

In the mountains, one person and one beast are fiercely killed.

After the number is combined, the youngster swings the sword and the beast is the first to take the sword.

After a while.

An old man wearing a mysterious robes appeared.

Look at the Ninth Rank, the complexion gloomy, “the eighth head, what is the brat doing?”

Old man is the netherworld ghost boy who chases Zhao Fang into the Yun beast mountain range.

He thought that Zhao Fang would hide in the mountains and not appear.

But what surprised him was.

Not only did Zhao Fang not hide, but instead played against the Ninth Rank in the mountains.

And it made a lot of noise.

Every time he waits for him to arrive, the battle has come to an end!

Only one body with a cloud beast is left behind.

After several times, he became more and more confused, and Zhao Fang did so.

“Is he fighting with war, or is he planning to anger all the cloud beasts in the Cloud Beasts and drive the tigers?”

Netherworld Ghost boy blinks. “The former is not very similar. He has a big gap with my cultivation base. Even if he is a hundred years old, it is difficult to level off. If it is the latter, it can only show that the fellow is poor!”

Sneer, the nettherworld ghost boy heard the rumbled of the fight again.

He didn’t stop, and the figure disappeared and disappeared.


Another Ninth Rank cloud beast fell.

Zhao Fang breathed a sigh of relief. “Twelfth head.”

Look at its own Immortal Force progress bar, his cold face, showing a trace smile.


An unusual tyrannical aura is close.

“Old things, like a candy.”

Zhao Fang coldly smiles, wings spread, and instantly breaks space away.

Both sides chased one.

It lasted for half an hour.

Just when the netherworld ghosts were mad, suddenly found that Zhao Fang aura no longer moved, stopped in place.


Netherworld Ghost Boy.

Immediately ecstasy, pull away speed, and rushed over.

When he arrived, he found that Zhao Fang was standing on the back of a dead Ninth Rank cloud beast, waiting for his arrival.

“Small nephew, have you finally accepted your life?” Netherworld Ghost boy sneered, his eyes looked at all around, suspected that Zhao Fang had an ambush.

“hehe, the Strength of your Transcending Tribulation, is running out.”

Zhao Fang is quiet, saying things, but let the nettherworld ghosts complexion a cold.

“It seems that I am right. There is no Transcending Tribulation, how do you kill me?”

Zhao Fang is a joke.

“Even if there is no Transcending Tribulation cultivation base, killing you is a double matter. It is just a matter of the temple.”

Netherworld Ghost children are surely grin hideously.

“Yes? Then you can kill me and show it to me.” Zhao Fang smiled cold.

“as you wish!”

The netherworld ghost child’s body is surrounded by black wind, which is the black stagnation hurricane.

The hurricane blessed the speed of the netherworld ghost boy, allowing him to appear on the side of Zhao Fang instantly.

“You really hide Strength!”

Zhao Fang is not surprised, a pair of anticipation, the yin and yang wing fan, figure retreat at the same time, directly sent the nettherworld ghost boy a sword.

“brat, you really don’t have long-term memory. This sword can’t hurt me.”

The hurricane tore Sword Qi, and in an unstoppable manner, killed Zhao Fang.

“Yes? Then look again, what about this move!”

Zhao Fang slammed a bullet, a shattered star of the aura, suddenly bursting from his fingertips, in a terrifying posture, colliding with the black suffocating hurricane.

Hōng hōng ~

Hurricanes, spurs, and madness slammed together, bursting out of terrifying power.

The number of circumferences of the thousand zhang giant wood, in an instant, was shattered by two forces, and then turned into powder.

Among them, it includes a hill.

When the storm subsided, the field was full of ruins, and it seemed to have experienced an extremely terrible great war.

Zhao Fang, the nettherworld ghost child, stand at both ends.

Among them, there is a huge pit that can’t see the bottom, which is caused by the hurricane and the fingers.

Netherworld Ghost Boy in the eyes flashed a trace surprised expression : “Why you are this Immortal Technique ? Actually able to resist my black smashing hurricane attack?”

“Kill your Immortal Technique!”

Zhao Fang has a dull tone, “Your Realm, slipped!”

Without Zhao Fang’s reminder, the Netherworld Ghost Boy has a natural understanding of his own situation.

The previous blow, almost taking the time to save his strength, Realm has slipped to the peak.

Even so, the chance to meet the Cultivator is also nitrate deaths and one life!

“This temple has said that even if it is a question, you are like a chicken to kill a dog!”

“What you are talking about is a double-minded me!”

“Is there a difference?”

“of course!”

The words, Zhao Fang, aura suddenly climbed sharply, in the incredible gaze of the netherworld ghost boy, from the double, upgrade to the four.

“This this……”

Rao is the nettherworld ghost boy lived countless years, seeing a lot of knowledge, but also was shocked by this scene.

If you count before, Zhao Fang is equivalent to continuously promoting 3 levels in less than one hour.

If you put it on some Low-Rank Cultivator, he may be able to understand it, but this is a question!

It takes 1000-year to upgrade a minor realm, so that even a youngster breaks records?

“Now?” The promotion is fourfold, and Zhao Fang, which is fully open by Stress, looks at the Netherworld ghost boy.

He killed the countless netherworld family Powerhouse, another way to the cloud beast mountain range, killed a dozen heads in the cloud beast mountain range comparable to the BOSS level cloud beast of the Late Stage, and finally pushed the cultivation base to the top four.

of course.

This is already the limit.

Think again, unless you kill the cloud beast of the entire cloud beast mountain range.

Because the cultivation base is promoted to him, and then to kill the Ninth Rank of the ordinary, the existing does not get much Immortal Force value!

“Small nephew, although you don’t know what you are doing, forcing Upgrade Strength, but even if you are awesome, this temple will kill you, you can’t live!”

Netherworld Ghost Boy Worthy is living the old Monster of the countless year, the heart is extremely tough, just blinking, it is calm.

“is it?”

Zhao Fang does not refute.

Can be nettherworld ghost child, but was scared by the words Zhao Fang.

Just said the words, the cultivation base from the double upgrade to the quadruple, and now said, is there any tricky?

“You are very fortunate, see my magic first regret!”

There are a total of ten 3-Layer in the fight, and the first one has no regrets, and the second one is remorseful.

Although there is only one word difference, but the strength of the upgrade, more than a few times.

With the second heavy fighting list, Zhao Fang can compete with the top-notch Cultivator.

Rolling Demon Qi is like a tentacle that can’t be captured by the countless road. It is swaying in Zhao Fang behind, and the monster infighting intent in Demon Qi, so that the netherworld ghost can’t help in ones heart trembled.

“You are Demon Cultivator?”

“Is this important?” The cold voice sounded in the ear of the nettherworld.

Netherworld ghost boy complexion madness, never imagined, after the cultivation base upgrade, Zhao Fang speed, actually became so amazing, he did not even notice. His figure was suddenly retreat, but suddenly felt a pain in his chest, a Demon Spear condensed by pure Demon Qi, I do not know when, inserted into his chest!

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