My nephew looked at Zhao Fang.

She also could not see through each other.

Since the appearance of the shadow mountain, the cold and killing of the group of stolen mountains, all show, Zhao Fang is a world-famous, amazing means, not a thing in the pool.

Like this Rank character, in the netherworld world should also be well-known, but her father tide City Lord, had quietly checked the person, there is no clue!

“Don’t it be like Father guessed that he is not a person in the netherworld world? If so, how did he sneak into the netherworld world?”

The boundary barrier of the netherworld world is very strong. This is recognized and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Not the powerhouse of the netherworld world, it can’t be opened.

Zhao Fang is strong, but still not strong enough to ruin the boundary of the boundary with brute force.

Moreover, if this is the case, he is also impossible and safe to stay here, has long been taken away by the People Influence Powerhouse in the netherworld world.

Guessing to guess, Zhao Fang is still a mystery.

“No matter what his identity, he can’t change a fact. He has grace for me and has great grace!”

The nephew fixed his eyes on Zhao Fang, who had admiration in the eyes.

“You are, oh.” Zhao Fang responded.

Chen Wang is full of black lines.

Oh, your sister, that is the genius, one of the two biggest influences in the netherworld world. You damn just oh, what is this sigh reaction?

“Say, go, you are still threatening me.”

Zhao Fang blinks in the cold, “I really thought, I won’t kill you here?”

Chen Wang’s heart suddenly appeared, and Zhao Fang’s imposing manner gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, especially his firmness in the eyes, which made Chen Wang’s heart feel hairy. Is this fellow really dare to do it?

“What? What happened?”

At this time, the three people came forward one after the other, headed the middle-aged man start to talk, the voice was cold.

“It’s the Law Enforcement Elder that leads to Battleship.”

“I didn’t expect to alarm them. These people are always ignoring the battles between our cities. How are they so active today?”

Just saying, suddenly someone saw three people behind followed by one.

It was the Chen family’s older Powerhouse that was previously retired by Zhao Fang.

“It was the fellow called, and the Chen family really had the ability.”

Many people ridiculed that it is shameful for the Chen family to behave like a child like Sir.

“Silence! ”

For the first-party face of the middle-aged people to start to talk again, the voice with a powerful Pressure’s Might, is a cultivation base to reach the nine-way Powerhouse.

“Fang Qingping Sir, this person, insulting Chen family, maliciously provocative, also injured my Chen family disciple, please Sir for my Chen family.”

Chen Chang’s wicked man first complained, a bit of being bitten by bullying, pointing to Zhao Fang.

Everyone secretly scorned.

But at the moment, it is true that the Chen family is not dominant. It is being overwhelmed by Zhao Fang. Uninformed people, listening to Chen Chang, will certainly believe.

“Let him go!”

Fang Qingping swept his eyes, Zhao Fang, and looked indifferently said.

His words are arrogant, his demeanor, and his commanding tone.

Zhao Fang frowned.

Ignore him.

Fang Qingping’s complexion sinks, and in an instant, everyone feels a terrifying pressure that comes to the surface.

The Chaoshan City Powerhouse was even more scared of the complexion whitish, bowed and did not dare to look at Fang Qingping.

“It really is an extremely impudent, untitled junior.”

Fang Qingping coldly road.

He behind two people at the same time, the aura at the same time, to oppress Zhao Fang.

“Give you another chance, now let go of Chen family three people, I can think of nothing happened, otherwise, I will throw you in the Cloud Mountains, let you fend for themselves!”

This is already a threat.

As long as you are a rational person, you will almost always make the right choice.

Fang Qingping also believes that Zhao Fang will succumb to himself, just like the previous few Zhucheng youth talents swear by the rules, killing people, he personally kicked out the Battleship, exiled in the Yunyue Mountains, witnessed them swallowed by the cloud beast, The remaining youth talents are bowing in front of themselves.

“brat, I have already reminded you that the Chen family is not something that you can compete with, you don’t listen, now, understand!”

Chen Wang was also sneer. When he saw Fang Qingping appear, he decided that he could be saved, and his attitude was extremely mad.

Seeing that Zhao Fang has not responded, the cold color of Fang Qingping’s face is getting heavier and heavier.

“It’s a court death!” He has already pronounced Zhao Fang’s future and is planning to do it.

Zhao Fang looked over.

It wasn’t looking at him, but looking at him beside him, Chen family, who was humbled by him, but who was cold-eyed to Zhao Fang.

“I said before, I will appear in front of me again, kill without mercy! You really thought, I am joking!”

As soon as this statement came out, there was an amazing murder of aura, shrouded to Chen Chang.


Chen Chang seems to have taken away the vitality by an invisible force. The body is stiff and the pen falls down.

The killing intent came too fast, and the end was too fast. Even he didn’t even think of it, and he didn’t react. Before he died, his face was still sneering with a trace of smirk.

All around Everyone is completely dumb!

Chen Wang’s proud smile is stiff on his face.

As for Fang Qingping, almost all of the complexion gloomy can drip out!

Even the previous few talent, just carrying him, never dared to be in his face Assassin, Zhao Fang did this, and no wariness!

“impudent !”

Fang Qingping’s killing intent is strong, and it has already been determined that it is necessary to dare to provoke his own dignity brat killed!


His voice is cold.

The two who stood out were eight-way and attacked at the same time. The method was very ruthless, obviously killing Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang didn’t look at it all, just waved her hand, and the sleeves brought up a Demon Qi, covering the two people and instantly smashing the two people into pieces.

Fang Qingping, who is still screaming, the eyes are fiercely shrinking, like swallowing a dead mouse, and no sound can be heard anymore.

And inside his heart, he set off a huge wave!

“How can it be? Two of the eight Powerhouses, just like this, he waved killed? Is this fellow? Who?”

At this moment, Fang Qingping discovered that he seemed to have stunned Zhao Fang.

“You just seemed to want to kill me?”

Zhao Fang lifted his eyes and swept his eyes.

That one. The latter has the feeling of being stared by Immemorial Vicious Beast, trembled, creepy, his figure suddenly retreat, his face reveals a trace wariness, said coldly: “Your Excellency good means, but you have done it, here is The sacred squad attracts Battleship, you slaughter the Youss Powerhouse for no reason, the sorcerer, will not let you go

of! ”

“The second one.” Zhao Fang sighed.

Fang Qingping frowned, and did not understand the meaning of Zhao Fang.

The nephew is a bitter smile.

She naturally knows that Zhao Fang’s so-called second one refers to the second person, who threatens him with the entire genius.

According to his past temperament, this matter is not expected to be good!

as predicted. Zhao Fang indifferently said: “I am the one who hates being threatened, whether you are a sorcerer or a gang, dare to provoke me, go to hell!”

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