The 267th chapter of the strange valley

call out!

Big Ruins Forest is in front of the sky, with flowing light.

Speed ​​is as fast as a meteor!

As the sky passed through Big Ruins Forest, the flow light plummeted.

The ‘bang’ sound fell into the Big Ruins Forest.

Such a loud noise, the scare of the surrounding Spirit beast was scared, and the ghosts were crying and screaming.

Only leave a deep pit!

I don’t know how long it took, a bloody palm, on the edge of the big pit.

In the fierce wheezing, a bloody, seemingly miserable fellow appeared on the edge of the crater.

This bad luck reminder of fellow, not someone else, is our Noble Young Master Zhao.

Noble Young Master Zhao glanced at all around and found that there was no one left, suddenly sighed with relief: “damn’s, too dangerous! Xin Yi i your father running fast, otherwise, this life will also be accounted for there! ”

“However, what is it here? Is it too quiet?”

Zhao Fang frowns.

Then I looked at my own state and my brows became wrinkled.

His state at the moment is not good, and can even be described as bad.

When converted to data, it is that HP is less than 20 percent.

Belong to the category of serious injury!

“About! I didn’t expect Heavenly River School and Ghost King Cave Powerhouse to come so fast!”

Zhao Fang sighed, and then summon out Fog Beast, guarding the side.

“This primary Space Shattering Talisman can only be transmitted a thousand miles at random. This distance is not too far for the Martial Emperor Powerhouse. I have to take this and leave while recovering!”

Then, Zhao Fang called Griffin, sitting on his wide back, taking a bottle of Pill Medicine from the Clear-Breeze Ring, taking a look up, closing his eyes and starting to recover.

Zhao Fang has a lot of Pill Medicine on his body.

It was all from the Pill Treasure Pavilion.

Among them, most of Pill Medicine’s Grade are in Universe Level High Grade.

There are also some Yellow Grade Healing Medicine Pill.

However, this level of Pill Medicine is rare even in the Pill Treasure Pavilion.

Zhao Fang also only scratched a bottle, about five.

At this moment, take a grain, and I feel that there is a flame along the esophagus, pouring into the chest and spreading to the limbs.

The body of the injured weak, with the take of this Pill Medicine, quickly recovered.

It’s been about half an hour.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes and shone in the eyes.

After half a hour of rest, his Strength, although not fully recovered, also restored 70-80%.

I barely have the power of battle!

“Weird, it’s been so long, how come there is no trace of the Heavenly River School Ghost King Cave? Are they giving up the purchase me?”

Zhao Fang had some doubts and stopped for a while.

His complexion is even more eccentric when it is confirmed that there is no powerful aura to catch up!

In his impression.

Whether it is Heavenly River School or Ghost King Cave, it should be extremely overbearing. It is killed by Sect, how can it be willing to give up?

“Cat tired, this must have some unknown greasy!”

Zhao Fang Heart Thought, the eyes flashed quickly across all around, but it was impossible to guess, Heavenly River School Ghost King Cave and others, why give up the purchase!

“No matter, without pursuit, i your father is happy too. If you can stay here for seven or eight days, wait until the purchasing task is over, then more.”

In Wasteland, Zhao Fang stayed for two days.

The time limit of Ten Thousand Ghost 10 days Pursue and Kill Command is less than eight days.

of course.

Zhao Fang also knows that this idea is a bit too naive. “The most urgent thing is Upgrade Strength. If your father has the Strength of 9-Star Martial Emperor, even if there are more people behind the pursuit, i your father can make them come back. And will it be like this, like a stray dog?”

Zhao Fang in the eyes cold light flashing, the silhouette of the purper, one by one in its mind.

“Wait, wait until the father really enters the Martial Emperor, when you cry!”

With a sneer, Zhao Fang patted the Griffin head and let it fly to the mountain aysss.

Zhao Fang has entered the mountain abyss for only one purpose!

Kill monster level up!

For a long time, the Spirit beast he encountered was very few.

And all are extremely weak, are about three Tier-4, not to mention Zhao Fang, even Griffin can not look up.

“Where’s going on? Spirit beast obviously so weak, but always makes me feel uneasy. It’s weird.”

That being said.

In the next trip, Zhao Fang became more cautious and careful.


He came to a valley with no danger.

The surface of the valley, the five colors, the scenery is very beautiful, quite a sense of a kind of paradise.

Coupled with the abundant Spiritual Qi in it, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but praise the blessed land after seeing it.

He stepped to the valley.

The valley is very quiet, the stream is flowing, like a gorgeous movement, quite washing the heart.

Zhao Fang speed is not slow, strolling, the eyes flashing over the surrounding scenery.

Can’t help but give birth to a feeling of nostalgia.

He was sitting cross-legged on the boulder above the stream, the pug of the Beast Transformation, and he stretched out his body, as if he was enjoying this rare quiet.


At this time, a breeze passed.


In the quiet valley, there were some strange sounds.

Zhao Fang opened his eyes, but at the time of all of a sudden, his eyes were miniature, and the in the eyes flashed a shock.

“Fuck, isn’t it?!”

Fog Beast opened his eyes, and when he saw the look of all around, there was a horror in the face of the cute puppy.

At a distance of more than twenty feet from the front of Zhao Fang, there is a colorful Python.

Python behind, there are countless strips either fine or thick, or long or short, eye reveals the cool light of the Viper.

This is not counting.

Taking Zhao Fang as the origin, within the circular thousand zhang, all of them are covered with ugliness, emits and vicious aura Viper.

Other than that.

In the grass by the stream, on the big trees on the shore, and in the cracks of the rocks, they all found a three-corner head.

Standing in the position of Zhao Fang, look up at it at random, and all of them are snakes.


The flowers and trees in the valley, in this split second, are all snakes.

“Mahjong, so many snakes, is your father coming to the snake nest?”

Even with the heart of Zhao Fang at the moment, I feel that the scalp is numb,

after all.

He is not facing a snake or two, but thousands of, densely packed, countless colorful creeping creatures.


Zhao Fang complexion is even more ugly.

In this group of snakes, he perceives the Tier-7 Middle Stage and the aura of the Tier-7 Late Stage Spirit beast.


Zhao Fang got up and watched as a whole around, corner of the mouth revealing a trace bitterness.

The way out from east to west and north and south was completely sealed.

If he flees to any direction of the four directions, he will be greeted by thousands of Viper’s attack.

Things are big!

Being besieged by so many snakes, even the 6-Star Martial Emperor can’t be eaten.

This is the moment.

Zhao Fang faintly understands why the 6-Star Martial Emperor of Heavenly River School Ghost King Cave did not catch up.


As he smiled, the group of snakes staring at him was unable to hold back, and the body exploded, turning into a spear of a broken front, stabbing Zhao Fang.

To put this first year into this valley, for the first few years, there is no residue left for swallow.

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