“Original, the Liangzi between the Tianmeng and the Youzu, I don’t want to hang on.”

“Who can make you Luck bad, come across me, still want to kill me, I just protect myself, I caught you.”

Hearing this, Jin Wuwei has a happy heart, as long as Zhao Fang wariness Jin Wu Wang, wariness Tian Yaojie, he will have a chance to live!

“However, my person hates being threatened. You threaten me with King Jinwu. I really thought that I would be afraid of him?”

Zhao Fang turned his voice and his tone was cold.

Jinwuwei in ones heart trembled.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter to talk to you, answer my two questions.”

Zhao Fang stared at Jin Wuwei and said, “Do you know that Tian Yaojie recently took a man named Red Child?”

This is the issue he cares most about.

Originally, Jin Wuwei took action on the genie and others, and he did not want to pay attention to it.

Most of them will save the children and others. As for other strangers, they will be resigned.

However, after Jin Wuwei’s self-destruct status, Zhao Fang changed his mind and decided to leave the other side to ask about the demon world.

“I will not sell Jinwuwei if I swear to death…ha, red child?”

Jin Wuwei also thought that Zhao Fang would ask the secret news of the demon world, a vow to die, and when he reacted, he looked wrong.

See you.

Zhao Fang complexion sinks.

It was not because Jin Wuwei resisted the attitude of saying nothing, but the mistakes he showed later.

That is a kind of mistake that has never been heard of a red child, a stranger to a stranger.

“Red child, who is it?” Jin Wuwei asked tentatively.


Zhao Fanglow barely fell, Jin Hao excited to come over, directly to Jin Wuwei take action, hit him crying and shouting mother.

But in the end, I did not interrogate any valuable information.

According to Jin Wuwei, he was sent out decades ago to secretly execute the Task. He rarely contacted the Tianmeng community. He did not know much about the big changes in the Tianmeng world.

“damn it.”

Zhao Fang was very unhappy, and she lost so many hands and feet, only to get such a message.

“Master, I killed him!” Jin Hao went to Jinwuwei.

Jin Wuwei, who was beaten like a dead dog, still kept the last clear headed, seeing Jin Min’s face killing intent, roaring:

“I am Jinwuwei of Jinwuwang, you can’t take action on me! I am outside, and Jinwuwei companion, once they realize that my aura disappears, I will definitely come for a pursuit.”

“Even if you strengthen Strong, you will die if you encounter Commander Sir!”

“Commander?” Zhao Fang turned to look at him, and Kim Min also stopped.

“Yes! I am in Jinwuwei, it can only be regarded as the bottom. Other Jinwuwei, most of them are the four or five cultivation bases. Our Commander Strength strongest is a seven-pointer. When you meet him, you will definitely die!”

Jin Wuwei can only threaten Zhao Fang in order to save his life.

“Are you sure to be seven? That should know the change of the demon world!”

Zhao Fang suddenly laughed.

“You, are you not afraid?” Jin Wuwei, a damn expression, couldn’t understand, only Zhao Fang, who had the five-figure strength, what confidence, dare to fight the Jinwuwei Commander?

“trivial wins 3-Layer, what qualification does it make my Master fear? I don’t know what it is!” Jin Hao sneered, and he shot the broken Jinwuwei head.

“Master, how is this cloud beast handled?”

After killing Jin Wuwei, Jin Hao’s eyes looked at the cloud beast that shivered.

“It with the body was engraved on the Space to send the fairy, the destination, should be somewhere in the netherworld world, but unfortunately, not the demon world.” Zhao Fang regrets.

“The cloud beast is in the demon world, it is also a relatively rare existence, it with the body self-made Space, but also can engrave the fairy squad, it is also helpful to the Master, it is better to stay, I will erase his within the body of the fairy Array, re-as master to burn one!”

Kim Min proposed.

“Just as you said, in addition, the cultivation base should not be abandoned, I hope that you can reach the top nine as soon as possible, if you need any material resources, even though start to talk !”



Metal Beast Battleship speed is extremely fast.

Originally scheduled to arrive at the Yuzu Wuteng Mountain after ten days, Zhao Fang rushed to the twenty-talent.

In the final analysis.

It is Zhao Fang who is waiting for other Jinwuwei to find the door, and he will kill it by the way.

This makes the Battleship slow down.

I waited for more than ten days, not to mention the Jinwuwei Commander, and even the shadow of Jinwuwei was not seen.

“Don’t it, that Jinwuwei is swindling me?” Zhao Fang was very angry and couldn’t wait to pull Jin Wuwei out of the whip.

But it was adjusted soon.

“Forget it, since they don’t come, wait for the end of the Lunar New Year ceremony, I will kiss the Heaven demon world to find the answer.”

Said, his lips revealed a trace smile, “This time successive slaughter, let me Immortal Force value has reached the weight of the road, then, is the crystal of converging, the breakthrough asks the world!”

Mutoyama, the Battleship is connected, the crowds are surging, extremely spectacular.

When the Metal Beast Battleship appeared, it caused a lot of sensation.

The Battleship that entered the Wuteng was basically a Battleship of the Netherworld, and it was difficult to attract attention if it came out of a Battleship of another family.


Or come out of the sacred van Gogh, let the Battleship have a docking position.

“The talent of the netherworld world is really much.”

Jin Wuwei did his hands and feet, destruction a lot of Battleship, I thought that this month’s grand ceremony will be dying, but I did not expect it to be a prosperous situation.

“Of course! I am the netherworld world, talent hentai, Jin Wuwei kills, but it is nothing more than nothing.” You Fankong proudly said.

Zhao Fang looks at Idiot’s expression at the look at him, thinking that his own talent was killed by outsiders. What is it to be proud of?

The secluded van Gogh also reacted, the complexion was black, and the clench one’s teeth licked a few Jinwuwei.

“Van Van, Sir, you are finally back, I thought you had an accident, but fortunately, the nettherworld Immortal bless, you are back safely.”

Not long after the battleship stopped, there was a middle-aged man with a big belly, with a group of people, hurriedly greeted him. The middle-aged man was very gracious to the sacred van Gogh, and he was confronted with the boss.

The sacred van Gogh is proud of nod. When he hears the middle-aged man, he can’t help but frown. “How many ships are there in Battleship?”

“Preliminary statistics, there are nearly one hundred!”

Hearing this number, the sacred vancous complexion also became difficult to look at, “How could it be so much?”

The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Fang.

This is the reaction of the sacred van Gogh. With the middle-aged man, he took a few steps and set up a soundproof secret technique.

I don’t know what the middle-aged man said, and the complexion of the sacred van Gogh became very ugly.

In the end, it is the clench one’s teeth!

Glory Gloomy came over with his face, Zhao Fang was not seen, indifferently said: “People have brought you back, the remaining seventy-five million soul crystals, when will you give me?”


The secluded van Gogh is on the spur of the moment, and back to his own territory, even if Zhao Fang Strength is very strong, there is not much revere for him, and he directly swears. Zhao Fang didn’t anger and laughed: “It seems that you are planning to avenge Ah!”

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