“damn it, too dangerous!”

Think of the situation just now, if you do not control your motherhood in advance, you can temporarily control the maternal temperament.

If the sixth Heavenly Demon is just a consciousness, it is also limited by the illusion of Demon King.

If you don’t consume the sixth Heavenly Demon in advance, you have a lot of power.

Finally, I want to turn defeat into victory, simply damn is nonsense.

This is so.

This time also caused him to suffer heavy damage.

Fleshy Body almost collapses!

“I have underestimated the means of Heavenly Demon, and I can rely on illusion to bring Heavenly Demon down.”

Zhao Fang learned the lessons.

After a little recovery, he transformed into a motherhood with a transformation, and smashed the world before him.

A flower in the eyes.

Cheng Tuo, the look of the chaos and the king, others, came into view.

He came out from the illusory field of the transformation of Demon King.


The magical world of Demon King spurted a blood, and the eyebrows cracked a crack, and a Demon Soul was about to be thrown out, and it was completely divided.

“Demon King!”

Cheng Tuo and the chaos of the king complexion big change.

Just split second.

Demon King stunned Zhao Fang with illusion, and they were happy in the future. The illusion of Demon King was like a mad madness.

Every time twitching, with the body has a lot of magic to be taken away.

Later, his life essence was also consumed unconsciously, with black hair and dark eyes.

Even more amazing is.

Demon King within the body, the screaming noise.

The two people haven’t reacted yet, and they saw the magic fog that had previously shrouded Zhao Fang, and was blown away by a gust of wind.

The magic fog is extraordinarily rich, and Demon Qi is full of enthusiasm, but it is blown away by the wind of a common.

That is, at the moment, both people understand that the magical world of Demon King has reached the point where the oil is dry, otherwise his power of impossible weak can be blown away!

as predicted.

The magic fog dissipated, and they saw the complexion of the pale Zhao Fang.

And the magical world of Demon King, the soul of the gods seems to be crushed by some sort of mysterious force, instantly collapsed, and there is no chance to pull out the body, completely dead!

Look at Demon King, who is good at playing illusion, but he is best at Domain and is killed by enemy.

Cheng Tuo wants to smash the king’s dead fox sorrow at the same time, also raised a trace uneasy!

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

When he blinked his eyes, he couldn’t make a difference. Demon King, who lost his life, Zhao Fang shook his head.

“Now, it’s your turn to be two!”

His eyes fell on the king of Cheng Tuo and the chaos.

The two people looked slightly changed, and the King of Jin and the King of Shadows, who were not far away, shouted, “Two Demon King, when will you watch the movie?”

Despite the temporary cooperation intention, the contradictions between the top ten Worlds have been around for a long time, and the impossible is forgotten.

In the Zhao Fang take action against the three-line coalition forces of the quest for the king, Jin Hao Wang and others had the opportunity to assist, but did not take action, just want to borrow Zhao Fang’s hand to consume the forces of the three realms!

In the face of such a dilemma, it is still still calculated, and you can be unbeaten!

“The two don’t panic, the magical world Demon King is not white, he used the power of the brat in Life, he is just strengthening the support, let us take action together, kill it!”

Jin Hao Wang Shuguang shines, seeing Zhao Fang false.

Wen Yan.

A lot of big demons and even the temptations of Royal Capital are showing joy.


At this time.

Sending Sendai completely completed the transmission, and the power of a majestic Space, from Zhao Fang behind, violently vented in all directions.

Wait until some of the phenomenon disappears, thousands of white armor, imposing manner fierce like Ghost Cultivator Luo, in a white robe youth Commander, driving to the demon world.

“pays respect to Lordship !”

White robe youth At a glance, I saw the back of Zhao Fang, one knee kneel down.

“pays respect to Young master !”

The white robe army has been enrolled to 5,000 people, simultaneously to to talk, soposing manner!

The five thousand Asura Legion, just standing there, gave the people who were present, an extremely dangerous illusion.

“This is the mysterious Asura Legion in his hand?”

Qilin Wang, the chaos of the king, Cheng Tuo and others all thought about the various information about Zhao Fang’s reincarnation.

among them.

This Asura Legion is the best.

It is precisely because of it that the four-phase church squad who defeated the public in one fell swoop, only to reverse the defeat in one fell swoop, with today’s reincarnation unified.

“damn it! Still coming!”

King of the Kings clench one’s teeth.

“Asura Legion !powerful of baleful qi!” Ji Xuan marveled.

“In the beginning of the netherworld world, if he used Asura Legion, does the netherworld world still existence?”

The long sky is dark and self-conscious.

“He, he still has such a sire?”

The business is over.

The youngster who chatted with him and laughed and laughed, had such terrifying power behind him, which was beyond his imagination.

Zhao Fang did not look back.

Just indifferently said: “It’s just right, Luofu Xianzong, Heavenly Demon, and the Buddha’s world is bullying me. Do you know what to do?”

“kill and kill!”

The screaming of the boiling, it seems to be to open this piece of Scorpio.

White slowly pulled out the Sabre, and the light was stunned. “Line up, rush!”


Five thousand Asura Legion moved forward in the form of a whole square, and the first encounter with Asura Legion was the Three Remnants.

All are the remaining three-fourth Powerhouse.

After being trapped in Asura Legion, even if their individual strength is stronger than Asura Legion, they are finally killed in the square.

Asura Legion is like a bulldozer running across Battlefield. It’s a slap in the face, no one can stop it, even if it’s Demon Race, it’s a rout!

I wanted to kill Zhao Fang’s King of Jin, and I saw this scene, and even the courage to take action was gone.

He looked back and looked at the altar.

The ancient demon who hopes to get the sacrifices will give the power of the four Demon King powerful.

And this time.

The altar has also changed.

The vaguely enchanting demon shadow gradually solidified and eventually became a one-legged cow demon.

The cow demon aura is purely terrifying, just like the king is coming, all the demon repairs, in the face of the one-legged cow demon, feel the pressure on the bloodline.

Countless demon repairs the dagger.

Even if it is as strong as the four Demon King, they have bowed their heads to show respect.

“Well, wait for the demon, what?”

The one-legged cow demon ignored the people in the place, and his eyes fell on King Qilin. When he spoke, he suddenly noticed that there was a person on the altar, and he looked at himself coldly.

The one-legged cow demon is not happy.

He is in the upper cultivation base ordinary, but in the my own world, it is absolutely unstoppable terrifying existence, actually dare to be so disrespectful to himself, simply court death.

Glanced at the eyes, the original careless expression, immediately solidified on the face, looked horrified, a damn expression. Qilin Wang and others bowed their heads and did not notice the change of the cow demon. They just said: “junior searches for the demon, finds two bloodline pure demon and gives it to Sir!”

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