“You are the ancient big demon that Young Master wants to sacrifice?”

Demon King, such as Qilin Wang, lowered his head and respected him. He wanted to wait for the praise of the one-legged cow demon. He couldn’t hear such a cold voice.

Looking up, I saw the red child who was the sacrifice. I was staring at the one-legged cow demon.

Which of the bear children, met the ancient big demon dare to speak like this? The gall bladder is too fat!

Qilin Wang was shocked by the courage of the red child, but in the eyes, it was full of chills.

Red child Li Yuanba is the stepping stone for him to communicate with Powerhouse. He doesn’t want to make mistakes and he is self-defeating.

“Shut up. Can sacrifice to the Sir, it is your life, the greatest blessing!”

Qilin Wang yelled at the red child.

Finally, complexion pale Zhao Fang, seeing the power of the altar is more tyrannical, unable to intervene, originally worried, I do not know how to save the red child Li Yuanba.

When I saw this scene, my eyes smashed and I looked at the red child, and suddenly I showed a thoughtful look.

“A sacrifice to a small yak?”

Red child laughed. “I don’t care, but have you ever asked him, dare to accept it?”

Qilin Wang did not react, cold said with a laugh: “Don’t go to dress up as God, play as the Ghost, who do you think you are, the son of the ancestors? Still dare not accept?”

When the words fall, they notice a gaze that seems to kill, and they fall on themselves.

He looked up and saw the one-legged cow demon looking at himself with a cold face, killing intent shrouded.

A ge-deng in the heart of Qilin Wang.

What is this damn situation?

Shouldn’t it be all happy?

This Lord, how can he be bitter and hateful, and he is not guilty of him?

Qilin Wang did not understand the claws.

Some people in the whole place were confused by the strange style of the eyes.

Only Ji Xuan behind’s linen old man, meaningfully looking at the red child, muttered to himself: “I didn’t expect it… look away!”


“Small force scorpion, father is on your this lady, or on your family, you damn want to hang me Ah!”

The angry voice of the one-legged yak is like the countless Thunder, and the circumference of Tianzhu Mountain is filled with this voice.

Many people have been shaken by the two eyes, almost losing consciousnessness.

Among them, the deepest feeling, but also the number of Qilin Wang!

The sound is like a thunder, and it reverberates throughout the Tianzhu Mountain circumference.

Because, the one-legged yak, this is to go to him.

Even if Qilin Wang closed the six senses with Monster Force, it was also the power of Thunder Berserk in the voice, the mind buzz of the earthquake, like hundreds of millions of flies, quarreling in the skull, disturbing him almost crazy!


King Qilin spit out a blood, and the inner stagnation and suffocation were slightly relieved.

He looked up and looked at the one-legged yak in a complicated look.

He was almost seriously injured by a single sentence. If he had no complaints, he did not believe it.

Even if there is, I dare not reveal it!

The one-legged yak is too strong.

Just a word, it is almost impossible for him to cultivate the devil of the countless years!

If it is a take action, can you easily obliterate yourself?

Thinking of this, he could not help but secretly marvel, Worthy is Ancient, demon, and deep and unmeasurable.


This time I caught the red child Li Yuanba, the two bloodline pure Demon Race, I want to please the big demon, it seems that some are self-defeating.

What’s going on?

Qilin Wang is still worried about it now.

“Where is the senior? Junior has long respected the senior, and he wants to be a go-go in the senior gallery. It works for the seniors day and night. How can you frame the senior, is there a misunderstanding?”

Qilin Wang endured the sorrow in his heart and lost his smile.


The one-legged yak also saw that Qilin Wang did not deliberately, and his anger was reduced a lot. Said coldly: “You have offended the existence that should not be offended, not far from death!”

In the heart of Qilin’s heart, he panicked. “Is offended the existence that cannot be offended? Who is it?”

In fact, following the hidden gaze of the one-legged yak, he already guessed it was a red child.

But he can’t believe to believe, what is the background of the red child, so that this ancient big demon is afraid of this.

“Senior, what is the saying?” King Qilin wanted to understand.

He saw the one-legged yak not wanting to say it, and quickly pleaded for a one-legged yak.

“That youngster is not a ancestor, but it is also very similar.”

The one-legged yak may have read some fragrant fires with the Tian Yao world, or did not want to make Qilin Wang become a confused ghost. After all, he still said one thing.


Qilin Wang complexion a white, body power like all of a sudden was evacuated, the whole person almost fell to the ground, looking at the red child.

“Is this youngster comparable to the ancestors? I was going to sacrifice him to the ancient big demon?”

He finally understood that the one-legged yak was so angry.

The one-legged yak’s ultimate strength is amazing, but the ancestors in the legendary are the same as the gap between the Yuantu Cultivator in Myriad Worlds and the Apocalyptic Powerhouse.

If you are known by the red child father, you don’t need the parent’s take action at all. If he squats under the Powerhouse, he can kill the countless yak.


Qilin Wang mind only has this idea.

He had intended to take the opportunity to climb the one-legged yak and then fly up the idea of ​​the domain Immortal World, completely not existence.

“Holy Baby, I just passed by here and are not familiar with them.”

In the presence of King Qilin, the one-legged yak that was overbearing in the face of the red child, in front of the red child, just like his Servant almost, nod waist, it was awkward.

See this scene.

Countless people have big eyes and an incredible face.

King Jin’s King of Shadows was directly paralyzed.

The chaos of the king and the extension of the program, but it is a slap in the ears, doubting whether he is wrong.

“The turtle Grandfather said that looking at the eye, is the identity of this fellow?”

Ji Xuan decided to look at the red child, and asked not to look back.

“I didn’t expect that the parent of the Sir object went to Myriad Worlds and was familiar with Zhao Fang. It was surprising.”

Ma Yigui old looked deep into Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang almost laughed.

The result of the flattering was photographed on the horse’s leg, and damn killed himself. This wonderful thing, he is also the first time to see.

But soon, his expression was over.

“The situation is in the move towards our side, but Qilin Wang is not dead after all. If the fellow is taking risks and desperately leaving us, it is not impossible!”

When I think about it, I only listen to the red child’s domineering: “Don’t talk to me, it’s useless. Because of your sake, I was almost burned by monster fire. If there is no bloodline guard left by my father, I might see you.” If he is not old, he will let his father know that he knows his temper!”

Upon hearing the last sentence, the one-legged yak’s eyes twitched.

The father of King Infant King, that is in the demon field, one of the best Overlord Level Powerhouse, the violent temperament of the savage, unreasonable can beat the three-point master. Once he is told about the situation today, he will not only die very badly, but even his own grave will be given to the overbearing fellow!

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