“Chī! ”

A sharp long sword flashed, and Chen Xuan was cut into a robe. Even his flesh was cut open and blood flowed out.

The pain, let Chen Xuan heart clear headed over.

Dīng dīng.

The ringing sounds again.

Chen Xuan eyelid fight, a pair of sleepy gestures.


Chen Xuan also had a sword wound on his shoulder.

The painful scream on the spot, clear headed over.

Dīng dīng.

Chen Xuan once again fell asleep.


Chen Xuan screamed.


A few times in a row, Chen Xuan, who was originally proud and mad, has been riddled with scars!

Let a lot of people watch the dumbstruck.

But there are also many people who know the goods, staring at the bells in their hands.

This bell, named ‘disturbing soul bell’, has a hypnotic effect. When asked about it, few people can resist it.

It is a good Eighth Rank treasure.

It was Zhao Fang who copied it from the group of Treasure-House, but he did not look at it and threw it to his nephew.

Chen Xuan’s comprehensive cultivation base is relatively strong, but after all, it is not to win the Powerhouse, can’t stop the disturbing ringtone, and is repeatedly hypnotized, and then injured by the nephew.

In this way, it will not take long for Chen Xuan, who has accumulated a total of injuries, to fall.


Just as a child smashed Chen Xuan’s right arm and prepared to shake the bell again, Chen Wang, who was sitting next to him, stood up fiercely and shot the bright glow:

“That’s more to each other, but you use the treasure to cheat, it’s shameless, or give it to me to keep it!”

He took the action and took a hit to reveal the power of the 3-Layer. There was no resistance in front of him.

She had been squandering the bells for a long time, and the Immortal Force was hugely consumed. At the moment, under the attack of Chen Wang, there was no even resistance.

Just at this time.

Chen Xuan, who woke up to God, noticed that he was in a state of injury and went straight to madness.

“damned slut, actually dare to count me, I want to kill you!”

He growled and followed the take action, which was very ruthless and straightforward.


The nephew faced the assault of the two Powerhouses of the Chen family in the big day, and went directly to the crisis.

Those onlookers of the Power Powerhouses secretly shook their heads, feeling that when the nephew was in danger, a simple white silhouette appeared on the side of the nephew and supported her crumbling.

“Is that brat crazy?”

“He is crazy, I don’t know, but I know that he is dead!”

Almost everyone, when looking at the eyes of the dead look at Zhao Fang, saw him arbitrarily sticking out a palm, Void Hand pressed to Chen Xuan and Chen Wang.


The two people were slammed in an instant, and the whole person was directly crushed on the ground, spurting blood.


Countless people are dumbfounded.

Just one hand, it has suppressed two two-way Powerhouse?

Chen Wang of 3-Layer, is not his enemy?

Everyone feels trembled!

When did the Chaoshan City invite such a Powerhouse?

Chen Xuan Chen, who was severely injured by a palm, was shocked at the same time, and also depressed to want to cough up blood.

I knew that there was this Rank Powerhouse oversee in Chaoshan City. Even if I gave them ten courage, I wouldn’t dare to challenge Ah!

“Your Excellency, please stop, do you want to be an enemy of our Chen family?”

Chen family An older, powerful Powerhouse complexion ugly came out.

Because he found that Zhao Fang had severely injured Chen Wang Chen Xuan, he did not let them go. If you let it continue, the two people will not die!

“What do you think is also worth talking to me?” Zhao Fang coldly glanced at him, and there was a powerful force that invaded each other’s mind.


Chen family Powerhouse screams and only feels that the soul is being torn apart by a knife.

The whole scene is dead!

The other city Powerhouses, who had been obscured by the out of the ordinary, and thought about it, have suppressed the thoughts in their hearts.

At the moment, they have only one thought and they must not offend this person!

The three-day Chen family joined the road and was shot by him. It was instantly suppressed, so understated, they were shocked and produced strong wariness for Zhao Fang.

“Are you OK.”

Zhao Fang looked at her.

“many thanks Young master take action, I’m fine.”

The child’s charming face is pale, but at the moment leaning on Zhao Fang’s shoulder, the earlobe is faintly a trace of red.

“You have refining this thing so quickly, and some are beyond my expectations.”

Zhao Fang blinked and disturbed the bell.

Disturbing the soul bell can interfere with the opponent’s soul, there is hypnosis of the Ability, but this thing refining up, also extremely effortless, if not refining use, once activated, it is no difference between the enemy and my indiscriminate attack.

The child can use it many times without flaws, apparently a successful refining disturbing soul bell.

“However, this thing activates, it consumes a lot of souls, your cultivation base is too weak, and the spirit is too weak, it is best to use less.”

Zhao Fang said.

I ordered nod.

“Go, let’s rest in the past.”

He went to the area occupied by the Chen family.

The rest of the Chen family Powerhouse saw him coming over, as if he had seen terrifying existence, even if they had a large number of people, they were twice as many as Chaoshan City and did not dare to do it.

“Your Excellency, Chen family to apologize to you, please please Your Excellency put Chen Wang Xuan three people, we are willing to withdraw from this area.”

Another older Chen family Powerhouse start to talk.

Just finished, Zhao Fang lightly snorted, the person’s body swayed, and the lips bleed instantly.

“Go away, let me see you, kill without mercy!”

The person’s complexion was white, although he did not believe that Zhao Fang dared to take the Battleship, but did not dare to take his own life to gamble, with the remaining Chen Clan, the difficult situation returned to the Chen family.

As for the three people of Chen Wang, like a dead dog, kneeling in front of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is indifferent, sitting in one place, complexion is light.

Chen Wang struggled to look up, but he was seriously injured, but his cultivation base is also a strongest among the three people, and it is also recovering quickly.

“Your Excellency is a good means, Chen Wang worships.”

Chen Wang expression is calm, as if sitting in front of him, not the chief culprit of his serious injury. “You let us go, Chen family can be regarded as nothing happened!”

“Are you threatening me?”

Zhao Fang smiled.

Although Chen Wang tried to suppress the anger of his heart, there was still hate in the words.

“Day Chen family, not only the 2nd rate Influence of the ordinary, the one behind the Chen family is the lover!”

Chen Wang voice proudly with a trace.

Ordinary 2nd rate Influence, how can it compare with the Great Influences in the world of this Rank Commander netherworld.

Other cities, Powerhouse Wen Yan, have changed.

Even in other Powerhouses in Chaoshan, complexion is not very good looking.

Youzu, the genius.

This is the two mountains that are on the head of all the influences in the netherworld world. No one can pass.

They did not expect that their own enemies would dare to hook up.


In the near future, the big day city, which is supported by the solitude, can definitely destruction the Chaoshan City.

Think of it here.

The complexion of the people of Chaoshan City, it is harder to look!

“You are not surprised?” The expression of the people in Chaoshan City made Chen Wang very satisfied, but when he saw a face of Zhao Fang, his brow wrinkled.

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