“Zhao Fang brother, do you really want to wait with me?”

On a spacious official road, there is a row of flying Warships, each about 100 meters in size, which is the most common transportation of Warship in Myriad Worlds.

On the Warship, there is a banner with the words “Fuyuan Escort”, and it is the deputy leader of this dart.

“All the way, many thanks Meng Big Brother and brothers take care of, the younger brother remembers in the heart, if fated goodbye, ten times back!”

Opposite the old man, Meng Meng, standing in a white dress like snow, handsome and demon youngster, said with a smile.

“Oh, that’s good. Who knows if you are scared? There is a big demon in the road ahead, run ahead?”

A discordant voice came in.

Is standing in the old Meng behind, a black robed youth carrying a long sword.

One of the strengths of the strongest team in the dart team, the old Meng saved Zhao Fang, and he was very dissatisfied with the inaction of Zhao Fang, often provocative.

“Zhang Hao, Hugh to be nonsense, Zhao Fang brother is such a person, and apologize to Zhao Fang brother.”

Lao Meng brows a horizontal, unhappy looking at the black robed youth.

Black robed youth has a slap in the head, not old Meng, Wen Yan, just coldly snorted.

Lao Meng is increasingly unhappy.

Zhao Fang smiled. “Forgetting Big Brother, gossip more, I won’t take it.”

For the ancient hottest, bold and helpful Lao Meng, he still has some Favorability.

Since the netherworld world came to the world of the demon, the unfamiliar Zhao Fang, unexpectedly fell into the Tian Yao Valley.

Although it is only the edge, it also allows him to see that the number of Demonic beast is terrifying.

Surrounded directly by countless Demonic beast.

Lao Meng’s dart team just happened to pass by, and Lao Meng, who is the head of the dart team, tried his best to save Zhao Fang.

Using Warship, I was shocked by the group demon.

In this way, Zhao Fang followed Lao Meng’s dart team and went out to the Tian Yao Valley. When they talked with them, they gradually learned about some situations in the Tian Yao world, and also heard the public detention of the four demons of the Demon King.

The date is just two days later.

Zhao Fang Time Urgently, out of the Tian Yao Valley, he planned to go to the place of execution.

Wan Yaoshan!

Lao Meng sees that Zhao Fang is in a hurry, and he has not continued to stay. After a few words, he has to make a difference.


call out!

Sharp sky-splitting sound, screaming, coming from the front of Warship.

Followed by.

The silhouette of a dozen difficult situations, such as long rainbow, passed over Zhao Fang and others.

“It’s a Latitude Stage Powerhouse!”

Lao Meng was shocked. His strength in the entire dart team was comparable to that of two or three Lat Stage Powerhouses.

In terms of mobility, it is even slightly inferior.

At the moment, there are 16 joints in the Late Stage that have been injured, and the difficult situation has escaped. What hurts them?

Is it a big demon?

Or…Demon King?

Thinking of this, Lao Meng’s heart raised an upset.

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle.

Turned to look at the rear of the sixteen difficult situation escapes, there are a few terrifying aura close.

Not yet close, the imposing manner will come across, such as the giant axe smashing Primal Chaos nothing, emits destruction Berserk!

Demon King!

Old Meng complexion big change.

The aura didn’t hide it, it was full of violent and slaughter, and it was aura of Demon King.

And, there is more than one!

“It’s over!”

Lao Meng, and even everyone in the dart team, complexion big change, such as death test!

Several Demon Kings come out, no wonder they can hurt 16 Lat Stages.

They didn’t dare to move, lest they be identified by those Demon King and the 16 people. If that’s the case, it would be sad reminder!

The dart team and others stood on the side of the road and waited for Demon King to pass.

There are some things that I don’t want to hide to hide.

Demon King found Lao Meng and others.

Among them, a tiger bear waist, the body still retains a few demonic beast characteristics of the bear Demon King, grin hideously rushed to Lao Meng and others.

“There is still human, dare to appear in front of the old bear, all die!”

Wen Yan.

Lao Meng complexion whitish, rushing to the arm of the dart team yelled: “Crash!”

It takes a lot of courage to run away in front of a Demon King, because there are a lot of people in the album, and the sturdy baleful qi frighten on the bear Demon King doesn’t dare to move.

“Zhao Fang brother quickly go!” Lao Meng is desperate.

The opponent is too strong to resist, and he is also very remorseful. He should not take this dart.

While he is clenching one’s teeth, he is ready to fight with the bear Demon King in exchange for the vitality of the team.

He held him in the palm of one hand.

“Zhao Fang brother ?”

Lao Meng turned back and looked puzzled.

I saw this youngster who was rescued from the Sky Demon Valley and talked about the extraordinary youngster. The crisis still did not change color, and he said with a smile: “Along the way, Cheng Meng Meng Big Brother took care of it, let me report it to you. Let’s go!”

Saying, stepping forward, people have already arrived outside of hundred zhang (333m).

“Zhao Fang brother, come back soon, that is the equivalent of Demon King Ah!!”

Old Meng complexion a white, yelled.

Zhao Fang turned a deaf ear.

Bear Demon King sees that there are people who dare to take the initiative, especially the opponent is just a youngster, seemingly greatly insulted, expression 狰狞.

“brat court death !”

Roaring, the bear’s paw is shot, and the force of terrifying is contained. Even if it is a mountain, it can be smoothed by this palm.

When Lao Meng saw it and looked bitter, he already decided that Zhao Fang was going to die.

call out.

Zhao Fang snaps a finger, a pure Demon Qi.

Compared with the cover of the bear’s paw, it is even more dripping and the sea. It is not worth mentioning.

May result ……


The fierce Demon Qi screamed, and directly penetrated the sky, and Demon Qi raged in the bear’s paw. The surface of the bear’s palm was instantly dyed with a layer of black ink.

The cockroach swelled up and burst into the stunned look of the bear Demon King!


The bear Demon King figure suddenly retreat, the screaming in the mouth, turned into a scream!

His cry, just passed out, just came to an abrupt end!

Because, Zhao Fang has been deceived, and with a palm down, the bear Demon King, who will be dominated by Fleshy Body, will be photographed directly into the meat!


Lao Meng is stupid.

I can’t believe it!

Not only him, but other members of the dart team, they all have a sullen expression.

Have you made a mistake?

Isn’t brat a soy sauce?

Strength is so terrifying, grand Demon King, even his palm can not pick up?

The black robed youth that bears the long sword is more complexion and mad.

On the one hand, I don’t understand why Zhao Fang Strength is so strong.

On the one hand, I am worried that Zhao Fang will deal with himself because of his repeated offenses.

Zhao Fang did not look at him.

Looking at the other four, I watched the death of Demon King and stopped pursuing the 16 Demon Kings of the Powerhouse.

“Your Excellency, who?”

A tiger tattooed man, coldly staring at Zhao Fang.

He is speaking, and the other three Demon Kings have already come up.


Zhao Fang’s four directions retreat and was locked by four Demon Kings. Zhao Fang, surrounded!

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