“brat, you are dead!”

“The dragon bell is the treasure that my ancestors have raised with the blood of their lives. It is the common day Immoral Grade can be countered!”

See Zhao Fang has a tendency to fall into the wind, trapped in the sound of the enveloped area of ​​the sky, ignoring the blood flowing from the nose and mouth, mad like crazy.


Zhao Fang has a cold eye.

There is an unspeakable Majestic aura near the sky.


亢天皓 is like a sheep epilepsy, body madness, blood violently spurt.

When it is stabilized, it is already full of oil, aura 奄奄.

He is just a seven-robbery.

How can I survive, the sound impact of the Immortal Grade fairy?

Even a trace is enough to kill him!


Suihong treats clansman cold, but his own son, but it is extreme preference, see it is this miserable, both eyes red, clench one’s teeth between the teeth, burning their own blood, in order to activate the dragon bronze bell.

“brat, I want you to die!”

Suihong’s voice is resentful, and the dragon’s ancient bell gets its blood and blessing, and the might is even stronger.

Zhao Fang frowned.

This situation, for his part, is not a crisis.

The flood attack looks scary, in fact, it cannot be held. Long.

Once the blood is exhausted, the first thing that will die is the flood.

In the meantime, Zhao Fang only needs to protect himself from injury.


He does not like the way this victory is.

“Since you want to win, you will win the pain!”

Zhao Fang Eyes rays of light shines.

“go with!”

The gold Horn flew straight toward the dragon’s bronze bell. He followed him, slamming the boundless sound waves, enduring the blood of the eardrums and noses, and rushing to the flood.

“What does he want to do?

“Is it because you are not fast enough?”

Zhao Fang’s move, seeing the Clan people are inexplicable.

More, it is secretly cheering, looking forward.

I look forward to seeing Zhao Fang being killed.


Horn collided with the bronze clock.

A crisp sound is heard.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye are centered on two pieces of celestial bodies and spread in all directions.

All of a sudden.

Zhao Fang figure A stagnation, corner of the mouth.

He didn’t care.

Figure The dragon, under the heaven and earth filled with the sound of the bell, the sound of the fish, the speed increased, and the blink of an eye came to Sihong.

“how come?”

Sihong pupils shrank, unbelievable.

In the case of Zhong Rong and Horn, even if it is a common fairy, you must take a break from the front, and feel what’s going on?

Going crazy like it?

That’s it.

The key is to live alive in front of yourself.

How did he do that?

Sihong was inexplicably inexplicable, and first time found that he seemed to have smashed his opponent.

With a heart and mind, I hurried back.


The wind whistled, and a fierce dragon tail swept across.


The floods burned blood, the loss was too great, the speed fell seriously, and it was directly swept by the dragon tail. The whole person was like the garbage being swept away. The bones that were hit on the spot were shattered, and the figure flew out of the sound envelope.

Zhao Fang is chasing after him.

Take advantage of the take action.

Every hit, there is a heavy injury.

Not to mention the current flood, even if he is at the time of his prosperity, he does not dare to resist.



The dragon fights in the sky, unmatched!

Suddenly suffered from heavy injury, not to mention the game, even the power of self-destruct.

In the eyes of despair and unwillingness, Zhao Fang, which has been turned into a dragon shape, is crushed into meat and mud!

亢Clan people witnessed this scene, they felt that all over the body, at the same time, also gave birth to endless anger.


Sihong is a family of Patriarch, who was smashed in front of the family. How can this shameful humiliation endure?

“Do you want revenge?”

Turning around, looking at the clan who was guarded by behind, Zhao Fang’s voice was cold: “Come, I will give you a chance, together!”

If you have a blood, you can take action if you are not motivated.

But he was shot directly by the old man.

He replied: “Stupid!”

Half-step Aura of the Immortal, across the audience, the shock of the Clan people trembled, could not help but bowed his head, his face was full of unwillingness.

“Even if you are together, can you beat him?”

Some people are not willingly, but they want to refute, but they are reprimanded: “Is this Is brave? This is stupid. Gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, even this shallow truth does not understand, you cultivation for so many years!”

When I heard this, everyone was silent and no more words.

The second corner of the mouth of the mouth twitched: “Old things, you take Zhao to guard this group of melons, believe it or not, Zhao Ye slaps you to death?”

The old face dignity, coldly gave him a look.


In the eyes of everyone who is incredible.

This old man who has a very high status in his family, knees kneel down, rushed Zhao Fang respectfully said: “The thirty-seventh generation of the 亢 亢 亢 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Young Young Young Young Young Young


The atmosphere of the audience became strange at once.

亢Clan people face each other, in the eyes have deep confusion.

“Get up.”

Zhao Fang faint start to talk.

“Please ask Young Master to forgive sin first. 亢 身 身 亢 Young Young Young , , , , Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Young Master is resistant.”

The old man did not get up, but said solemnly.

“In addition to the floods, the Young Master has been tricked into a group of people who have regretted the court. All of them have been fussy, and the Young Master is also pity.”

“Get up,” Zhao Fang said again.

The old man did not say much this time, and after respecting a big ceremony, he slowly got up.

“I have something to ask you!”


The old nod, then Clan Elder was ordered to deal with the scene, then took Zhao Fang to the Patriarch main conference hall.

Except for Erha, and 寥寥extremely Clan Elder, everyone else stayed where they were.

In the Main Hall, Zhao Fang is sitting in the position of Patriarch.

亢 old expression as usual.

There are a few Clan Elders with twilight, extremely dissatisfied.

“Cang Long Qi Su, the family is the second home, right or wrong?” Zhao Fang ignored Clan Elder unsightly, looking straight at the old.

Canglong seven places, that is, the corner, 亢, 氐, room, heart, tail, 箕.

It is because of the existence of these seven veins that the Aolong Palace has a horizontal pressure on the Absolute!

It is the root of the famous Canglong Palace!

亢家, it belongs to the seventh pulse.

“Back to Young Master, yes.” 亢 old nod.

Zhao Fang frowned: “Then you are too weak to be home!”

The voice exit, the Clan Elder who had long been unhappy with Zhao Fang, glared at one by one, and wanted to swallow him.

I just killed someone Patriarch, and now I say that people are weak, not so humiliating!

He is a bitter smile, and as a real decision-making layer, he naturally understands the meaning of Zhao Fang. When Canglong Palace was in the same year, it suppressed a fairyland, and the intensity of Influence was not strong. Even if there were surpass, there were quite a few Powerhouses.

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