“Dragon Shadow was swallowed?”

Sihong has the loss of all of a sudden.

This is the living spirit of the dozens of Elder souls, such as condensed ink.

Extremely potential for presence.

In this way, was it swallowed by Horn?

Look at Horn emits the blazing rays of light, and the flood has the impulse to cough up blood.

that moment.

He clearly consciousness, what is called a wedding dress for others.

“damn it, some operations are fierce like a tiger, I thought I could surrender my opponent and maintain the dignity of my family. I didn’t expect it to eventually become two hundred and five, and even the dragon shadows were swallowed!”

Older Elder has a sad face and a constant cough, as if to cough up.

Not only him.

Other 亢Clan people saw the scene where Dragon Shadow was swallowed by Horn, as if the witnesses were killed and others were killed. They all felt sore and heartfelt.


亢洪狂狂, roar towards the sky, like a wounded wild beast.

His booth eyes are red, staring at Zhao Fang: “brat, you have repeatedly committed my family, killing me Patriarch old, I really thought you couldn’t help you?”

The sound came out cold, and the Void Hand was caught, and a bronze bell with a dragon pattern appeared in his palm.

“Clan Protecting, the dragon bell?”

The old complexion has changed, looking to Zhao Fang said: “Don’t resist!”

However, his reminder, after all, is one step late.

Take out the flood of the dragon’s bronze bell and directly use Immortal Force activate.

Dōng dōng !

The sound waves emitted by the bronze bell are several times stronger than the dragon shadow, and the circumference number of the two people, the hundred zhang (333m), is covered by this clock wave.

Anyone who enters the clock wave range will be enchanted by the endless magic, and eventually Bleeding will die from Seven Orifices.

See Zhao Fang complexion whitish, body shaking, Hong Hong only feels happy in his heart.

The depressed gas that was previously pressed is also stretched out a little.

“brat, you can die under the ‘Bronze Dragon Bell’, you are proud enough!”

Shouted the flood.

“Proud of your sister. Father can not be enlightened by your to kill!”

Zhao Fang eyes are red, bloodshot almost oozing out of the eyelids, roaring, holding the gold Horn, keep waving.

Horn poured in a lot of air, and the sound of the whimper came out, but like a thunder, it sounded all around.

The Horn sounds and the clock wave keeps colliding, but it does not stop.

Both sides are evenly matched.

However, the aftermath of the incident will smother the sorrows of the Zhao Fang, and cough up blood.

Zhao Fang is okay.

There is a powerful body, and a piece of sacred support from the killed gold Tiger Shark, the situation is better.

Sihong is going to be miserable.

Although there is also a serie defense.

However, in the face of this endless wave of aftermath, the singer did not support it for a long time, and there was a small area of ​​bombing.

The rest of the wave followed the broken parts and invaded the Fleshy Body.

Initially, he can still rely on the cultivation base to resist, and with the constant activation of the Dragon Bell, the Immortal Force is intensified, and he has no power to defend.

Just a moment of skill.

The previously unsuccessful floods have been Bleeding from Seven Orifices, and the hair is scattered, the clothes are broken, and the appearance is miserable.

Even aura, it has weakened a few points.

Go on like this.

It will not take long for him to kill Zhao Fang, he will be killed by Yu Bo.

But now.

He is already riding a tiger.

If you stop, you will only die faster.

The only way to save your life is to kill Zhao Fang.

Only in this way can we preserve ourselves.

He looked at the sky.

The latter would like to send orders to some of the Clan Elder.

Those Clan Elder faces are full of hesitation.

In the end, I still bite the clench one’s teeth: “You can’t let Patriarch die like this. Otherwise, my family’s loss will be too great!”

“Don’t intervene in the battle of their two people, otherwise you don’t even know how to die.”

The old man discouraged.

But no one listens.

It is not to respect the old man.

It’s the situation at hand, and the ready time is when you have to take action.

“Old, Patriarch can’t die. Otherwise, it will have too much impact on my family. Even if I wait for my death, if I can live in Patriarch, I will not die!”

Clan Elder is awkward.

With a crowd of Wonderland Powerhouse, surrounded by Zhao Fang.

I am planning to take advantage of Zhao Fang and Sihong, and I will be obliterate when I can’t move.

But when they are near the side of Zhao Fang, the hundred zhang (333m).

Surging waves like waves, the source of the constant is coming.

In all of a sudden, Clan Elder and others, like a headless fly, twirled around Zhao Fang and could not carry out an effective attack.


The mind that was almost wiped out by the sound waves collapsed.

A force spread from Zhao Fang and forced them out of the hundred zhang (333m).

There is only one person left.


Clan Elder retired to the hundred zhang (333m), and when the sound of the screaming of the heart gradually faded, the mind went up and turned back.

Looked at Zhao Fang with a complicated look.

They want to kill Zhao Fang.

The other party obviously has the opportunity to kill himself, but let go of himself?

“Clan Elder, do you want to continue?”

Asked a scattered fairy Powerhouse.

“no need.”

Clan Elder shook his head in a complicated complexion: “The other person wants to kill me, but one more nothing.”

“I used to take the Patriarch take action once, and I can count on my family friendship. Now, he is alive and dead, but look at God!”

Several people returned.

Come to the old man.

A look of sorrow.

Just now, the old man advised them not to intervene. They insisted on being alone and almost killed.

Returning now, and facing the elders, I feel shame.

The old man no longer cares about them, and thoughtfully hides his second beh in his behind.

He doesn’t think that Zhao Fang is a good-tempered person, he will put these Clan Elder for no reason.

“hēi hēi, old man, how, no white rescue?”

The voice of the second haha.

Just now, when Zhao Fang and Sihong were fighting, the momentum was too great, and both of them were involved.

With its Strength, I feel strongly Crisis and can only ask for help.

“Save my life, ten times back!”

In this regard, the old man did not care much, look at Zhao Fang’s face, after all, take action to save it once.

did not expect.

This time Clan Elder and others take action, facing Crisis, but can withdraw from the whole body.

This has a completely different ending from the miserable end of the previous ink and others.

“Is it really because of this dog?”

Depressed in the old heart, he blamed Clan for his precious life. Is it not as good as a dog in front of Zhao Fang?

“Quickly let me go, I can let me not kill you, otherwise, you will die!”

Seeing that Clan Elder was surrounded by sound waves, only one person, still resisting the source of the constant sound attack, stunned, yelled.

Zhao Fang ignored him.

Just concentrate on dealing with Sihong.

To be precise, it is the dragon bell in the hands of Sihong.

Sihong is nothing but a nine-robbery. Aside from all kinds of treasures, Zhao Fang can only suppress it.

The other party can compete with himself for so long, relying on the dragon bronze bell.

“This bronze clock is not simple.”

Zhao Fang blinked.

After the combination of Gold Horn and Dragon Shadow, the might far exceeds the common day Immortal Grade. The bronze bell can compete with it, and it does not fall into the wind, which shows its out of the ordinary.

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