Shang Yang quickly pulled Zhao Fang to the side, move towards Luofu Xianzong and others.

Zhao Fang did not disappoint the goodwill of the merchants after all, retired to his behind, looking at the back of the business, the heart was warm.

He walked through Myriad Worlds and was accustomed to the warmth.

Many people like to add icing on the cake, but few people give it away in the snow.

In the face of the oppression of Great Influences, it’s even more embarrassing to stand up and speak out.

“What do you count, and talk to me?”

Luofu Xianzong aspires to 3-Layer’s Elder, sneer, and does not look at the business.

“Myself’s identity is low, please also list Fellow Daoist Sir a lot, don’t let me wait for the brother to care.”

While speaking, Shang Hao aura micro-release, aspirations 3-Layer cultivation base escape, with a burst of fierce meaning.

“Three people who are absolutely the door?”

White hair youth looked at the business with some surprises.

“Just got some micro-dip tricks, and dare not claim to be the third door.”

Luofu Xianzong aspirations 3-Layer Elder could not help but frown.

The third door, that is the Overlord Level Influence of the top ten World 3, which is not inferior to the Luofu Xianzong.

White hair youth regained his gaze and ignored it.

Winning 3-Layer Elder will know, sweeping the business glance, indifferently said: “This time, give a face to the three gates, if you do not understand the rules, you will kill!”

“Fellow Daoist magnanimity! myself generation brother thanks!” Merchants hands clasped together politely.

While talking.

The demon is closed and the large gate is open.

A dignity loud voice came out inside the door:

“It turned out to be the Velat Sect Master Fellow Daoist, and many of the same people in Xianzong, please come in!”

The voice is like a golden stone, and the shocked eardrum is trembled.

Many people complexion whitish, quickly picking up their ears, only some of them alike Cultivator, expressionless.

Shang Hao surprised to look at Zhao Fang.

Several people beside him were picking up their ears. Only Zhao Fang, standing with his hands on his hands, was indifferent to expression, as if the previous Sound Wave had no influence on him.

This kind of wind is so light and calm, even he can’t do it himself. How does this youngster do it?

Luofu Xianzong Chengtuo and others left.

The demon is outside the city gate, and the previous hustle and noise are restored again.

“Little brother, the next time I remember, these people with great influences are very proud of it, and don’t like someone to disobey him.”

Shang Yan and Zhao Fang confessed that he was afraid of not knowing the rules and causing trouble.

Zhao Fang knows that Shang Yang is kind, thin smile nod, and he did not go to his heart.

The merchants also naturally saw it, and sighed slightly, and did not say much.

After all, it’s not only a true friend who knows how to meet with Zhao Fang.

The pedestrians enter the demon in turn.

Out of Zhao Fang’s expectation, the demon city gate, did not set up a staff to check the identity of the person entering and leaving.

Regardless of who comes with someone, no matter what, put it directly into the demon.

Behind this seemingly lazy move, there is the power and confidence of Demon King in the Demon World.

“If you sneak into it, you can handle it?”

“Great big voice!”

Zhao Fang coldly smiled.

With the business and his party, he went straight to the Tianzhu Mountain, where he was publicly executed.

Near the Tianzhu Mountain, Zhao Fang found a head, separate from Shang and other.

“This fellow is too rude. We brought him safely here. He didn’t say a word of thanks, so he left?”

Beside the business, a distracted youth said.

“Don’t say too much, Zhao Xiaobrother is not that kind of person!”

When the man just finished speaking, he was stunned and asked to say more.

the next day.

The day of public execution is coming.

Countless Powerhouse flocked to Tianzhu Mountain.

Zhao Fang once again found the business.

“Is things done?” Shang Xiaoxiao asked.

“Yeah.” Zhao Fang nodded.

Seeing that he did not say clearly, Shang Yang did not ask, and the group stood under the giant pillar that did not know how many towering, and waited patiently.

More and more people are there.

Almost ten million.

This is so, the millions of people, under the giant pillars of many people, are still very small and insignificant.

The raging sun is empty.

When many people waited for the anxiety, several tyrannical aura emerged in the mountains.

The people looked back.

But see the extraordinary waves of people, stepping on the road of separation of people, and slowly stepping on Heaven.

Among them is the Xiao Sect Master of the Luofu Xianzong that Zhao Fang saw yesterday.

There are a few other people, almost never seen before, but the momentum is not inferior to Cheng Tuo, Zhao Fang expected, should be ranked other top of the World’s other Influence.

as predicted.

On the side of the business, he saw him with a blank face and could not help but explain to him: “The demon world publicly sentenced and invited a lot of Myriad Worlds Great Influences.”

“On the one hand, it is to show Demon Race’s Strength to Myriad Worlds, on the other hand, to prepare for the re-emergence of Demon Race!”

“The background of the demon world is too deep. In the top ten World, there are not a few Forces who really refuse to provoke his invitation.”

“Yes, each of the Factors will send representatives from all over the world to come to the ceremony.”

“Where is the Vice Sect Master of Luofu Xianzong, you saw it yesterday.”

“The old monk, who is smiling and good-natured by him, comes from the world of the top ten World of Buddhism. He is a famous king in the world of Buddhism.”

Following Shang’s fingers, Zhao Fang clearly saw that Cheng Tuozheng was talking to a kind-hearted old monk with a smile.

Old monk aura is not obvious, but it gives a feeling that one kind can’t be ignored.

There are a lot of monks beside him, and there are two or thirty of them.

“A good Monk, don’t read the scriptures in your own place, run here and make fun.”

Zhao Fang snorted, and there is not much Favorability for this unreligious Buddha’s old monk.

“Speaking of it, I am also very curious. This relationship between the Buddha world and the Tian Yao world is extremely complicated and can even be said to be an enemy.”

Shang Yu inserted a sentence, “Demon King’s many powerful Demon King, are all captured by the king of the Buddha’s world, which is a great shame for the Powerhouse.”

“Buddhist kings in the world of the demon, almost the excuse of everyone shouting, even with the ordinary monks into the demon world, will be stared at by the Demonic beast!”

Zhao Fang recalled that there were no monks on the way.

“This Old Monk is big enough to take the initiative.”

Zhao Fang smiled.

“I don’t think it’s so simple.” Shang Yu in the eyes passed a touch of color.

Zhao Fang is deeply impressed.

Monk is also a human being, and it is impossible to do the kind of death that knows that there is a tiger in the mountains and a tiger.

And, what good is it for them?

Shang Yang continued to introduce that the Great Influences of the top ten Worlds, except for the reincarnation, basically came.

Even the originen world of Origin Qi was sent a new deputy Patriarch, the Netherworld, and a six-member Cultivator came to the ceremony.

Zhao Fang glanced over the Great Influences team and parked on two of them, and the corners of his lips were a smile. “I didn’t expect that they are coming too!”

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