“Mysterious girl Sir, what are you looking at?”

Tianzhushan, Black Turtle Xianzong Powerhouse is located in the area, a fairy Elder strangely squinted at the original peace of mind, then did not know what to find, eyes frequently sweeping the eyes of the mysterious woman, could not help but doubt.

Since the appearance of Black Turtle, Xianzong has attracted everyone’s attention and gaze, causing a shocking sensation.

Especially the mysterious female Ji Xuan, not only looks like a peerless, but also temperament and Zhuo Qun, a lot of Powerhouse.

Even in this case, the mysterious woman remained calm and innocent.

But very quickly, she seems to see who in the crowd, such as the ancient iceberg-like charming face, it reveals a trace of joy, frequently looking, provoked Black Turtle Elder’s Elder, very curious.

“It’s nothing.”

Ji Xuan is talking.

The heart secretly shocked: “That fellow, actually came!”

At the same time.

Zhao Fang hiding in the crowd, his lips also showed a trace smile.

I did not expect to be in another country, and then I will meet someone else.

More unexpected is.

The Heavenly Demon community also sent representatives.

It came to the famous Demon King in the Heavenly Demon world. Since the behind, it has not dealt with the Black Turtle. The atmosphere between the two sides is stiff and it seems that the great war will break out at any time.

In the subtle atmosphere, the Void around Tianzhu Mountain suddenly twisted and changed, and the strangely powerful Monster Force vented from Void in all directions.

Countless people look up.

But see Void swirling, deep and mysterious, when the Monster Force vented to an extreme, four thrones emerged from Void.

That one.

Everyone feels the oppression from the four thrones.

Some cultivation base weak and small demon repairs, but also by the throne emits imposing manner to admit defeat, look very respectful.

“哼, dress up as God, play as the Ghost !”

Ji Xuan heart coldly snorted, for the four Demon King’s first appearance, extremely disdain.

Rays of light In the shining, four heroic silhouettes appeared on the four thrones.

Under each throne, there are hundreds of cloud beasts.

Most are Eighth Rank, and the smaller part is Ninth Rank.

As for the seven products and six products, there is no one.

Even though Ninth Rank has won the level of Demon King, it is only a small part, but there are more than 30 heads.

The Demon King under the four thrones has a total of more than a hundred heads.

Just because of their aura and quantity, they are pressing the many Great Influences that are on the scene, and they have a breathless feeling!

“The demon world is really far from Inheritance, the background is so deep!”

Shang Hao couldn’t help but admire, when the eyes fell on the majestic silhouette of the throne, in the eyes more a bit of wariness and Revere.

He didn’t notice that Zhao Fang next to him was exactly the opposite of him.

In the eyes, there is no Revere. When looking at the Demon King, it is more like a butcher seeing a pig that can be slaughtered. Thief sees gold and silver jewelry.

In the eyes is full of excitement!

“So many Demon Kings, if they are all ruined, can I let the cultivation base upgrade to which step?”

Zhao Fang can’t be sure, but what is certain is that looking at Myriad Worlds, it’s not much to have so many experiences of experience.

Cherish Ah!

“This King Qilin, welcome to Fellow Daoist!”

Among the four thrones, the most prosperous Qilin Wang of Aura is the audience, faint start to talk.

“Qi Lin Wang is polite!”

Luo Fu Xianzong Vice Sect Master Cheng Tuo laughed.

Other representatives of Great Influences have also started to talk.

“Not much nonsense, bring that lawless Evil Creature.”

The king of Qilin fell, the behind Void split, and the six 7-Star Demon King, escorted two youngsters, and walked out of it.

Seeing the moment of the two people, Zhao Fang’s dawn was cold.

“Li Yuanba, red child!”

These two people, who are stunned into the world of the demon world, stirred the days of the demon world, but were designed by the four major Demon King to leave the red child and Li Yuanba.

The two people look very difficult situation.

In particular, Li Yuanba, who was wearing a chain similar to the cheekbones, could not exert any power.

Red child although better, can go to the violent power of the body, it seems to be suppressed by some kind of power, like a mortal child.

Looking at this scene alone, I know that the two people are not tortured in the demon world.

“Four Demon King, damned!” Zhao Fang has a strong killing intent.

“Zhao Xiaobrother?” Shang Yu’s heart was cold, and he turned to look at Zhao Fang, in the eyes.

He is observing the two murderers who invaded the celestial world. The cold behind has a terrifying killing intent, and his hair is erected.

Zhao Fang quickly calmed down his mind, killing intent, but his expression became colder.

Merchants frowns.

When I swept Zhao Fang, my eyes abyss passed a trace and I was deeply suspicious. Is it him?

Just now the killing intent is too strong, and I face the killing intent, like the mole cricket and ants hard Azure Heaven, there is a deep sense of powerlessness.

He has a feeling that if killing intent Master wants to kill himself, it is absolutely easy and effortless!

It is a true fierce god, comparable to the representatives of the ten Worlds before the game, and the four Demon King!

He is not sure, that person will be Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang is too young!

“The four Demon Kings of Dog Day will only be conspiring. You have the ability to fight with your Grandfather alone, and see Grandfather kill you!”

After Li Yuanba was sent out, he ignored the countless Powerhouse of Tianzhushan, and stared at the four Demon Kings.

“act recklessly something!”

With a pair of flame eyes, wearing a red robes, Aura Berserk’s Jinwu Wang, pointing to Li Yuanba, his shoulders were condensed and pointed, and the skin was fleshy and bloody.

Li Yuan is not afraid of hegemony, he is still awkward.

Jin Wuwang’s constant take action, every bit of strength, all left a scar on the bones of Li Yuanba.


Li Yuanba’s blood is flowing, extremely miserable, and his humanity seems to be exhausted.

“You This is going to sacrifice us, please come to the ancestors?”

Compared with the violentness of Li Yuanba, the red child at the moment shows a calmness that is inconsistent with his age.

“What about it?”

In the face of the red child, the four big Demon King simultaneous looks, the eyes abyss, and the deep wariness emerges.

They know how difficult it is to have a boy in front of them.

If you don’t use the strongest thing in the demon world, you want to kneel down, even if the four kings join hands, it is not necessarily possible.

“I advise you, it is best to dispel this thought, you will regret it.” Red child mysterious said with a laugh.


Jin Wuwang’s eyes were cold and he wanted to take action, but he was interrupted by Qilin Wang. “He is an important sacrifice and there must be no damage.”

King Jinwu changed hands and attacked Li Yuanba.

Originally thin Lee Yuan Pa, bones and scorpions have been hit, abnormally miserable.

“damned!” Zhao Fang’s eyelids became colder and he decided to take action.


At this time, a magnificent Buddha statue echoed between heaven and earth.

Under the gaze of everyone. In the world of Buddhism, the kind-hearted singer, the more out of the crowd, rushed to four Demon King with said with a laugh: “Heaven has a good life, four Fellow Daoist why Defying the Heavens? Why not listen to old monk ?”

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