
The youngster is just a swing, and the action is easy and casual.

But Fang Qingping felt that it was useless to cover himself with the stalwart power of carrying heaven and earth, and let him break free.

At this moment, he finally understood that he had provoked the kind of kind of existence, and he deeply cherished all the female ancestors of the 18th generation of Chen Chang.

“Spirit of the Van Gogh, save me!”

Knowing that he can’t break free, Fang Qingping tried his best to trace a trace of strength and loudly shouted.


Fang Qingping’s Fleshy Body burst into a group of Blood Mist.

The magic is extremely overbearing, invading him with the body of all of a sudden, along with his soul, also obliterate!

Fang Qingping, dead!

Thousands of people in the huge Battleship Hall saw this scene and were all eclipsed.

Fang Qingping’s Strength is not strong, but it is also the uniqueness of the nine-fold. It is the sir that many of the talents look up to.

more importantly.

He is a man of the genius.

So Powerhouse, but by a youngster, waved obliterate.

This scene is a shocking thing, a memory that they can’t erase in their lifetime!

“You, dare you kill Fang Qingping Sir and kill the Emissary?”

Chen Wang’s face is no longer smug, but full of panic and sorrow.

He thought that Fang Qingping took action, and even if Zhao Fang was even more powerful, he would have to bow down and be disciplined.

I know, the youngster does not care at all, waving the obliterate Fang Qingping three people, like crushing three bugs, watching Chen Wang no blood, heart pēng pēng straight jump.

Not only him.

Chen Xuan and another Chen family Powerhouse are completely scared.

Looking at Zhao Fang, in the eyes is incredible.

The nephew didn’t have much surprise, but instead showed a so-called expression, bitter with a laugh: “Young master, you can’t be low-key?”

Of course, she also knows that Zhao Fang is not intended to kill.

It was the Chen family, and Fang Qingping repeatedly forced him to take action.

And for other people, if there is Zhao Fang this Rank, people are repeatedly scorned and ridiculed, it is estimated that the entire Battleship will be slaughtered by him.

Zhao Fang is killing the first evil now, and she is already very restrained!

“Who, dare to kill in my genie Battleship!”

Fang Qingping’s shackles before his death were eventually passed out, wrapped in the sound of the Pressure’s Might, like God, with great oppression, covering everyone’s mind.

“There is finally a fight.”

Zhao Fang looked up at the entrance to the Battleship Hall and the expression was light.

Under the eyes of everyone.

A tall, yellow complexion, with a big bald head, clothes robes, looks like a monk, but his manners emish the fierce man, striding into the hall.

In his behind, followed by a team of well-equipped, steady, and stepped into the Battleship Guard.

There are hundreds of people, most of them are in the virtual stage.

When the bald man walked into the hall, he walked directly toward Zhao Fang. Every time he stepped down, there was a powerful potential energy brewing. Zhao Fang, who was eyeing him, and even Chaoshan City and others, felt that he seemed to be jealous. Into the boundless darkness, there is fear in swallow own body, complexion instantly pale!


Zhao Fang coldly snorted, the sound is mixed with magic, shocking the opposing manner of the bald man to oppress, let the children and others recover.

But when I think of the illusion just now, one body is shaking, with pain and fear!

“Grand is aspirations, actually oppressing a group of people who are returning to the virtual, the people of the genius, are so ruthless?” Zhao Fang indifferently said.

I heard this.

Everyone thinks that Zhao Fang is crazy!

The bald man alone from the imperative manner, obviously extreme out of the ordinary, may even be the top of the genius, in front of them face them, what is the difference with court death?


When they thought of Zhao Fang’s previous moves, they were relieved!

Crazy is not accidental, already destined!

“You killed Fang Qingping?” The bald man imposing manner is still brewing, and it is getting stronger and stronger, and his eyes are coldly staring at Zhao Fang.

“What is it?” Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“You are the first one I met. After killing my family discipline, I am so arrogant! Look at your cooperation, act recklessly, I will give you a happy!”

幽梵空grin hideously.

“On the basis of your cultivation base?” Zhao Fang is still dull.

The sacred van Gogh eyes jerked.

My own aura is not completely released. At this moment, it is only comparable to the imposing manner nothing more. How does this youngster see his true cultivation base?

“Is it curious?” Zhao Fang seems to see his thoughts.

The quiet van Gogh was silent and stared at Zhao Fang.

Finally, start to talk: “How do you see it?”

“Very simple, I am stronger than you!”

The singular van Gogh is startled, and immediately, the expression gloomy.

What is this damn answer?

Are you stronger than me?

As for your seven-point cultivation base, who gives you confidence and dare to be so arrogant?

“I am quiet, not scared, you killed my family Powerhouse, you must accept my family sanction!” You Fankong did not believe Zhao Fang’s words.

“Get him!”

He waved his hand and behind hundreds of people who were literally coming up.

Other city Powerhouses have long seen the opportunity to hide, and then hide behind, so when hundreds of people came in, Zhao Fang, and the hustle and bustle of Powerhouse beside the hundred zhang (333m) range, no one!

Hundreds of people surrounded Zhao Fang and others.

They use the weapon to aim at Zhao Fang, as long as they dare to act with the slightest sway, they will shoot mercilessly!

“Now, give you a chance to bow down, self-styled cultivation base, obediently surrender, I can not be tired of your city, otherwise, they will die!”

When this statement comes out, the tides of the city’s youth, complexion is hard to see.

Fortunately, the charming face has not changed much.

And more people, for Zhao Fang, a little more blame and hate.

Without Zhao Fang’s successive take action, how can it be will lead to the sacred van Gogh, and provoke the genie take action?

They blamed all the blame on Zhao Fang, blaming him for being out of the limelight and harming others!

Zhao Fang sees everything in the eyes, expressionless.

The thoughts of the people in Chaoshan City, where he would care, if he is not a child, he does not even care.

“It seems that you are determined to die!”

The singular van Gogh smiled coldly, and with a big hand, he was about to give orders.


There was a dull explosion outside.

Battleship swayed violently.

It seems to have hit the mountain atabove.

Many people were caught off guard, and the body slammed into the left side of the poured Battleship, and even suffered casualties.

Only Zhao Fang stood alone and did not move.

Beside him, the young girl was pulled by him, and he was not shocked by the impact.

But looking at the appearance of everyone in the Battleship, the young girl’s face could not help but appear pale.

“Young master, what happened?” The child looked at Zhao Fang. Zhao Fang frowns at the Battleship, and suddenly, the expression has some solemn, “it seems to be in trouble!”

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