Cheng Tuo, the chaos of the chaos is full of unwillingness.

In the screaming and cursing of the sinister poison, he was strangled by the red child!

They are the Luofu world, and they are one of the best Powerhouses in the world. They are the demon, this is for the ceremony, but because of the wrong team, the two people have to repent.

But what makes them most resentful is that Zhao Fang’s means are cruel and ruthless, and they ignore the identity of their Luofu Xianzong worshipping the Buddha world. They have to kill them!

“You will regret it!”

This is two people Before the end of the life, fight the whole body strength, and issue the last curse to Zhao Fang!

“There are people who will regret it, but that person is not me!”

Zhao Fang looks cold, and the corner of the corner evokes a trace kill’s killing intent: “Luofu Xianzong, worship Buddha, and Heavenly Demon, and wait, I will visit one by one!”

Cheng Tuo wants to kill the king.

This chaos has completely come to an end.

The secluded sky, and even the other Great Influences Powerhouse of World, see this result, dumbstruck.

They never thought that at the beginning of the war, Zhao Fang, who was at an absolute disadvantage, would be killed by the demon kings at any time.

Even if I know some of Zhao Fang’s ruthless means, I don’t like him very much.

The overall strength of the Tianmeng world is stronger than the netherworld world. With one power, one person is dealt with, and the ending is self-evident.

The real results are beyond the expectations of all of them.

“This brat, it really is a freak, but fortunately I did not impulsive just now!” Yu Changkong secretly glad.

Other Great Influences Powerhouse, when looking at Zhao Fang, also express complex, or fortunate, or wariness, or respectful.

“Not allowed.”

Ji Xuan behind, Mai old man sighed, “Myriad Worlds’ day, really wants to change!”


The Demon Race arrival ceremony ended.

The Great Influences Powerhouse has made great contributions to Zhao Fang, the newly rising Myriad Worlds.

Zhao Fang didn’t really act recklessly, and wanted to shake Myriad Worlds by one person.

Moreover, these Great Influences have always been quiet, not intervening in the battle between him and the demon world, even if they want to kill them, he has no reason.

After the enthusiasm and enthusiasm, the group of people left the fun.

The crowds onlookers were also dispelled.

A moment’s skill.

The original crowd surged in Tianzhu Mountain and became empty.

Under the Tianzhu Mountain.

Ji Xuan looked back at Tianzhu Mountain, and seemed to be able to see the lonely silhouette of the mountain.

“Look at that brat?”

She is next to the old man jokingly said.

Ji Xuan’s charming face is red, and his attitude is as usual. He asked: “Does the turtle Grandfather not think that he is not in the pool?”

“Listen to your tone, it seems to blame Old Man!”

Mai old man laughed.

Other Black Turtle, the Powerhouse, is a distance away from the two people and dare not bother to disturb the two people.

“While he is in danger today, he can only be considered a pediatrics compared to what will happen next. He is still a curse, and he can be hot with him, but he can’t be too deep!”

The old man in the eyes flashed a trace bright glow.

“Gorge Grandfather is talking about the Heavenly Demon world, the Buddha world, the Powerhouse in the Luofu world? If they join hands, they are terrifying!” Ji Xuan charming face.

“Don’t say anything else, there is a terrifying existence in the Tianhui world alone, but it is not so easy to settle.”

The linen old man means something.

Ji Xuan is curious, asks in every way, the old man in Ma is just thin smile, you will know soon.

Until they boarded the Battleship and appeared in the Void outside the demon world.


A contained Dignity, like the deerifying Pressure’s Might of the demon in the demon, radiates the entire demon world from Tianzhu Mountain.

The surface of the demon world is like a scorpion, and the dignity is thousands!


The old man in the eyes bright glow flashes.

But very soon.

This smashing Pressure’s Might dissipated as if it had not appeared.

“How can it like this?” Ji Xuan frowned.

There is some speculation in the heart of the old man, but he is not sure.

“We will enter the world of the demon world.” Ji Xuan proposed.

“Useless, at the moment of the demon world, it is estimated that the album is closed, the outsiders simply can’t get in!” Mai old man shook his head.

Ji Xuan did not believe in evil, tried it once, and it was rejected by the Heavenly Devil.

“This fellow…” Ji Xuan Ji Xuan curiosity came up, but he hated the temptation of Zhao Fang’s deliberate appetite.

“Since he didn’t want us to know, he was definitely making some secrets.”

Mai old man faintly smiled, “I can’t ask for anything, let’s go!”


Tianzhu Mountain.

Zhao Fang looked at the front, like a huge meatball like a meat mountain, and his eyes would come out: “Primal Chaos?”

After the departure of the ceremonial influence, the one-legged yak took action and forced the terrifying Demon King, which was shrunk at the bottom of Tianzhu Mountain.

Even though it is known that once Demon King is born, terrifying aura will inevitably alarm Great Influences Powerhouse such as Black Turtle.

Zhao Fang has no choice.

The one-legged yak is coming from the altar of the altar. It is not a long-term stop in the demon world. He must take advantage of this powerful beater while still playing the heat.

So, let the yak block the Tian Yao world with Monster Force, and then start to work.

Just, what he expected was.

The terrifying Demon King, which was shrunk to the ground, was very similar to the Primal Chaos, the fairy beast that he had read.

“Primal Chaos: Shaped like a dog, four feet without claws, can’t see…”

As he thought about it, Primal Chaos turned and a pair of fleshy eyes swept to Zhao Fang.

Even though his eyes are closed, at the moment it sweeps, Zhao Fang feels that he seems to be watching with an invisible gaze, and the terrifying sense of oppression gives him a breathless suffocation.


At this time.

The left eye’s ashes, like Sense, became abnormally hot and hot, and the painful Zhao Fang tears flowed out.

“I didn’t guess wrong, it’s really Primal Chaos!”

Only Primal Chaos will make the cockroaches who are the same as the murderers so excited.

Immortal four evils: poor, Primal Chaos, 杌, 饕餮

“ao wu ~”

Primal Chaos came out with a tyrannical idea of ​​fuctuation, but it fell into the ears of everyone, but it was a roar that was enough to tremble the demon world.

“Who is waiting, why bother this King to sleep!” asked Primal Chaos Demon King.

“It was actually a half-blood Primal Chaos. I didn’t expect that the Tianmeng world still harbored this Powerhouse.” The one-legged yak had some accidents.

Primal Chaos, even in the upper bound demon domain, is one of the best Overlord Level existence.

Its bloodline, the status is no worse than some purebred Immortal Beast bloodline.

Even the Primal Chaos, just the half-blood Primal Chaos, has an extraordinary future and potential.

“én? Who are you, give this King one kind a strong sense of oppression?”

Primal Chaos Demon King seems to notice the one-legged yak. “Who is this demon, you don’t need to know. You just need to know that your life is in the hands of the demon!”

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