“He is surrounded!”

The heart of Lao Meng and others, all of a sudden mentioned the eyes of the blind.

Zhao Fang crushed the bear Demon King, which really shocked him, but after all, it took advantage of the bear Demon King.

In front of the four Demon King, not only are they stronger than Bear Demon King, but they are also waiting for it. Zhao Fang’s thin body can stop four Demon Kings?

“You can kill the old bear, you are also a bit of a skill, report it, this King does not kill the unknown!”

Tiger Demon King is full of baleful qi, cold and cold, and the sound is like a sword, it is powerful.

“4-Star Demon King.”

Zhao Fang glanced at him and his eyes passed over the other three Demon Kings, “2-Star Demon King.”

He smiled. “No need for this! Dead, no need to know my name!”

“arrogant !”

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

“court death!”

In all of a sudden, except for the Tiger Demon King, the remaining three Demon King levels were angered, killing intent, and the old Meng and others on the ground were trembled by the teeth of this intense killing intent, and dared not look up.

Zhao Fang expression As usual.

“Human Race, it really only licks Sharp Tounge!” Tiger Demon King has a cold eyes.

“whether Sharp Tounge, bus know!”

Zhao Fang with a flick of sleeve, the wind is light and cloudless, like a nine-day celestial, fearless world.


Demon King simultaneous roar, cold-killing terrifying killing intent, instantly vented to Zhao Fang.

They are all ignoring Zhao Fang.

Really start, but not a little contempt, the three 2-Star Demon King take action, do not leave him a breather!

Zhao Fang turned a blind eye and raised his hand to a 2-Star Demon King.

The palm of the hand contains overbearing Demon Qi, and it seems that the heaven and earth are all torn apart.

Three Demon King complexion greatly changed.

I feel great fear.

All of a sudden.

Three Demon Kings are on the rise, and the mountains are in full swing, facing the clutches.


Tiger Demon King is also moving.

A pair of sturdy and tearable commons to win the four tiger claws, silently attached to Zhao Fang.

Black Tiger!

Four kings are out, killing move is interlocking!

Any one of the four Cultivators will not be able to escape the sneak attack of the Behind Tiger Demon King.

“Human, die!”

Directly restraining the three kings of Zhao Fang, it seems that Zhao Fang was thrown out of the heart by the tiger Demon King, and the scene of the Fleshy Body was blown up. The booth eyes flashed the bloodthirsty rainbow.

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Zhao Fang thin smile shaking his head, within the body aura slammed out.


A surpass is a four-powered, powerful aura over the five-above, like the rushing Nu River, which will be surrounded by four predators on the side, all rushing out.


Aura overbearing Condensed, the first three Demon King, Fleshy Body directly hit a crack, spurting in the mouth.

Even the Tiger Demon King, it is not much better, go back to the nearly zhangdred zhang (333m), only to stabilize the figure, regardless of the blood flowing out of the lips, looking at Zhao Fang: “Aspirations, six heavy?”

He was shocked.

Even if it is a savage world, it will be regarded as a character of the Overlord Level.

Among Myriad Worlds, this Rank character is almost all known as the existence.

Even if some people don’t have a reputation, they are not likely to have any relevant news.

Like Zhao Fang, he is completely confused. He has searched hundreds of youth Supreme Talents in mind, and they are not on the list!

“It was just that our brother was reckless, and I didn’t know how to be a big man. I also want Fellow Daoist to forgive me.”

Tiger Demon King, although it is Demon King, is deeply motivated to advance and retreat. He did not know that he did not open the wild beast.

Zhao Fang’s show of the six-a-aura, let him wariness very, take the initiative to retreat!

However, Zhao Fang did not have plans to let them go.

A word of inconsistency, wild beast’s cruel nature is unobstructed!

If you don’t kill the netherworld, the cultivation base will rise to two levels and reach the six points. The four kings of the split second have just joined hands. He wants to crack it, and he has to pay for it.

more importantly.

If you are not a self-respecting player, Tiger Demon King will definitely not be so polite, and will inevitably die until you kill yourself!

“My heart is small, since the ready to start, I want to let go, only you all fall down!”

Zhao Fang is holding hands, and the clothes are fluttering in the wind, indifferently said.

Tiger Demon King Twilight instantly sharp, body baleful qi aggravated, staring at Zhao Fang, Sen Ran said: “Your Excellency really want the fish dies or the net splits ?”

“First of all, you are all beasts, not fish, and you are too overrated!”

In the plain words, there is a scorn and confidence that cannot be concealed.

Three injured Demon King gas Áo Áo called, Tiger Demon King is also complexion ashen, “Look at your cultivation base high, let you one step, you fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, if so, then wait for our brother You will swallow your life!”

“Achieve the flesh and blood of the six Cultivator, but the big complement!”

Said, he is in the eyes flashing bloodthirsty madness.


Aura of the other three Demon Kings also climbed up, both eyes blood-red and aura Berserk, apparently destined to be desperate!

Zhao Fang expression Indifferent, said: “I have recently practiced a knife method, slightly small accomplishment, if I can resist this knife, I will spare you a life!”

Zhao Fang takes out a Ninth Rank long blade from the Netherworld Ghost Boy.

Regardless of the reaction of Demon King, the Demon King, who had a cold killing intent, took two straight cuts.

When you first take a knife, you can swiftly move to the three injured 2-Star Demon King.

After a knife, the tiger Demon King is locked!


Although the three 2-Star Demon Kings were struggling to block, they were torn apart by the overbearing sharpness of Blade Qi. The Fleshy Body Soul was smashed into meat and annihilated on the spot.

The last 2-Star Demon King complexion.

Use the secret technique and try to escape without looking back.

His speed was extremely fast, and he blinked to the outside of Zhang, but the Blade Qi, like the bones of the bones, clenched.

At the end of his heart and fear, looking back at the knife, the clear blade, flashed in his eyes, nailed into his throat.


The third place is 2-Star Demon King, annihilation!

Same as for a moment.

Tiger Demon King showed all his efforts, spelling a heavy injury, and finally forced Blade Qi to retreat a few feet, not waiting for him to show happiness.

Blade Qi smashed the golden armor defense of his body and penetrated his key.

“How, how come…”

Tiger Demon King bowed his head and looked at the already exhausted Blade Qi. He suddenly broke out several times in the previous power, and his eyes were full of incomprehensible and unwilling.

“Do you think that it is so easy to shake off the knives?”

Zhao Fang’s voice is dull. “This blade is out, and the poor blue falls on Hell. Unless you break it, there is no other lucky technology!”

The day.

He was impressed by the netherworld ghostsuit, this blade, and almost his heavy injury killed.

Killed netherworld After the ghost child, he not only upgraded the two-level cultivation base in the massive Immortal Force value provided by the opponent.

Also got three Immortal Techniques that he practiced during his lifetime:

Cang Ming washes the soul record.

Biluo chasing the Japanese sword.

Wan Hao blood sacrifice Dafa. Wash the soul record, the main attack soul, knife Law is the battle of the game.

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