Although Qi Lin Wang is a slap in the face.

But does not hinder the attachment of everyone:

“Qi Lin Wang said yes, where the fellow went, there is a disaster, and simply is a god, indeed it must be destroyed!”

“Myriad Worlds doesn’t need this kind of instability, so be sure to get rid of it!”

“However, in this case, the fellow still dares to come?”

Everyone is silent, and the heart is so dangerous. Even if they are caught by their immediate family members, they will not appear.

Because they know,

Even if it does, it will not be able to reverse the already destined situation and the situation of defeat!

no doubt.

In the face of the Great Influences Powerhouse of the Four Kings, and even Myriad Worlds, I want to take away the red child Li Yuanba, which is an impossible task!

Qilin Wang looked indifferent.

The sharp dawn, overlooking the crowd, searched in the crowd.

Others, all probed, want to see, the character in the legend, whore really arrived!

“Like this kind of deadly game, as long as the one called Zhao Fang is not Idiot, he will not come!”

Shang Yangdao.

“Zhao Fang, you don’t show up again, they are two, but they are going to die!”

Qilin Wang searched for no results, and expressionless waved his hand.

There was a Demon King Powerhouse, which brought Red Child and Li Yuanba to an altar in front of the giant pillar.

“Qi Lin Wang, you have the courage to kill me, Big Brother will certainly avenge me!”

Li Yuan’s mouth coughed blood, and his eyes looked at Qilin Wang.

As for the red child, the emotion did not respond much, it is still the same sentence: “You will regret it!”

King Qilin said nothing, waved his hand, and Demon King immediately tied the two people to the altar.

Even, start to activate the altar Array and prepare to sacrifice.


Shang Yang had a flower in front of him and found that Zhao Fang, who had been guarded by him, had slowly moved forward.

“Zhao Xiaobrother!”

Discussion complexion micro-variation.

Nowadays, everyone is looking for the trace of the person named ‘Zhao Fang’. He is going out at the moment, and he is so fierce.

Zhao Fang smiled and said: “Businessman, you are not very curious about my identity? It is not a match, I am Zhao Fang!”

“Zhao Xiaobrother, this joke is big!” Shangyu complexion is not natural.

But when I contacted the two people, they were surnamed Zhao, and suddenly they were somewhat upset.

“I am very grateful to be taken care of all the way. If I don’t die this time, I will be happy with the business brother!”

Zhao Fang smiled and the figure was like a stunned man.

Same as for a moment.

A mighty thunderous bang, echoing between the whole piece of heaven and earth, the shockless countless human eardrum buzz, complexion whitish!

“Zhao Fang, here!”

A word can be a town teacher.

The four characters fell, and the few people in the field felt the terrifying pressure contained in the sound.

In addition to some of the aspirations can be innocent, most of the roads to the demon repair, only with the body blood rolling, uncontrolled, they are suppressed, but eventually shocked cough up blood.

For a moment.

When the countless people on the field looked at the back of the white robes youngster, they were a little more stunned with Revere.

Luofu Xianzong, Black Turtle, Heavenly Demon, the netherworld, the Great Influences Powerhouse, and the look of Zhao Fang are much more complicated.

“This child is the Zhao Fang who killed Jiang Taicang?”

Luo Fu Xianzong Vice Sect Master Cheng Tuo, his eyes stunned, looking to the side of a white-haired snow-like middle-aged indifferently said.

“Back to father, this person is exactly the same as the brat that was killed too.”

Steward, the outer gate of Luofu Xianzong, Cheng Lixue, who has won the double cultivation base, respectfully returns.

“I didn’t expect that a brat that I met at city gate yesterday was actually Zhao Fang who was disturbed by Myriad Worlds.”

Cheng Tuo expression is calm, but his eyes are on business and others.

“Father, Tai Cang is my illegitimate child, but after all, it is your grandson, so I was killed…”

Cheng Lixue reveals the color of hatred.

“Standing on its change.” Cheng Tuo expressionless, eyelid abyss, but flashed a trace cold.


“Mysterious woman Sir, have you discovered him long ago?”

Black Turtle Elder’s Elder, seeing Zhao Fang appearing, seems to have some enlightenment, could not help but look at Ji Xuan.

The latter faintly smiled, did not answer, just looked at standing behind, that has been closed eyes, aura undecided old man.

Black Turtle Other Powerhouse, for the old man, is more respectful than Ji Xuan, the contemporary mysterious woman.

See old man, there is no start to talk meaning, Ji Xuan smiled and shook his head, said:

“It’s not a wise move to be alone in the sky!”


“He just killed the blood, leading us to the battle of Black Turtle, the Zhao Fang, the whole line defeated, this child must die!”

Heavenly Demon Demon King is cold and cold.

The netherworld community represents the emptiness of the sky, and has long been scared by Zhao Fang. At this moment, he said nothing, just looking at it quietly, looking forward to the powerhouse of Tian Yao, who can kill the prestige of Zhao Fang!

“A heavy devil! I am a Buddhist monk, to divide the devil for World, and to turn this child!”

The chaos wants to start the flag again.

His voice did not suppress, and Zhao Fang heard it clearly.

The latter did not pay attention, looking at the red child and Li Yuanba.

“Big Brother!”

Li Yuanba’s eyes are full of excitement.

Red child is also eye reveals.

“It’s good to die.”

Zhao Fang swept the two people, and said with a laugh: “Next, I feel at ease at, I will export bad luck for you!”

“Yeah.” Li Yuanba is heavily nod.

Although it is felt that with Zhao Fang Strength, it may be difficult to compete with the Powerhouse.

But for Zhao Fang, he always trusts, and he thinks that if he says it, he can do it.

Sōu sōu sōu ~

Since Zhao Fang appeared, hundreds of Demon Kings surrounded by the four Demon Kings, most of them came over.

In a blink of an eye.

Zhao Fang is the week of hundred zhang (333m), both are enemy!

“I thought that Zhao Fang was a who, and I didn’t expect it to be such an idiot.”

Luo Sinian Inner Sect, suddenly someone sneer start to talk.

“Is it a hero, is it Heroic? But it is court death nothing more.”

Demon King is also a sneer.

“Amitabha, little benefactor, bitter sea is nowhere to turn back! If you want to return to the Buddha world with old monk, old monk protects you.”

The chaos wants to sing a Buddha.

The Great Influences, except for the netherworld world and Black Turtle, did not start to talk, and almost all expressed their opinions.

Or sneer, or ridicule, or teasing…


The merchants in the crowd could not help but sigh slightly.

Faced with such a situation, even if the commons are worth six, they will all die. Zhao Fang is a youngster, and it can stir up a lot of storms.

Zhao Fang himself, but did not have this kind of enlightenment, did not care about the Demon King in front of him.

Looking over the Luofu Xianzong, Heavenly Demon and others, light said with a laugh:

“A group of defeated men, dare to be Yingying in front of me?”


All the people were eclipsed, and they did not expect that Zhao Fang, who had already been sinned in the Tian Yao world, dared to provoke the Luofu Xianzong and Heavenly Demon world! Is it not fast enough to die?

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