
My nephew and Zhao Fang know each other very well. I have never seen him look like this. I have a glimpse of what happened to Outer World.

“damned, what happened?”

The sorrowful anger shouted and squinted at Zhao Fang: “Put it for a while, wait for you to clean up!”

Finished, with the Battleship escort, rushed out.

Roaaar ~

At almost the time when the sacred van Gogh rushed out, Outer World came and heard the sound of the beasts.

A headed by the sky, the aura terrifying cloud beast rushed from all directions, madly attacking the positioning of the Battleship where Zhao Fang was.

“Go out and see.”

Zhao Fang took the nephew and went outside.

The nephew looked back and wanted to see the traces of other people in Chaoshan City, but did not find it.

She did not start to talk to ask Zhao Fang for help, because I know that the reaction of those people just, already disgusting Zhao Fang, the other party did not kill them, it is already merciful, and will save them again.

“You ask for more happiness!”

The deaf children have the heart to save, but they are difficult to protect themselves. In the end, they only sigh.

The two people hurried out of Battleship, and the beasts of the beasts became louder and louder, and they went to the deck to the extreme. They saw that they were densely packed in front, and there were countless head beasts, and they were moving toward Battleship.

That scene.

Look at the secluded van Gogh, the aspirational Powerhouse, and the complexion whitish.

Although he is awesome, once he gets into the herd, even if his strength is stronger, it will not help!

“how can it like like this?”

“And, where is this?”

The snarling of the Vatican, but it is found that the location of the Battleship is not on the way to the Lunar New Year.


A cold laughter echoed in the sky.

Zhao Fang looked at the van Gogh, but saw that the man sitting on the back of the Kilometer eagle, looks like a cruel.

“It’s you! Jinwu? It’s the rudder of your palm. You brought the Battleship here. What do you want?”

Seeing that person, the singular van Pupils shrank, could not be shouted.

“hehe, of course, for the upcoming fairy, cut off opponents!”

The man on the back of the eagle sneered. “Not only you, but also other Battleships who participated in the Lunar New Year ceremony. They are also in danger.”

“who are you?”

The sorrowful horror of the Van Gogh, I realized that the most trusted helmsman, even another calculation, brought himself, and even the entire Battleship, to a Danger Zone!

“I am Jin Wuwei!” The eagle squats on man’s back.


幽梵空pupils shrank, “The four demon kings of the demon king, Jin Wuwang’s guard, Jin Wuwei?”

“Yes! It’s me!”

Jin Wuwei man proudly said, with a trace of a smile on his face: “Let’s enjoy the bloody feast I prepared for you!”

“Jin Wuwei, I swear, I will kill you!”

The sorrowful van Gogh roars.

He really wants to rush to killed Jinwuwei. There are too many cloud beasts around Jinwuwei. Even if he rushes over, he is not close, and the other party flees in an eagle.

Moreover, the most important thing at the moment is not the killed opponent, but the escape from the cloud beast.

“hehe, wait until you live and say it!”

Jin Wuwei man looked dull, his eyes swept Zhao Fang, and he received it. In his opinion, trivial was not worthy of a look.

“Young master.” The teeth of the moon trembled.

Rao is her experience of countless experience, but she has never seen such a terrifying scene. She stands alone in front of the mighty rushing herd, just like dripping water to the rushing ocean.

That kind of personal smallness and powerlessness, at this moment, reveals no doubt!

“Reassured, have me!”

Zhao Fang sounds calm and reveals a convincing power.

It seems that as long as there is such a person, even if it encounters what kind of wonderland, it can be saved!

“Get out!”

The sacred van Gogh took action, killed several cloud beasts that hit Battleship, and rushed to the control room to control the Battleship to leave.

“Useless, the Battleship control room was destroyed by me, you can’t escape!” Jin Wuwei indifferently said.

The singular vanguard ignored him.

Soon, he was ordered to go to the control room Powerhouse to return, complexion ugly.

“Sir, the control room is ruined, this Battleship, alwaysy can’t start!”

Hear this, the sacred vancous complexion ashen.

Jin Wuwei is laughed loudly, and he said: “You are not obsessed with everything. You have the ability to kill seven or seven out of the herd and rescue all the disciples who participated in the ceremony.”

“Today, you can only use the alternate Warship!”

From the storage space summon, a sacred van Gogh out of a Warship, no matter the volume or Defense Power, is far less than the introduction of Battleship.

More importantly, speed is less than the 10% of Battleship.

For this reason, he did not intend to use Warship at first, because knowing that even if it is used, it does not necessarily escape the scope of the cloud beast’s purchase.

But now.

He has no choice but to go.

“To gather the disciplines that participated in the ceremony, speed boarding and leaving!”

“This ship is useless!”

At this time, a plain voice was introduced into the sacred van Gogh.

He turned back, but he saw that Zhao Fang was looking at the front leisurely. The herd of black pressure was like a natural disaster, and people couldn’t help but feel the heart, but the youngster did not change its color.

“damn it, this boat has no use, father doesn’t need your reminder, then hey, kill you!”

At this moment, the mood of the sacred vanity is not good. Zhao Fang’s snoring is even more stimulating.

“Although is too lazy to save you, but I don’t even want to see, your proud expression!”

Zhao Fang ignored the screaming of the sacred van Gogh, one pointed to Jinwuwei, and the cold road.

Jin Wuwei complexion indifference, ignores Zhao Fang in his eyes, in his eyes, Zhao Fang is just a mole cricket and ants-like character, where it is worth a look.

“So, you are very lucky.”

Zhao Fang’s eyes fell on the sacred van Gogh, and in the case of the latter almost violently, the unstoppable summon came out with a huge Metal Beast Battleship.

“This is ……”

As soon as Battleship came out, a terrifying aura was spread toward all directions.

The imposing manner is stronger than the number of times that the Battleship is terrifying.

“You, this, This is your Battleship?”

The sacred vanity is also awkward, forgetting to be angry.

Jin Wuwei is complexion ashen, and he managed to create a killing. Actually, there was an accident.

“Let others speed boarding, and, Warning, they are honest, if you dare to move, I don’t mind killing them!”

With a wave of his sleeves, the pure magic enveloped the dozens of Eightth Rank middle ranked cloud beasts that rushed to Metal Beast Battleship.

Pēng pēng pēng ~

When the magic wraps around them, more than a dozen cloud beasts blast open, and sky is like a dozen fireworks.

幽梵空pupils shrank.

Zhao Fang, this hand, surprised him.

You know, the cloud beast is born with Fleshy Body, the life is amazing, the combat power is stronger than the same level Cultivator, the dozens of Eightth Rank wait for the cloud beast, for the ordinary to win the Powerhouse take action, Although it can kill, it is definitely not as easy as Zhao Fang. “This fellow, really just a good way? How is the combat force so terrifying?”

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