
The one-legged yak figure suddenly leaped, and the terrifying Thunder was filled with one foot, directly pressed against Primal Chaos Demon King.

Primal Chaos Demon King, who was originally stupid, saw Thunder entangled yaks, like the life and death enemies, in the eyes showing unprecedented fear.

“I surrender!”

Primal Chaos Demon King sent his mind almost as the one-legged yak Thunder was about to fall.

“What the hell.”

Red child is very dissatisfied. He wanted to see the yak and Primal Chaos doing it. I didn’t expect Primal Chaos to admit defeat.

“Let your Beast Soul!” Yak coldly.

Primal Chaos Demon King hesitated, seeing the yak eyes cold, Thunder nearly falling, panic, it quickly pulled out Beast Soul.

“Holy Baby!” The yak smiled and looked at the red child. “As long as you leave a brand on your Beast Soul, you can drive it!”

“Demon King, I don’t want to do it, I don’t want it!”

Red child’s face is rejected.


The yak is speechless.

To be honest, he is very interested in this huge Primal Chaos Demon King, I want to say, you don’t want me.

But after all, I didn’t dare to start to talk.

“Give me!” Zhao Fang said.

In this regard, the red child has no opinion, but the yak is frowned.

“What? You don’t seem to agree?” Zhao Fang gave him a look.

Yak Road: “I am blunt, with the current master cultivation base, even if you can leave the spirit in Beast Soul, it will not be too long and will be swallowed up by Primal Chaos Demon King.”

“And during this time, Young Master can’t control Primal Chaos.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, “Red child Strength is also a matter of circumstances, he can control Primal Chaos Demon King?”

“Singapore King cultivation base in general, but the spirit is tempering with three flavors of fire, abnormally tyrannical, enough to suppress Primal Chaos Demon King.” Yak explained.

“So, as long as the spirit is strong enough?”


It is easy to say that it is simple and strengthens the spirit.

Ordinary Cultivator, the spirit can basically be the same as the cultivation base.

Spirituality is stronger than the cultivation base, which is rarely seen.

“That’s it.”

Then what?

What do you mean?

Just when the yak thought that Zhao Fang was about to give up, Zhao Fang took off his eye mask and revealed the ashes.

“This is ……”

Yak eyes slammed.

In that gaze, he felt that his Beast Soul seemed to be isolated and uncontrolled.

“Nothing wrong, This is a blind eye!”

The yak is also well-informed, but dumbfounded at the moment.

A human youngster has a sly eye that is known for its greed. What is the match of this damn?


The ash smashed out a Dao Guang mang, covering the Primal Chaos Beast Soul.

The latter seems to anticipate what it is, yelling and trying to struggle.

But it was suppressed by the yak.

In the end, one-third of Primal Chaos Beast Soul was swept by ashes.

Not only that.

On the remaining Primal Chaos Beast Soul, Zhao Fang’s spiritual brand was also left behind.

Thanks to Zhao Fang’s spiritual knowledge, one-third of Primal Chaos Beast Soul, which is branded on the Primal Chaos Beast Soul, is almost easy to merge with the remaining Primal Chaos Beast Soul.

All of a sudden.

Zhao Fang feels that she has a trace of a trace with Primal Chaos Demon King.

“Primal Chaos !”

Zhao Fang looks out at Primal Chaos.

“Master, Master?”

Primal Chaos sounds a bit stunned.

I heard this.

The yak is stupid.

This is surrendered?

Too damn is easy!

Losing himself previously reminded Zhao Fang.

Thinking of the previous assertion, it was difficult for Zhao Fang to surrender Primal Chaos. As a result, people turned their eyes and let Primal Chaos start to talk recognizing Master.

Rao is a thick yak, and can’t wait to find a seam to drill in?

“Yak, Primal Chaos within the body, there is a lot of Thunder left, is what’s going on?”

After communicating with Primal Chaos, Zhao Fang threw the perceived problems to the yak.

“It should be Tribulation Thunder!”

The yak calmed down and said: “This Primal Chaos, already crossed the third threshold of Xianmen, and passed through the fire and thunder. Just go through the final Heart Demon robbery and you can climb the fairy door and fly to the shoulder. Heavenly fairy!”


Zhao Fang has a brow.

After the experience of the Netherworld ghost boy in the netherworld world, he knows that he is a Transcending Tribulation.

Transcending Tribulation is also divided into nine, which experienced four disasters.

Wind, Fire, Ray, Heart Demon!

The wind is the black scorpion and the hurricane robbery, and the latter’s two-tribulation, the overbearing means of dying.

In general, the latest robbery will be lowered in the Transcending Tribulation 3-Layer.

There is also a Cultivator, just stepping into the Transcending Tribulation environment, it is robbed by the wind, this is also not sure, and it is also the way they have been repaired.

Relatively speaking.

The Fire Two Two Tribulation was lowered at the latest, respectively in the Transcending Tribulation Sixth with the Transcending Tribulation Nine.

In general, after the Strength reaches a certain level, you can Sense to the Two Tribulation, but as long as you can suppress the cultivation base, you can let the fairy come later.

This leaves enough preparation for the Transcending Tribulation Cultivator.

The more prepared, the greater the probability that Transcending Tribulation will succeed.

This is so.

There are also countless Transcending Tribulation Cultivators under the Two Tribulation.

Therefore, any Cultivator that has crossed the Two Tribulation of the Thunder can already be counted as the Immortal.

“Primal Chaos within the body has Tribulation Thunder, which is the result of Transcending Tribulation, which is the result of swallowing Tribulation Thunder into the abdomen.”

The yak thought of some rumors about the Primal Chaos Transcending Tribulation, and it looked weird.

“This is also OK.” Zhao Fang is also a long-term experience.

“It has swallowed Tribulation Thunder and passed Thunder Tribulation. Thunder Tribulation is a force of immortality. It is difficult to refining. In the long run, it is not a good thing for it, and it will even affect it.”

Yak expression solemn road.

“Heart Demon robbery?”

Zhao Fang rubbed his chin, as the last hurdle of Deng Xianmen, the deficientulty of Heart Demon can be imagined.

“However, this fellow mixes Primal Chaos chaos, can you touch Heart Demon?” Zhao Fang is weird.

“No. After digesting the Tribulation Thunder and cultivation base Upgrade to the Transcending Tribulation peak, you only need to turn the with the body Monster Force into a virtual Monster Force. It is the demon!”

Red child road.

“So, it doesn’t have Heart Demon?” The yak is also the first time to hear.

“The four fierce, and even some strange Immortal Beast, have no Heart Demon robbery.”

Wen Yan, a yak complexion.

Suddenly, the beast is more than a beast, and it is also a very unpleasant thing for the beast.

“How about it, can you digest it with the body Tribulation Thunder?” Zhao Fang looks at the red child.

“You can’t get it, but if you can find some treasures of Heaven and Earth, let it take, it should have some effect.” Red child is not sure.


“Cough…” The red child is a little embarrassed. “Time is too long. I used to read some miscellaneous books. Some of them are not clear!”

“What treasures of Heaven and Earth?”

Seeing that Zhao Fang did not pursue it, Red Child breathed a sigh of relief, thought about it, and said a few.

No accident, Zhao Fang has never heard of it.

“I hope that the demon world can find one or two plants.” Zhao Fang thought about it.


At this time, the yak spurted a lot of demon. Just like a balloon leaking, accompanied by a demon leak, the huge body of the yak began to shrink.

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