“You are staying on the Battleship.”

A Demon Qi whirlpool, wrapped in a scorpion, sent her to the Metal Beast Battleship.


The Battleship defense started, except for the two doors that went in and out, and the rest were all sealed.

Next to the two portals, there are dozens of powerhouses, Powerhouse guards, and dark black muzzles, quietly facing the cloud beast that whistled.


The shells roared, dragging two dazzling flowing lights, rushing into the herd, and the herd instantly suffered more than half of the casualties.

Even if you don’t fear to die and rush to the Battleship, you will be killed by the powerhouse Powerhouse.


Under the leadership of the Battleship Guard, a group of talents, fleeing to take the Battleship and board the Metal Beast Battleship.


Jin Wuwei saw this scene, complexion was particularly cold.

His plan, I wanted to destroy Battleship, kill everyone on Battleship!

But now, the appearance of Zhao Fang has completely disrupted his plan.

“Dare to be right with me Jin Wuwei, court death!”

Jin Wuwei man’s eyes are cold and killing intent. “When you want to fight Hero, I will fulfill you!”

He took out an exaggerated bone flute, put it on his lips, and played it gently.

The flute is melodious.

It seems that there is no enemies to attack.

But the cloud beast that heard the flute, but one aura arrogant, when looking at Zhao Fang, as seen to kill the father and enemies, the scorpion filled with cold killing intent, a crazy fighting posture.


Dozens of cloud beasts rushed over.

Zhao Fang complexion sinks.

Time is urgent, and you can’t consume it any more. Otherwise, once the cloud beasts rush in, everyone will die!

“You, you protect Battleship!”

Zhao Fang refers to the sacred van Gogh.

The latter complexion is cold. Although he agrees with Zhao Fang Strength, he does not think that the youngster can stand on his own.

Now, dare to order yourself, when he is who, his servant?

“If Battleship is lost, I will marry you!”

Coldly looked at the expression of gloomy’s secluded vanity, Zhao Fang took out the Tibetan sword, and the whole person’s imposing manner instantly became condensed and terrifying.

At that moment, Yu Fankong felt an amazing Sword Qi rushing up. In front of that Sword Qi, even if it was himself, it was not enough.

“This is his real strength?”

I thought that Zhao Fang could have a good battle with the strength of the situation, and now I realized that I still underestimated the other side.

At this time.

Zhao Fang, who appeared behind the yin and yang wings, has already rushed to Jinwuwei.

He will fight for the discipline to board the Metal Beast Battleship for Time.

“You are crazy!”

The screaming of the van Gogh.

Even if Zhao Fang Strength is very strong, after all, it is only one person. How can it be hard with a group of cloud beasts?

But when he saw the next scene, he was stupid in the same place.

Zhao Fang, who saw the sword and the sword, turned into a bloody rainbow light, rushing straight, no matter how many cloud beasts in front of him, after being exposed to the blood light, they were easily torn through, then banged Blast into a group of Blood Mist!

Just a blind skill, he crossed dozens of miles and killed hundreds of cloud beasts.

Originally, I wanted to ridicule the Jin Fangwei of the Zhao Fang overestimate one’s capabilities. The complex sounds suddenly became huge, and the flute became rushed, urging nearby cloud beasts to come to help, trying to block.

“Get out!”

In the blood light, a terrifying Sword Qi, invincible, nothing, the cloud beast in front of him, under the terrifying edge of the road, was instantly split into two halves.

Even if I didn’t die on the spot, I couldn’t stop Zhao Fang.

Because he is ready to take advantage of this gap, he has drawn his distance from Jinwuwei to thousand zhang.

Jinwuwei complexion drastic change.


He snorted and hated the extreme of Zhao Fang.


Put away the bone flute, Jin Wuwei shot the waist storage space, which rushed out of a huge cloud beast, opened his mouth and swallowed Jinwuwei directly.

“Cloud beast?”

The rear of the sacred van Gogh sees, not by the pupils shrank, exclaimed.

The sharp sword light lingered in the cloud beast, but it was like squatting in the Void, straight through its body, failed to hurt it.

Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow: “Within the body has such a powerful Space power to convert my attacks to other Space?”

“damned brat, I remember you, see you next time, you must marry you nine!”

Jin Wuwei is full of complaints of hateful hatred, from the cloud beast within the body.

“Next time? You are not next time!”

Zhao Fang took a belt, the ink ribbon flew out, and instantly stretched out, wrapped around the cloud beast, low roaring sound: “Receive!”


The ink ribbon rushed out of the power of Law. When it was against the Law of the Netherlands, it broke out with the ray of light, terrifying the power of the Law, and took away the life of the countless cloud beast.

Rays of light are scattered.

There is only one quiet suspension left in place, and the common size belt has been restored.

Zhao Fang reached out and moved, his belt wrapped around his waist, and he swept back and swept back, and all of a sudden returned to Metal Beast Battleship.

Until Zhao Fang appeared in front of him, the sacred van Gogh was still in a state of horror.

“Battleship starts, go!”

After seeing the alien transfer, Zhao Fang stopped staying and ordered the departure.

Hōng hōng ~

The Battleship broke out with a bang, and the ride was dusty. Before the arrival of the cloud beast army, the scene quickly and thoroughly.

A few minutes after the Battleship disappeared, the cloud beast Legion arrived.

Losing the control of Jinwuwei, those cloud beasts, except for a few hate humans, continue to catch up. Most of the cloud beasts are parked in place, and even in order to compete for similar bodies, they take action.

The scene is unusually Berserk, fierce enough to watch any Cultivator stunned.

This situation lasted for more than an hour.


Void splits open.

Get out of the three silhouettes from it.

Three people 眸光睥睨,imposing manner tyrannical, the attire is exactly the same as the previous Jinwuwei.

“The old sixth missed. Here is the last place where his aura appeared, and even the aura of the cloud beast.”

“It seems that he should be camp across trouble, intending to use the cloud beast to escape, but failed to escape!”

The three people swept a few eyes on the scene, as if they had witnessed the previous battle, and the Jinwuwei experience was speculated.

“The Sixth Strength is not strong, but it can control such a cloudy beast. The nobleship of the ordinary, even the five heavy ones may not be able to help him.”

“The mysterious Powerhouse, who can lay down the sixth, will certainly be in the absence of the old sixth.”

“I can do this one step, then the strength of the mysterious Powerhouse, at least the five-point Late Stage, and even the possibility of winning six.”

Having said that, the three brows of Jinwuwei are all wrinkled.

“damn it, when the Aristocratic Sixths of the Sixths are so flooded, is there a one on the ordinary Battleship?”

A Jinwuwei curse snarls.

“The sixth can never fall in the hands of the olfactory. The gang is the best at extorting a confession by torture. It can enter other people’s souls. Once the old sixth is recruited, Sir’s plan can be dangerous!” “The fifth, you will inform Commander.” Sir, I will continue to track the old six aura with your third brother!”

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