Chapter 268 kills Tier-7

“Get out!”

With Zhao Fang’s low roaring sound, the road is full of sharpness tearing aura’s sword light, which is swept out from Zhao Fang’s fingertips.

On the occasion of the rush, Sword Qi quickly condensed in front of Zhao Fang and turned into a Sword Qi light barrier.

Anything that comes up with Spirit Snake doesn’t exceed Tier-6 Late Stage.

They all touched the Sword Qi light barrier’s all of a sudden and were smashed into slag by Sword Qi.

For a moment.

Countless Spirit Snake is dead.

Dīng dīng sound is constantly.

In order to expand the great war fruit, Zhao Fang uses Level 1 Berserk, and with Ten Veins Divine Sword, its might, even Tier-7 Initial Stage Spirit beast, must also avoid the edge.

Zhao Fang is brave and invincible, like a War God, sweeping invincible.

However, all of the Spirit Snakes that they played against were killed by instant kills.


Zhao Fang is not easy.

At the time of Killed Spirit Snake, his attention has been observed, in the Spirit Snake group, the five Tier-7 Middle Stages and the Late Stage Python.

Only these Python can pose a threat to him!

Pythons sit still, cold eyes, staring at Zhao Fang, indifferent looks at him slaughtering their own subordinates.

Their in the eyes, revealing a cold, and ruthless.

But it is like testing the strength of Zhao Fang.

Same as Time.

Beast Transformation made a white mist, appeared in Zhao Fang behind, protected Zhao Fang, and attacked Spirit Snake from behind.

With Fog Beast’s strange natural talent Divine Ability, as long as you don’t touch the Tier-7 Spirit beast, you can still support the scene.

But Zhao Fang knows.

This kind of situation will not last long.


He can’t take care of that much.

At the same time of the crazy slaughtering snake, he also swallowed the Flood Dragon blood essence from Spirit Snake.

Although Spirit Snake, which can explode Flood Dragon blood essence, is extremely rare.

However, the quantitative change causes qualitative changes.

Based on such a large number of Spirit Snake groups, the 蛟Dragon Blood pulse is not uncommon.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-6 Middle Stage ‘Nine-line Spirit Snake ‘, obtain 60000000 Point Experience Value, 6000000True Force Value Points, 60000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain a trace ‘蛟Dragon Blood vein.’”


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain a trace ‘蛟Dragon Blood vein.’”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain ……”


“You swallowed a trace 蛟Dragon Blood, Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline to strengthen 10 points.”

“You swallowed a trace 蛟Dragon Blood, Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline to strengthen 10 points.”

“You swallowed a trace 蛟Dragon Blood, Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline to strengthen 10 points.”


Zhao Fang, while killing Spirit Snake, took the opportunity to upgrade the Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline.

Not long after.

As more and more Spirit Snake, the mortal Tier-7 python, can no longer stand.


A Tier-7 Middle Stage python rushes out.

The dagger is huge, and when it opens its mouth, it is also through the killing intent.

Zhao Fang blinked, big hand move, Cover Sky Banner in hand, his Void Hand grabbed, andududly grabbed hundreds of Demon Soul.

Demon Soul appeared on the Tier-7 Middle Stage Python as soon as he appeared.

The Python expression is cold, it seems to never see the general, its ruthless eye, just staring at Zhao Fang.


All of a sudden in Demon Soul’s encounter with Python, a low-pitched voice, spit out from Zhao Fang’s mouth.


The bang came out and hundreds of Demon Soul instantly self-destruct.

The power generated by its self-destruct is like a terrifying hurricane, sweeping to the Python.

Pēng pēng !

Python body, all of a sudden in the hurricane, like being slashed by millions of swords, instantly bursting into a group of Blood Mist.

At the same time, there are hundreds of Tier-5 Tier-6 Spirit Snake.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, killed Tier-7 Middle Stage ‘Dark Spirit Ghost Python ‘,obtain 600000000 Point Experience Value, 60000000True Force Value Points, 60000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Tier-7 ‘Dark Element Beast Core ‘,whether refining ?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Tier-7 ‘Flood Dragon blood essence ‘,whether to fuse.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘…”

Zhao Fang couldn’t help but smile when he saw the amount of Blood Dragon essence.

“Those of the Demon Soul are not dead, this Tier-7 Python bursts with the Dragon Blood, which is a thousand times stronger than the Tier-6 Spirit Snake.”

After taking the Beast Core and throwing it to Fog Beast, Zhao Fang is directly blending with Blood Dragon blood essence.


“You swallowed a Flood Dragon blood essence, Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline to strengthen the 10000 point.”

Zhao Fang feels that as the swallow drops the Flood Dragon blood essence, the original semi-disabled Baxia Armour is faintly repaired by a third.

“Try killing two more Tier-7 Python, my Baxia Armour, and you can recover.”

Zhao Fang glanced at the remaining five Tier-7 Pythons on the field, and there was a fire in the eyes. “If you Tier-7 Python all killed here, Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline should reach the 1st layer. Perfection !”

Thinking of the various benefits of the Tyrant of the Depths (Ba Xia) Bloodline 1st layer Perfection, Zhao Fang became more and more angry.

“Roaaar ~”

With the Tier-7 Python being smashed, the other five Tier-7 Pythons are squeaky and squeaky, like the dragon roar.

“Flower wipe, the two Tier-7 Late Stage Python, it won’t be ruined?”

Zhao Fang has a sweat on his forehead, and even with Cover Sky Banner, he has little confidence in Python at two Tier-7 Late Stages.

To know.

The reason why I was able to kill the Tier-7 Middle Stage Python.

Because, among the hundreds of Demon Souls, there are several Demon Souls of Tier-7 Late Stage.


At the time of Demon Soul self-destruct, you can have such a crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

But Tier-7 Late Stage Python, its own defense, is much stronger than the Tier-7 Middle Stage.

Even thousands of Demon Soul self-destructs may not be killed.

“In the killed two Tier-7 Middle Stage Python is withdrawn.”

Zhao Fang blinked and had an idea in his heart.

It is at this time.

The remaining three Tier-7 Middle Stage Pythons, all out, eye reveals ice-cold killing intent, from three directions, rushed to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang’s brows, when they rushed into the figures number of hundred zhang (333m), the hands of the Cover Sky Banner shook, but there are thousands of Demon Soul.

All of a sudden.

Demon Soul covers the sky, the entire sky gloomy is like ink.

As soon as Demon Soul appeared, the three Tier-7 Python figures a pause, their entire wisdom was not high, but the tragic death of the previous companions, they are clearly seen, naturally know that the Demon Soul terrifying.

“Want to go? Late!”

Zhao Fang sneer, the palm of his hand is gripping, “explosion!”


A Berserk’s voice, like the countless thunder and thunder, echoed in the valley.


The terrifying power produced by Demon Soul self-destruct is like an irresistible disaster, sweeping away from the nearest three Tier-7 Middle Stage Pythons, and near Python, the countless Spirit Snake.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

The turmoil generated by Demon Soul self-destruct, the three Tier-7 Middle Stage Python, is a rebellious force, showing the painful color. In the fierce struggle, the figure suddenly bursts. Make a group of bloody rain.



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