“Holy Baby, these are misunderstandings, misunderstandings, or some compensation for you, this is over, how do you see?”

The unicorn yak squats with the face and sacrifices a laugh.

“You are yelling at my father, poor, haven’t seen good things?” Red child’s face was cold.

In the expression of the one-legged yak almost crying, the red child coldly snorted, one finger Qilin Wang and others, expression awe-inspiring: “Give you a chance to redeem, kill them!”

“So simple?”

This one has no idea how to make up for the one-legged yak, expression ecstasy.

What is the mountain and the water is full of doubts and nowhere?

Ah is in front of you!

“My patience is limited!” Red child coldly said, “And, my brother is killing Monster Force for you to summon you.”

The one-legged yak looked at Li Yuan, who was almost cut off by Aura. His eyes were slightly stunned. “Golden Wings Great Peng?”

Then, he showed his most courteous smile and said: “You will wait for Xiao Zu Zong, I will cure him.”

A blue-and-white force poured into Li Yuanba with the body, and with a burst of bursts of sound, Aura has faded to the extreme Li Yuanba, slowly opening his eyes.

not only.

After the injury was completely restored, his cultivation base also jumped several levels and touched the threshold of the question.

This catastrophe, not only did not die, but was blessed in disguise, the cultivation base advanced.

“This, what’s going on?”

Li Yuan’s policeman looked at the one-legged yak with a smile and smiled. He always felt that the yak’s smile was a bit unscrupulous.


Red child is cold.


The one-legged yak nod, and once again looked at Demon King, such as Qi Lin Wang, the look is already cold as iron.

“senior !”

King of the Kings complexion big change, they feel that they have been locked by Internal Qi, feeling life and death.

“I am very measured, you will not have the slightest pain!” One-legged yak said.

He doesn’t say okay.

Hearing this, Jin Yuwang has no fear of the shadowless king.

Qilin Wang wants to escape.

The technique of Blood Escape was performed, and thousands of miles were instantly spurred.

In this regard.

The one-legged yak is just coldly smiling.

Looking at the silhouette of Demon King, such as Qilin Wang, screaming, shouted: “Dead!”

Simple A word, but there is infinite Thunder blasted out of its mouth, turned into a snare of countless life, entangled those escaped Demon King.

boom! boom! boom!

King Kim, King of Shadows, Beast Soul of King Wu, instantly blasts on the spot to entirely exterminate body and soul !

Even Qilin Wang of the cultivation base strongest did not hold on to this dead word, followed by the footsteps of the three kings, and the figure turned into a hot sun, bursting into slag!


Tianzhu Mountain is dead and dead!

All Cultivators have a look of horror.

That is the four demons of the demon world, but it’s not a cat or a dog. In this way, was it a single-legged yak that was unknown, and all killed in one sentence?

That split second.

They all felt the fear from the one-legged yak.

Because knowing that if the other party wants to kill them, their experience is estimated to be worse than the four Demon Kings!

Legion, led by White, stopped attacking and was also alarmed by the one-legged yak.

Of course, it is because the group demon stunned the four major Demon King simultaneous, the fighting intent dropped, and fled.

Asura Legion’s overall strength is not as good as the big demon, united to defeat the big demon, but once the purchase is separated, the situation will be reversed.


Pick up from white and retreat to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang clicked on nod, rushing to look at the white-legged yak’s white with a start: a “Do not be nervous.”

In the field, in addition to the red child and Li Yuanba, only Zhao Fang, in the face of a one-legged yak, there is no fear, a relaxed look.

“You also want to deal with the Holy Baby King?”

Killing the four Demon King, such as the one-legged yak that killed four ants, his eyes suddenly swept to the uncomfortable Cheng Tuo and the chaos.

“Senior, we have no such heart.”

“Right, we are not the people of the demon world, just passing by, senior Mingjian!”

Cheng Tuo and the chaos of the chaos quickly evaded.

Jokes, even the four Demon Kings are not a word that the one-legged yak spits out, giving the two people the courage to dare to be enemies with this yak.

“The old cow hates Monk most, and there are hypocrites. Look at the two of you, all of them match, or die!”

A one-legged yak is going to take action.


Zhao Fang stopped.

“én?” The one-legged yak eye is cold, he is doing things, why have there been other little demon dare to set it?

“impudent!This is my Uncle, my father’s wife, do you dare to disrespect him?”

Just as he had just revealed a trace of coldness, the red child suddenly started to talk, and if he spoke, the one-legged yak that he heard was a glimpse.

Holy baby King father’s worship brother?

Have you made a mistake?

That aspect also likes to worship, and there are several who worship brother, but which one is not thorough, the cultivation base reversing the terrifying Overlord.

This brat cultivation base, placed in the demon domain, that is, the cannon fodder material, what qualification can hang with the Super Powerhouse?

of course.

He was suspicious in his heart, but he didn’t ask too much. He didn’t want to sin the red child in this matter. He did not dare to be disrespectful to Zhao Fang under the respect of the house and Wu, and quickly stopped.

The face was full of smiles and apologized to Zhao Fang.

See Zhao Fang no longer pursued, and he was relieved.

“Holy Baby, things are resolved, are you satisfied?”

The one-legged yak is charming and smiling, be careful.

“I have a lot of Uncle Sir, don’t care about you, do you think that’s it?” Red Child glanced at him.


The one-legged yak heart in the heart of the mother, the dark bear bear can not afford to hurt, too tossing people, what do you want to do, you can not say straight, you have to play guessing!

But these words, he can only complain in the bottom of his heart, on the surface is still a smile, respectfully said: “King learned that I was not considered properly, I have a set of defensive rhinoceros, give the Sir self-defense, How does King think?”

The one-legged yak said, take out a set of pure white armor.

It is said to be a hyperthyroidism, but it is a texture of out of the ordinary white robe, which has a mysterious pattern flowing, emits bursts of powerful aura.

Just a glance, Zhao Fang liked it.

The rhinoceros armor is not strong, he doesn’t know, but he knows that the rhinoceros made of rhinoceros is definitely a strength of strength.

“What do you want to eat?”

Red child’s eyes are cold, “Do you really want to die?”


The one-legged yak smiles stiffly.

In the heart, the 18-year-old ancestors of Demon King, such as King Qilin and Wang Jinyu, were smashed.

What is this damn?

I came to enjoy the sacrifice and was worshipped by the ancestors. After I got here, the benefits were not obtained, and I was confused and became a hitter of others.

This is no problem.

Now I have to go out to cough up blood myself. Feelings are the ones that are the most sad reminders.

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