“Who is yelling at Wutong Mountain?”

The old voice penetrated the innocent Void and echoed on the sky where Zhao Fang was.


A dozen amazing flowing lights, shot from the mountain abyss, came to the area where Zhao Fang was in a ghostly gesture.

Flowing light is exhausted.

Tens of different dresses, different men and women, aura far-reaching Powerhouse, appeared in front of Zhao Fang.

These ten people, each one, are not inferior to the cultivation base.

Among them, there are five or six, even stronger, already reaching the five-fold, six-fold!

After these people appeared, their eyes locked Zhao Fang, in the eyes flashing strange.

The name of Zhao Fang, they have heard about it, and they always want to see the man who controlled the car and the two races, and finally he is the one who is in charge of the world.

See you today.

How much disappointing!

Zhao Fang is far from the sir that they imagined to suppress the Sir.

More importantly, this fellow is too young. On Wuteng Mountain, this young face is too common, almost everywhere, and it is difficult to associate it with the big man who is in charge of the world.


When you notice the bounded sacred and other people.

The contempt in their hearts was a little less, but it was a little more angry.

幽梵空and others Anyway, it’s Elder, and Zhao Fang picks him up with a chain, it’s really deceiving!

“Your Excellency is Zhao Fang?”

For the first black robed white-browed middle-aged, staring at Zhao Fang, asked poorly.

“you are?”

Zhao Fang asked a little.

“Old Man is sorrowful, the Great Elder!”

Black robed said the middle-aged white-browed.

Zhao Fang looked indifferent, he would see that the other party is a six-point peak Powerhouse, and he wants to be in a low status.


Although this person is strong, it is not the master of the voice just now.

He looked at Wutianshan abyss, and the corner of the mouth pulled out a smile. “I didn’t expect that there was still a big Powerhouse in Wutong Mountain!”

The one who has won seven points and did not come out to meet Zhao Fang may be contemptuous or perhaps for other reasons.

But in Zhao Fang’s opinion, he was kidnapped!

“Zhao Fang said, friends don’t oversee the reincarnation, come to my netherworld world? And my genius and Fellow Daoist have no deep hatred, Fellow Daoist is so humiliating my Patriarch old, what is the intention?”

Oddly coldly road.

He does not doubt the identity of Zhao Fang.

In the right way, you can have the power to fight for the four battles, and look at hundreds of millions of World, and they are also a handful of people.

The rumored Zhao Fang, who is in charge of the reincarnation, is such an ex-existence that is not subject to Realm shackles.

Even so, the emptiness does not care.

Here is the world of the netherworld, the site of his genius, and he will be afraid of an outsider.

What’s more, Zhao Fang is alone, and the genius wants to take him. It is not difficult.

“We really don’t have a deep hatred, but there is an account, we must count!”

Zhao Fang ignores the blame in the whispering words, indifferently said: “The sacred heavens’s introduction of Battleship, on the way back, was calculated by the Tianhuijie Jinwuwei, Battleship damage can not be activated, and surrounded by cloud beasts…”

“I was at my critical moment, using my own Battleship, saved your talent in the netherworld world, at the time…”

Speaking of this, Zhao Fang grabbed the behind and threw the sacred van Gogh into the open space between him and the wicked two people. He continued: “This person promised me to send the nettherworld to the Wuteng Mountain, quiet Clan. Gathering sent me eight hundred soul crystals!”


This statement, in addition to the illusory frowned, a group of people around him, complexion greatly changed, staring at the sacred van Gogh, extremely displeased.

Eighty million soul crystals, for the genius Tianmai, is also a huge number, how can it be for a group of insignificant little talent, let the genius catch so many soul crystals?

“I didn’t promise you…”

The secluded van Gogh was chilled by the chilly eyes of the same family Powerhouse, angering Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ignored him and said to himself: “The sorcerer is the ruler of the netherworld world, and the Overlord Level Influence, the Elder’s words, should not be just a piece of paper.”

“So, I promised him and escorted him all the way to the Wuteng Mountain.”

“Who knows, this fellow’s forefoot has just left my Battleship, and his back has changed his face. Not only will he have to reclaim the deposit of five million souls that he paid me before, but also grab my Battleship and connect with other Powerhouses.”

After listening, everyone is silent.

The faint brow wrinkled deeper.

He had previously thought that Zhao Fang was a no-brainer, and he provoked the sorcerer.

It seems to be now.

It is the situation that the Yuzuo owes the other party.

If the other party said that the genius is the enemies, it will be passed to other Worlds, and it will definitely make the sorcerer famous and discredited.

Thinking of this, he is arrogant to the singularity of Zhao Fang’s 80 million soul crystals.

The sacred van Gogh found that the gaze was not good. In his heart, Zhao Fang’s 18th generation ancestors greeted him again. He quickly defended his words. “Great Elder, don’t listen to his words. I didn’t promise him. Everything is his own wishful thinking. The idea!”

“Yes, Great Elder, this kind of thing, you can listen to an outsider nonsense.”

Other Elders also start to talk.

Eighty million soul crystals are not a small number, and Tianmai can never be taken out.


Once it was as Zhao Fang said, the singular Powerhouse he had previously killed could be white.

After all, people are serious defenders, and the sorcerer can’t afford to be in the first place, and there are still faces to continue to pursue.

“Your Excellency can have evidence?” The illusion is indifferently said.

“hehe, I have already expected that you will go back and prepare in advance!”

Zhao Fang looks around for a week, fading with with a laugh.

Said, he took out a Jade Talisman.


The emptiness saw the moment of the sign, a ge-deng in the heart, and the feeling of faintness came up.

The sacred van Gogh was almost fainted.

He didn’t remember that Zhao Fang had used something like a character, and he didn’t notice Jade Talisman’s Fluctuation. When was it recorded?

In front of the countless people.

He activates the iconic character, which shows the picture and sound of Zhao Fang’s dialogue with the singular van Gogh.

It was the scene of the sacred Fan Kong promised to return to the genius and send Zhao Fang 80 million soul crystal.

See this scene.

Everyone is speechless.

The facts are clarified, but the squad is a big fight.

For a ship’s insignificant talent, put on 80 million soul crystals, the heart of the Patriarch old people, are bleeding!

Even if it is illusory, it is also cold and cold, and I can’t wait to step on the death of the sacred van Gogh.

But he did not dare to do this.

After the fermentation, things have already attracted countless people, most of them are from the various cities of the netherworld.

If he dares to blame the sacred van Gogh, it means that he does not agree to use 80 million soul crystals for a life of a ship, which will make others feel chilling. Unfavorable in the rule of the genius!

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