Chapter 266 Big Ruins Forest

“brat, you can’t escape!”

“Don’t dare to kill Li Hansha’s daughter, even if I chase the end of the world, my Li Hansha will kill you, peeling and cramping!”

“My Heavenly River School, let people taste a lot of money, and die late!”


a path of roar, ringing at Zhao Fang behind.

Zhao Fang didn’t dare to stay, pedaling Cloud Rising Immortal Step, speed is extremely fast.

Under the full force, speed is not inferior to those 6-Star Martial Emperor.

But the same.

It is difficult to get rid of them.

Unless, his speed is doubled.

But this is almost impossible!

“damned! What is the movement technique that brat is showing? Obviously is 9-Star Martial Venerable, but in terms of speed, it is not inferior to me, etc.”

“This brat can kill Cai Cheng and Li Ru and others. It seems that there are really a few brushes!”

“Oh! No matter how he has the means, this time, he will die!”

At the time of Heavenly River School and Ghost King Cave Vice Cave Lord Li Hansha, coldly snorted, speed suddenly increased a bit.

Zhao Fang stunned this scene, eyelids jumped.

Grab a Pill Medicine, swallow it, under the foot, and quickly shoot away from the distance.


Six Martial Emperor Powerhouses attacked in the rear in an attempt to delay the Zhao Fang offensive.

But they were all escaping by Zhao Fang’s movement technique with mesmerizing.

That being said.

However, the distance between the two sides has been greatly reduced.

Pass through Wasteland.

Zhao Fang has more and more people.

no way.

Zhao Fang’s bloody ball of light on the top is so dazzling, simply like a bright light in the night.

Anyone who recognizes the blood of the ball of light is face shows, with a greedy killing intent, joining the army of the pursuit.


More and more people are there.

From the six people gradually increased by a dozen people, dozens of people, hundreds of people, hundreds of …

The number of people is constantly increasing!

“Fuck! Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?”

Looking back, Zhao Fang immediately jumped.

Behind the chase, densely packed, and imposing manner Berserk, his face showed no expression of not killing Zhao Fang, swearing not to give up.

That expression, engaged in Zhao Fang kinky their wife and daughter, killing their parents in general.

Hate can not live under the same sky !

Moreover, most of these people are peak Martial Venerable, and some Martial Emperor Powerhouse.

As for Martial Ancestor or ordinary Martial Venerable, there is not even one.

Not without, but can’t keep up with Zhao Fang speed, was left in the end!

“damn, is there a mistake, when is the Martial Venerable Powerhouse so bad, and there is a large group at random?”

Zhao Fang complained.

“Don’t it be that the Hell-class Dungeon?i your father can kill a Martial Emperor, can spur so many Powerhouses? This damn still makes people not live? 格ather, i your father’s Luck 咋 so back !”

Zhao Fang smiled again and again.

All the way to escape, Zhao Fang did not know how many miles he escaped.

Just feeling that the number of behind teams has not only decreased, but is still increasing.

Even if some of the Martial Venerable is due to the purchase, the True Force is exhausted and it is helpless to give up.

But midway, there will be more Martial Venerable to join the purchase.

Under such a cycle, with the accumulation of Time, hundreds of people finally expanded to thousands.

Thousands at the same time take action, want to block Zhao Fang.

The sound of the vastness, the entire Space, has a loud Rumble.

Zhao Fang was injured by some flow vectors, and the speed dropped slightly.

“Fuck Fuck, go on like this, i your father will be caught up!”

Zhao Fang felt a great threat from his forehead.

Slightly one clench one’s teeth.

He opened the System Shop and directly exported a primary Space Shattering Talisman.

Without the slightest hesitation.


There was a rays of light scattered from the broken Space Shattering Talisman, wrapped in Zhao Fang.

Rays of light.

Zhao Fang disappeared in place.

“én? People!”

The army of the rear pursuit, all dumbfounded.

The six Martial Emperor Powerhouses, even one step faster, came to the position where Zhao Fang disappeared, carefully observed for a moment, and finally expression gloomy said: “It seems that the brat is underestimated, I did not expect that he still has this Kind of delivery of treasure!”

Li Hansha is sullen: “Oh, but dying struggle nothing more. That brat was planted by Ru’er Ten Thousand Ghost 10 days Pursue and Kill Command, which also included the Cultivation of my Ghost King Cave. Technique aura, even if he escapes a thousand miles, Old Man can be perceived through Secret Treasure.”


Li Hansha took out a mirror-like treasure, with a palm on it and a mirror flashing.

“heavenly treasure , Ghost Moon Yin Spirit Mirror ?”

Heavenly River School 6-Star Martial Emperor gaze, exclaimed.

“Hey, Yu Heng Elder really out of the ordinary. This thing, indeed Ghost Moon Yin Spirit Mirror, can detect some sinister things. That brat has not cultivated the Cultivating Technique, but it is already in the game. , must not escape.” Li Hansha 桀桀said with a laugh.

Yu Heng pico nod.

Heavenly River School and Ghost King Cave are also old-fashioned, and naturally have a certain understanding of the treasures in their Sect.

Li Hansha whispered in the mouth, with the body gloomy aura rushing, like a wave of sweeping out.

Even Yu Heng, who is with him at 6-Star Martial Emperor Realm, is also a brows slightly wrinkle, back two steps.

As for the other two people, it is even more unbearable.

Directly retreat by this gloomy aura.


Li Hansha within the body Gloomy aura permeates to the peak, but sees his skinny fingers, suddenly abyss, with a black mans, a pointing at the mirror above.


Between the mirrors, emits has a strange power.

Followed by.

Mirrored above, there is a countless spot.

Every light spot represents a Ghost Spirit’s presence.

Among the many spots, there is an extremely thin, thin-skinned thin silk.

Thin silk is red and is pointing in a position.

“Northwest, thousands of miles away!” Li Hansha’s hoarse voice, ringing in Yu Heng and others’ ears.


Yu Heng complexion slightly changed ,”Big Ruins Forest !”

Hearing the name of the place, even Li Hansha, the brows were wrinkled slightly.

“Definitely Big Ruins Forest?”

“The Big Ruins Forest, the chief of the Old Second, had been searching for it ten years ago, and almost died in it. For it, naturally it is a memory!”

Say, Yu Heng Elder touched his right face, under his corner of his eye, with an extremely flawed scar.

This injury was left when he smashed Big Ruins Forest.

“Yu Heng, that Big Ruins Forest, is terrifying so rumored?”

I heard this.

Yu Heng Elder is silent, then slowly nod, the voice is a bit low and depressed, “Old Ghost Li, your Initial Entry Five Elements Ruins World Soon, it is normal to know Big Ruins Forest. That Big Ruins Forest is Wood. The most dangerous forbidden place in the Prefecture, the Tier-6 Spirit beast is everywhere, and the Tier-7 Spirit beast is also endless, even if Tier-8 is occasionally infested. It is rumored that the Overlord of Big Ruins Forest is Divine Beast ranked existence. ”

“You said that this place is not dangerous?”

Li Hansha slightly frowned, “Then you mean, that brat enters the Big Ruins Forest, and there is no doubt that we don’t have to chase it?”

Yu Heng Elder shook his head.

“In general, Martial Venerable enters Big Ruins Forest and the probability of survival is not great. But that brat can escape from the purse of all of us, but it is a bit weird and has to pay attention.”

“So, this Elder suggests that we can stay out of the Big Ruins Forest!”

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