“how come?”

The netherworld ghost boy’s body swayed, the complexion was a little pale, and although the position of the Demon Spear hole was not heart, it also caused him a heavy injury.

“Hunting identity existing conversion, my prey, are you ready?”

Zhao Fang sneaked at the netherworld ghost boy, the smile in the eyes, let the latter complexion gloomy, almost mad.

He never looked at Zhao Fang’s opponent and felt that he could annihilate the youngster whenever he didn’t care.


When he really started to face Zhao Fang, he found it was too late!

Youngster’s growth speed is too fast, beyond his imagination, he is an 耄耋old man, can no longer catch up, the youngster who used to crawl and squat in front of him.

Because, the youngster has grown up, showing his edge!


Zhao Fang took out Demon Spear and touched the injury of the Netherworld Ghost Boy, causing the latter to spurt out directly.


Zhao Fang looks indifferent, Demon Spear points to the nettherworld ghost child head.


This gun is very fast, has been nailed to the nettherworld ghost child, but this is just the illusion of the naked eye, Zhao Fang Sense Sense, the other ready to exit the Demon Spear attack range.

as predicted.

Being nailed, just the ghost child’s phantom, his body, in the left rear eight hundred zhang (333m) position.

“You can’t escape, why bother dying?”

Zhao Fang’s tone is dull, listening to the nettherworld clown one’s teeth.

He worked hard, and Zhao Fang killing, but soon, he sadly found that Zhao Fang, who was promoted to the top four, did reach an amazing degree.

Even if you have a Strength that has a peak, it is difficult to suppress each other.

If there are some eyes and experiences of Transcending Tribulation, he is afraid that Demon Spear, who has long been a youngster, has a dozen holes in his body!

“How? How is the taste of Demon Spear that my magic heart condenses?”

Zhao Fang shot a Netherworld ghost boy, the tone is leisurely.

The second battle of the demon record, the first regret of the magic, is the true Demon Blood bead with the condensed magic of the body, condensed a Demon Spear.

Demon Spear is connected to the devil, as long as the magic Immortal, Demon Spear will not break, and its edge, compared to some Peak Ninth Rank, is not inferior.

And, silent!

It is because of this that the nettherworld ghost child will be unknowingly swayed by Zhao Fang!

“Small nephew, you completely angered the temple, and the temple swears that you will be ruined!”

Netherworld Ghost Boy Youngster has not eaten this big loss, especially the opponent is still a youngster.

He complexion haze, take out a fierce long blade.

“The river is chasing the sword!”


Zhao Fang is not retreating, and Demon Spear is hard.



The power surged and the two Powerhouses began their final battle.

The two people were fighting very badly.

The aftermath of the battle spread throughout the mountains.

The cloud beast mountain range, regarded as a forbidden place by the countless netherworld Powerhouse, was almost penetrated by two people.

Countless Powerhouse fights in the mountains, no one dares to approach, the momentum is too terrifying, too shocking!

“Who’s the fight? When did I have this Powerhouse in the netherworld world?”

“I heard that it is the palace master in the legend of the netherworld hall!”

“Another identity is doubtful, but the idea of ​​being able to share the same color with the Palace master Sir is also the Giant Powerhouse of other big world!”

“The battle has started until now, playing nearly two hours, it seems to be calm!”

When everyone talks, the sound of the battle in the mountains has slowly returned to calm.

“Who wins?”

Countless Powerhouse is looking forward to knowing the answer.

But no one dared to go near the mountains to check.

call out!

At this time.

A flowing light, rushing out of the mountains, rushing out of the position of the netherworld with one kind of crazy gesture.

Many cultivation bases have reached the six-powered Powerhouse, and it is vaguely visible that the flowing light seems to wrap a soul.

The soul of the soul was panicked and seemed to be escaping.

While they were guessing the true identity of the soul in the flowing light, another blood-stained white silhouette burst out, pedaling Demon Spear, figure like a rainbow, chasing it up.

Although flowing light is the first to escape.

But the speed of the white silhouette is faster.

A moment’s skill, catch up.

“Your Excellency, I am forgiving someone. This is my admit defeat. If you let me go, then Ruler in the netherworld world will be you!”

Flowing light, the soul flees and yells.

The spirit of the flowing light package, it is the prestige, imposing manner unmatched netherworld ghost child.

Cloud beast mountain battle, he and Zhao Fang fight.

It just happened to smash the wish of Zhao Fang.

Strength did not fully recover the netherworld ghost child, Zhao Fang consumed all the power, and finally, Zhao Fang broke the Fleshy Body with the broken rhinoceros finger.

Only the spirits of the horror escaped, but did not dare to fight again, just want to escape to the netherworld hall to recuperate.

Zhao Fang will give him a chance.

It’s hard to push the other party to this point. If you let go today, the next time you kill, it will be harder.

Fighting for the injury, he came to the purchase and decided to thoroughly obliterate the netherworld ghost child.

“I said, you must die!”

In response to the Netherworld Ghost Boy, it is the cool and cool voice of Zhao Fang.

“Don’t force me, otherwise, I am self-destructing the soul, pulling you to bury!”

Netherworld Ghost Boys did not dare to return to the threateningly said.

“netherworld Old Ghost, you are not always wondering who I am? And letting you see my true looks!”

Zhao Fang sounded.

Netherworld Ghost boy soul startled, subconscious look back, a glance, you can see that it is full of dead and violent, ruthless asexual, not human eye.

In his all-a sudden, eye looking at the eye, an unusually vicious Beast was rushed out.

“This is , 饕餮?”

This is the last thought that his mind emerged.

After the soul of the Netherworld Ghost Boy, after being swifted, the Zhao Fang spirit directly amplification to the peak of the question, almost reached the extent of Transcending Tribulation.

Perceived to have Powerhouse running, Zhao Fang put on the blindfold, unfolded the limit speed, directly tearing the void, disappeared without a trace.

It took a full moment.

Several of the five and six Powerhouses appeared in the place where Zhao Fang finally killed the Netherworld ghost child.

“It seems that there are no traces left!”

“However, I faintly saw that a white rushed into the sky!”

“So, is the netherworld Palace master defeated?”

Other trailing Netherworld circles Powerhouse, all complexion ugly.

Although the netherworld Palace master is not familiar with them, it is the Powerhouse of the world, the background of the netherworld world, but now it is killed by a fellow who does not know from it. For the whole Cultivator of the netherworld world, A huge blow!

Not to mention the powerhouse of the netherworld world, after learning the death of the netherworld Palace master, it looked like a lost soul.

Speed ​​is fully open, returning to Zhao Fang in front of the Netherworld, and seeing the young girl silhouette standing in front of the temple door, can’t help but stunned.

“Xiao You?” Although the body is much taller than before, the temperament has become much colder, but the familiar aura on the other side makes him see at a glance that the young girl is exactly what he wants to enter in the netherworld world. Xiao You.

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