
King Jinwu is a cold light.

For the old man of the Tian Yao world, the old enemy, he naturally will not have any good complexion.

Not just him.

Dressed in Black, Aura is undecided, sitting on the throne, he has been silent, rarely starting to talk, the shadowless king,

And if the golden lamp is stunned, the golden king who is stunned, both look at the old monk with poor expression.

“How do I act in the demon world, and I can’t turn around in the world of Buddhism.

Qilin Wang indifferently spoke.

Chaos wants to smash the king?

Hearing this name, the countless Cultivator is stunned.

They saw the old monk temperament out of the ordinary, and guessed that he was a king in the world of Buddhism. Wan did not expect that he advocated yin and yang, and he maintained the countless beauty. In the worship of the Buddha world, he also made many monks criticized. .

“Is this fellow not obscene?”

When he heard from the merchants that old monk was doing what he was doing in the worship of the Buddha, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but say a word.


Shangyu complexion greatly changed, and quickly grabbed Zhao Fang’s mouth. “The chaos wants to swear by the king and hate others in front of them.”

at this time.

Old monk turns to look at the crowd, a mouth-sexual middle-aged Cultivator.

It should be good-natured on the face of grief, a little more cold and chilling.

“This benefactor has misunderstood the old monk!”

Wen Yan, the middle-aged Cultivator also reacted, and the complexion was white.

The middle-aged Cultivator is just a double-minded Cultivator. How can you win the aura of the seven-powered Powerhouse, and you will feel the stagnation of your breath.

“The king does not blame, it is my words are not appropriate, I would like to apologize to the king!” The situation is stronger than the people, the middle-aged Cultivator quickly apologies.

The chaos wants to slap the king but laughs: “Fati person, benefactor is too deep in the heart of the ambition, and you need to go to the Buddha world with the old monk, so that the old monk is a benefactor for the ambition.”

“Go to the Buddha world? No, I don’t want to be Monk!” middle-aged Cultivator screamed.

“It seems that benefactor is really misunderstanding for my Buddha!”

The chaos is still laughing, just a smile, an instant cold, a King Kong phantom emerges behind its back, its voice hōng hōng, straight to the heart: “The bitter sea is boundless, turning back is the shore!”

This voice, for most Cultivators, is just a strong buddha aura nothing more.

But in the all-a sudden of the words of the chaos, a touch of golden glow, straight into the middle-aged Cultivator eyes.

The latter figure tremor, complexion pain, struggling.

But soon, it calmed down, complexion no sadness and no joy, rushing to chaos, Wang Gong respected: “many thanks 僧王正正, I would like to follow the king cultivation, please don’t give up!”


To deal with a double powerhouse, the king of the king only said eight words, let him change his mind, the means is very cool, can be seen!


Most Cultivators are laymen, don’t see the doorway, and only feel that the king is very good.

Zhao Fang what kind of eyesight, at first glance, the chaos wants to use the spirit when he sipped the sentence, instantly tearing the heart of the middle-aged Cultivator, forced to surrender.

Such an overbearing act is a must, but it is only necessary to do good deeds…

“I really hate Buddhism Ah!”

Zhao Fang sighed.

His former partner, Nine-Headed Lion, was like this, being tricked by Buddhism and then forced to surrender.

To this end, Zhao Fang also had a great war with the Buddhism Powerhouse, and it was despising for the hypocrite of Buddhism!

The middle-aged Cultivator respectfully stands in the old monk behind.

Zhao Fang noticed that the old monk is next to him, followed by nearly a hundred people. Each person has different shapes and shapes. Aura is strong and weak, but the attitude of the old monk is like that of the middle-aged Cultivator.

“Is it true that this group of people are forced to cross the old monk?”

The idea of ​​raising my heart, Zhao Fang in the eyes cold light flashed.

He can think of this, and others can naturally think of it.

For a moment.

Many people look at the eyes of the old monk, they are a little more fearful, and disgusted!

The sorrowful sorrowful king did not feel it at all, and sincerely looked at the kindness of the eyebrows, swept over the crowd, and slowly landed on King Qilin, said with a laugh:

“Qi Lin Wang benefactor, the Buddha has a good life, and they sacrificed their sacrifices. It is against the heavens. It is better to let them pray in the day before the Buddha and repent for the crimes. Is it better?”

“Repent before the Buddha?”

Qilin Wang sneered, “Lost, you can fool other people by this rhetoric, can’t fool this King. I want them to be your mount Protector, dream!”

“It seems that Qilin Wang benefactor is also more prejudiced against the old monk!”

“What? You want to force this King to be forced?”

The eyes of Qilin Wang are cold and cold, and a terrifying aura is like a thousand seas. It is pressed down. Rao is the force of the old monk. He can’t help but sigh, swear by the Dharma and use his means to resist.

However, it was still shaken by the aura (hundred zhang (333m), blood and blood, a blood poured into the eyes of the blind.

“Qi Lin Wang benefactor wants to kill the old monk?” The chaos wants to force the king to swallow the blood of his mouth, and ask calmly.

“If you don’t see that you are invited, you are now a dead person. Finally, you are in the process of how to act, and you can’t interrupt your mouth!”

Qilin Wang’s eyes are cold.

Old monk sighs, screams Buddha, a pity expression.

In the crowd, Zhao Fang’s eyes are cold.

The four kings of the demon daring to imprison the red child, tormenting Li Yuanba, it is indeed the kill, the old monk who looks like a strait, but wants to enslave two people, it is damned!


The aura of King Qilin just showed up, let him slightly solemn:

“Achieve the nine heavy? Can be the first of the four Demon King, this Qilin Wang, really not simple!”

Qilin Wang looked at the audience and looked down at the audience. Indifferently said: “This King has left this two people. The reason why he is not in a hurry is to wait for someone.”

“and others? There is who, it’s worth the four Demon Kings to be so solemn, and invite the top ten World so many Powerhouses to wait?”

Many face horror.

If Qi Lin’s Wang Hao did not see, he continued: “That person, Zhao Fang.”

As a result of this, the Heavenly Demon world, the netherworld world, the World Powerhouses that had been plagued by Zhao Fang, the complexion has changed dramatically.

Even other Great Influences have heard of Zhao Fang’s name:

“That is the leader who led the car to destroy the public and the family, and returned to the world. In the near future, Zhao Fang of the smoked miasma will be stirred up in the netherworld world?”

“This person is very mysterious, I have never heard of it before. In recent months, I have not seen it from that corner, and then I am shocked by Myriad Worlds!”

“I didn’t expect that these two fellows are actually related to him!”

The crowd is talking about it.

Ji Xuan’s gaze, through the crowd, faintly looking at Zhao Fang, in the eyes revealing a trace strange.

“This King left this two people, just to show the Myriad Worlds cancer, remove it, and Myriad Worlds is a peace.” Qilin Wang, I am the look of Myriad Worlds peace, said solemnly.

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