch family is specific, I don’t know.”


“Just a branch family?”

Zhao Fang squinting slightly, he learned from Lord tides City, the branch family has deep background, such as day clock, there is a six-fold aspirations Powerhouse oversee.

Other branch families may be weaker, but there are also several who have a five-fold oversee.

Of course, not every branch family has such a powerful background.

Under the genius, there are four branch families, heaven and earth.

Under the ancestors of the Ming dynasty, there are also four big branch families, the universe is flooded.

The eight branch families propped up the heaven and earth of the twoherworld.

Other branch families are slightly weaker, only the two 3-Layer Powerhouse oversee.

This is the case, the eight branch families are also extremely terrifying, and any one of the branch families can be compared with the car.

In other words, the eight branch families are equivalent to eight car races, plus the stronger Netherworld Hall than the eight veins. The overall Influence is three points stronger than the reincarnation.

In this regard.

Zhao Fang is not unexpected.

After all, the netherworld world was once the Three Great World with the real Martial World and the Tian Yao world.

Although the netherworld world has fallen, the depth of the background is not comparable to the world of reincarnation, which is dominated by the Refining Master.

“If you are obliged to participate, then is it possible for Xiao You to participate?”

Zhao Fang suddenly thought of one kind of possibility.

Even if the 汐 大 ceremony requires the cultivation base to be the lowest, he does not worry about Xiao You.

In the rich environment of Jounta’s Precious Medicine, the environment of Xianling aura, Xiaoyou had already broken into the Void Realm, and sang all the way to the virtual Perfection.

When he returned to Joan Tower last time, he realized that she was ready to attack.

Previously, he still had some incomprehensible reasons why Xiao Wei’s progress was so terrifying. Now it seems that Xiao You is sure to hide some key things from himself.

“Young master wants to participate, just to let the deaf follow the Young master, but also to bless the blessing.”

The tide City Lord Road, he This is the truth.

Strength although is good, but it’s just nice nothing more. Compared with the real Supreme Talent, the gap is still too big.

If Zhao Fang is escorted, it will be different.

“When did it start?” asked Zhao Fang.

“Two days later, the ceremony was held for three days.”

“Good.” Zhao Fang ordered nod.

‘Since I am looking for you is hard, let me come to me. ‘

Zhao Fang made up his mind to make himself famous in the Main Hall of Haoyue, so that everyone in the entire netherworld knows himself. He doesn’t believe it, and it still doesn’t attract Xiaoyou.


Two days later.

Chaoshan City Main Hall.

The tide of the City Lord looked at the child with a serious look. “I told you that I should tell you, and I must not care about it. In addition, after the ceremony began, everything was followed by the Young master.”

“Yeah.” Dear nod.

Upon seeing it, the tide City Lord smiled and touched her head, turned to look at the negative hand in the behind, and the dusty Zhao Fang, said with a laugh: “Young master, everything is ready, you can leave!”

Zhao Fang just woke up and returned to God. In the awe-inspiring eyes of other tidal city Powerhouses in the temple, he took the scorpion and set foot on the Battleship.

In the tidal city youth generation, to reach the qualification of the ceremony, there are not many people.

In addition to the nephews, there are several young girls that Zhao Fang had seen in the shadow mountain on the same day. They both respected and revered Zhao Fang, and they dared not say anything along the way. They have been very quiet.

Until, the pedestrians stepped on the temptation to lead the Battleship.

In Battleship, there are already young faces that are not youngsters and full of youth. They are the youth talents that the sages draw from the cities.

For the people coming from the Chaoshan City, many people are sitting on the sidelines and whispering.

Zhao Fang glanced at them and looked back uninterestingly.

This group of youth strength is not bad, they have stepped into the return to the Date stage, and there are still many, have already entered the road.

As for the Youth Powerhouse, he did not see it.

When you think about it, you can be relieved. If you are so young, you will be able to get into the environment. Only the two Etherworlds can be cultivated.

Like the tidal city This Rank 2nd rate is the bottom of the Influence, can cultivate a talent of the Late Stage, it is already burning high.

At the moment, many of the guests on the Battleship, from the Influence, are mostly equivalent to the Chaoshan City, all belong to 2nd rate Influence, and what is the real dragon.

I came to the rest area of ​​the Youth Powerhouse in Chaoshan City. The children and other people found out that their position was actually occupied by others.

Those people, dressed in red flaming robes, one aura Berserk as fire, Strength extremely tyrannical.

“Great Day City.”

A round face young girl clench one’s teeth next to her.

“Not just grab a position, how do you look different?” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows.

“Dayen City and Chaoshan City are deadly enemies, and frequent wars are often erupted. Many Powerhouses in Chaoshan City are dead in Da Richeng.” Yaner explained patiently.

And the round face young girl, the reason why hate big day city is because her parents, both died in the big day, especially her mother.

I heard that before the death, I was also insulted by the Powerhouse.

Therefore, seeing this group of people who have robbed their rest area, Dayi City, Youth Powerhouse, the new hatred of the old hate came up.

“Oh, a few brothers, have come to see, the little girls of Chaoshan City came up, and it really is a watery cabbage.”

In the Dayi City Powerhouse, a tall and handsome youth, looked at it with a banter.

He started to talk, other big day city youth Powerhouse, also seems to stare at the gaze of the young girl in the Chaoshan City, extremely impudent, provoke the children and others complexion ashen.

“Chen Wang, you are too impudent!”

The nephew stared at the tall handsome you, said solemnly.

“Oh, isn’t this the tide of the City Lord’s daughter? Tch tch, it’s getting pretty and pretty, but the men in the Chaoshan City are dead, so you can get a group of little girls who don’t have long hair. Grand ceremony?”

Chen Wang joked.

He has a loud voice, and the rest area is not only the youth Powerhouse in the Chaoyang City Day City, but also in other cities, Wen Yan has seen it. Just glanced at it, many people secretly shook their heads.

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