The youngster in the crowd, the white wins the snow, and the sword stands proudly.

Anyone who is in front of him is killed by his sword, and his temperament is cold. He is quite a kind of sorrowful god.

Handsome youth, when he saw him at first sight, wondered if he was wrong.

This person is similar to the youngster in his memory.

Just, the temperament of two people, a cold, a frivolous, like two people!

“Zhao Fang?” Li Ran Elder said one word.

“You are not mistaken?” Handsome youth is also quiet, asked with a calm face.

Zhao Fang in his memory, the average strength is good, but it is only the level no more, why have you ever seen this Rank, pressure to win the Powerhouse, one person to challenge the feat of the family?


In the environment of the group of stolen mountains, facing the joint attack of the mountain axe and another double powerhouse, the Chaoshan City Zhuqiang, and even Zhao Fang, should be damned in the group of stolen mountains.

But how is the other party still alive?

You can’t understand it.

When the gaze touched, the fraternal and other people who were tied by Zhao Fang with chains, his complexion became hard to look.

The sacred van Gogh, the four stars, the Elders.

Regardless of identity or Strength, it is an existence that he can only look up to.

This Rank Sir, but Zhao Fang tied with a chain, dragging the dog like a forward.

How can this be?

“Absolutely not wrong.” Li Ran takes a deep breath, expression is complicated.

His mood is more complicated than that of You.

On the same day, a group of youngsters in the group of thieves that he was blindly blinded, nowadays, the next five or six are not inferior to their own Powerhouse.

Among them, there are three people strength, and it is reachable!

Is this not a dream?

“How did he come here?” Quietly murmured.

At this time.

Surrounded by Zhao Fang, he looked over and saw the secluded and Liran two people in the crowd at a glance.

In the horrified eyes of two people, Zhao Fang grinned and walked toward the two people.

“What is he going to do?”

Many people are suspicious.

You are the enemy of Li Ran.

“I didn’t expect that the group had stolen mountains, so I met again so soon! Just don’t know, are you ready for accept death?”


You are a stiff expression.

When I heard the first half of the sentence, the two people were still calm, after all, it was only the cold of the ordinary.

But the last sentence, but like the thunder of the ground, let two people complexion greatly changed!

“Li Ran, do you know him?” Cried Van Gogh, and there were not many Powerhouses. At the same time, the Lineage, he naturally knew Li Ran.

“There is a side.” Li Ran nod.

“It’s not just a side.” Zhao Fang laughed. “In the archipelago, you still want to accept me as a slave, and at the crucial moment, against the water, forcing the Chaoshan City and others, almost by the group of stolen mountains and others killed … …”

Zhao Fang always laughed when he said this.

Li Ran and You are both people, but they feel the bitter chill and terrifying.

It was as if it was stared by a fierce Demonic beast, and the body was blowing up.

“I was too lazy to chase after the day, but I don’t mean it is gone!”

“You, what do you want to do? Are you already offended by the pulse, and want to sin again?” Li Ran Chang Old General is guarded in behind, staring at Zhao Fang, said solemnly.

“Yeah, we have no life and death. If you let me go, I want something, I can give it to you!”

You are also said.

“What is it for?” Zhao Fang smiled. “No need to bother, give me your life.”

The voice fell.

Within the body Demon Qi instantly bursts out, forming a magic hand on the body surface, directly grabbing the two people.

Li Ran desperately blocked, but it was useless, and was instantly Zhao Fang obliterate.

It was a quiet, with a powerful Secret Treasure body, which survived by heavy injury.


Zhao Fang was surprised.

I want to do it again.

The secluded heart is cold.

He saw the sacred van Gogh and others being detained. He did not think that Zhao Fang had strong strength, but thought that there were outsiders who helped him.

But now.

Grand has a great deal of Li Ran Elder, and even Zhao Fang can not help but smash, this fact completely shattered all his thoughts.


He can save his life, is to use the body protection character left by the elder brother.

The body protection character can resist the full strength strike of the five-fold, but it can only be used once.

Now, in the face of Zhao Fang’s second take action, what resistance do you take?


You are roaring. “You can’t kill me. I am the sacred sacred talent. My brother is Supreme Talent. The first person is quiet. If you kill me, he will kill you for revenge!”

He moved out of the country that he considered to be the biggest.

Zhao Fang, like I didn’t hear it, the palms fell!

Yudu is turned into meat!

Dead on the spot!

The crowd is dead!

All the genius Powerhouses are wide-eyed and look at Zhao Fang incredulously. They didn’t expect that he was so courageous!

Under the guise of the sacred van Gogh, it is not enough to tie the humiliation with chains, and even the secluded are killed.

This Rank at the same time offended the two major veins of the Tian Xuan in the genius.

This brat is alone, where is the temperament, dare to compete with these two veins?


Zhao Fang grinned.

this time.

He did not move on.

Instead, standing in the same place, waiting quietly.

Those of the Netherworld Powerhouse who besieged Zhao Fang but did not dare to go forward, see him, strange, still staring at him with vigilance.

Zhao Fang turned his eyes and looked at Wutianshan abyss, his lips showed a smile.

I saw him with one hand and a sword, and the light was far-reaching, and the sound was like a thunder: “Zhao Fang, the reincarnation, came to the sorrow to collect debts!”

The sound is soaring.

Spread throughout the Wuteng Mountain.

The Powerhouses in the mountains have looked up to the sound source and looked amazed: “Zhao Fang?”

“Is it the not mysterious person Zhao Fang who took the car to the public?”

“Rumors, his men, there is an Asura Legion!”

“He actually came to the netherworld world, actually came to our sect to collect debts?”

When I heard the voice of Zhao Fang, there was an incredible discussion about the neutrality of the mountains.

“Reincarnation Zhao Fang?”

幽梵空pupils shrank, complexion is ugly.

What happened in the reincarnation, the Youzu had heard about it, and even knew that the man who controlled the two ethnic wars behind the scenes and took the lead in the reincarnation was the fellow called Zhao Fang.

But he did not expect it.

Like this Rank, the god-like characters in the sky will appear in Wuteng Mountain, and damn has an intersection with himself.

Even more tragic is that he also damn offended this person.

Damn it, how is the life of father so bitter?

Split second, the sacred vanity has an impulse to die.

He knew that he had kicked the iron plate and brought it to the Yuzu.

But after thinking about it, I sneered again. “How about Zhao Fang, here is not the reincarnation, but the netherworld world, without Asura Legion, the sorcerer kills you like a dog!”

Time is not long.

Mutoyama abyss, suddenly rushed out a few large and amazing aura.

Aura is like a dragon, with a terrifying arsenic that traverses everything. Ordinary netherworld family Powerhouse, in this impering manner, there is a terrifying feeling of shivering.

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