On the Metal Beast Battleship.

“Then, what about Jinwuwei?”

You Fan has never been able to hold back his curiosity and asked.

When Zhao Fang used the ink ribbon, he was on the Metal Beast Battleship and witnessed the scene of the ink-scarred beast, and then the force of the terrifying Law.

I want to come, the cloud beast must be fallen.

But he is not sure, since the Battleship started, he always wanted to come and ask.

I have never dared to come.

Until now, I can no longer hold my heart’s curiosity.

“Dead!” Zhao Fang gave him a look, indifferently said: “Soul Crystal 80 million!”


A glimpse of the van Gogh, some can’t keep up with Zhao Fang’s jumping thinking.

“Save a boatman, owe me 80 million soul.” Zhao Fang continued.

“Why don’t you grab it!” You Fankong blurted out.

Soul Crystal is the currency of the netherworld. For those who cultivate the power of the netherworld, there is a great auxiliary, which is a scarce resource.

From the promotion to the 1000-year, the sacred van Gogh has also made a lot of credit for the sorcerer, and the soul of the body is full, but only four or five million.

Zhao Fang start to talk is about 80 million, simply is in the flesh.

I thought that I had encountered an ancient hotspot and liked the unspeakable knight. Now it seems that this damn is a knight, and simply is a bandit!

“Promise is good, see you are so poor, there are not many estimated, I will not want you.” Zhao Fang did not seem to hear him, indifferently said.

You are crazy about how you can listen to others. When can I damn you, don’t make a self-assertion!

He really wants to beat Zhao Fang a pause.

I can think of Zhao Fang’s amazing sword to Jin Wuwei. All his fighting intents are like winter snow encountering Chunyang, and it instantly melts away.

“Mom has a chicken, this brat is also a cultivation base, how is the war force so terrifying?”

He was embarrassed in his heart. “The sword’s edge is so close to the six-fold, I really want to fight with him. I am afraid that even he can’t get a sword!”

“You are a big family, you should not lack the 80 million soul crystals.” Zhao Fang asked himself.

The sacred van Gogh is going crazy.

This fellow brain is no problem, still playing the idea of ​​the genie, is not fast enough?

“The genius is not lacking 80 million soul crystals, but you have to have a life to take it!” The sacred van Gogh coldly snorted.

“This point, you don’t need to worry about it. In addition, 80 million this big head, although you don’t have to pay for it, but you personally take my Battleship’s tens of millions of soul crystals, please pay now.”

Zhao Fang looks at the secluded van Gogh.

“Your Excellency, don’t deceive too much!” You Fankong thought that he had nothing to do with himself. He didn’t expect to go around and wander around his head.

Zhangkou will have a million soul crystals, damn sells himself, and may not be worth the price.

“No Money?”

Zhao Fang complexion Shen Shen, “I have no money to dare to board the ship, find father happy? Return to the air, throw him back, I believe there will be a cloud beast to entertain you!”

When you listen to this, the sacred vancous complexion is hard to look at once.

When the Battleship started, the huge cloud beasts were already coming.

Returning at this moment is equivalent to self-investment.

At that time, Battleship has various protective measures, so you can easily ask those cloud beasts, and you will become the appetite of the angry cloud beasts.

This fellow should not do this.

Just thinking like this, he suddenly found out that when Battleship really had a returning momentum, the forehead immediately oozing large area of ​​cold sweat, and quickly said:

“Don’t be impulsive, don’t be impulsive. I just saw that the atmosphere was a little nervous, made a joke, and the atmosphere was more than nothing.”

Zhao Fang stared at him and didn’t speak.

A glimpse of the complexion, “Ten million is too much, beyond my tolerance. I am full of money, more than five million nothing more.”

“How do you mix it? Grand is awesome, not even a million soul crystals?”

Zhao Fang’s skeptical look made Cough up blood so depressed. “I can’t get it out of 10 million. This is all my savings. If you are not satisfied, let me get off the boat.”

“Look at you poor, it’s hard for you to hide for a while.” Zhao Fang’s sleeves waved, more than five million soul crystals were collected.

Seeing, the sacred van Gogh’s inner painful soul crystal, but also know that life has been saved for a while, my heart is loose, and I sit on the Battleship.

“Get up.” Zhao Fang scolded.

“What are you doing?”

“Five million soul crystals are just a station more than more, you still want to sit? What kind of joke?”

“Your sister.” You are almost crying.

Five million soul crystals can buy an ordinary Battleship. In the Zhao Fang mouth, it is just a station ticket. What is the value of the Battleship seat?

You think this is Ninth Rank Superior Battleship Ah!

I was very dissatisfied, but I was under the roof and had to bow my head.

He took a deep breath, pressed down all the dissatisfaction, and secretly warned himself: “Hidden, forbearance, once you return to the sorrow, I will let you take what you eat, even spit out!”


Zhao Fang does not take care of the surface obedience, the sacred van Gogh in the heart, returns to the Battleship main cabin.

Some of the youth talents encountered along the way, looking at his eyes, are very complicated.

Especially the people of Chaoshan City.

I thought that Zhao Fang would be stronger than them, and can chase.

But in a blink of an eye, the ‘same brother’, the squad of the beast, the Battleship, the rescued people, revealed that they were comparable to the five-powerful battle, and they became the nine existentially dragon-like existence, so that they could only look up.

This change has complicated their feelings and emotions.

Even the nephew, when facing Zhao Fang, is also very restrained.

Zhao Fang sighed in the heart, but did not care much, after entering the room.

Figure disappears from the room and enters the ribbon World.


As soon as he appeared, Kim Min Jong rushed over with excitement.

Zhao Fang patted her abdomen, indifferently said: “Two fellows just sent in?”


Jin Fang took Zhao Fang to a plain.

Plain above, a huge cloud beast, seems to be tied to the ground by an invisible chain, unable to struggle.

Beside it, there is a silhouette, it is Jinwuwei.

Jin Wuwei saw Zhao Fang, complexion ugly, said: “who are you?”

If the words are not finished, they will be killed by the slap in the palm of their hands.

“Frank, even the situation that I can’t figure out in my own situation, is best to be cautious!” Kim said coldly.

Jin Wuwei was riddled with scars, and some of them were obviously abused. Zhao Fang blinked his eyes and the latter immediately showed a gentle and obedient smile.

“Your Excellency, I have no enmity with you, why should I treat me like this? If you let me go, I can do one thing for you. In addition, I will never seek revenge for you!”

“Retaliation? Is it by you?” Zhao Fang faintly smiled.

“I’m not as good as you, but I’m the guardian of the four Demon King King of the Demon King. My Master’s Strength is already a matter of the Late Stage. Even if Your Excellency Strength is ten times stronger, it’s not my Master!”

Jin Wuwei proudly said. “Doing a dog also makes a sense of superiority.” Zhao Fang is quite speechless.

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