Outside the temple.

Several people, Old Third, stood in twos and twos.

Looking from time to time to look at the closed door.

“Hey old, you said, Jian Jian Sir left the fellow called Zhao Fang, what are you doing?”

Several Clan Elder were stunned by the health at the Main Hall. They felt trembled and did not think much. They retired.

Can stay outside the Main Hall for a while, gradually clear headed, feeling a bit weird.

However, I couldn’t think of it. I had to ask the younger sister Sir, in order to be able to receive other information.

The sea shook his head: “I don’t know!”

He is the truth.


Clan Elder thinks that the sea is perfunctory.

“Is it true that Sir Jian is really hurt, and can only support for three years?” Clan Elder are not fools, thinking of the excessive reaction of Jian Jian, can not help each other.

“That brat can see, is there a way to heal?”

“Just kidding, if Sui Jian is really sick, he is a fairy, he can’t cure it, that brat trivial Transcending Tribulation, what kind of flowers can you play?”

“You are wrong, people are ready for Half-step!”

“damn it, one step From the Transcending Tribulation into the Half-step, how is it not me? Good luck.”

While they were talking to each other, there were guards rushing over: “Elder, the major event is not good!”

The old man has been staring at the Main Hall and has no intention of paying attention.

Not arrogant.

In fact, he has retired, rarely asked about his family affairs.

This time, if the dragon-shaped statue is broken too much, it will not come out.

In other words.

He did not care about the common things, such as the scene that happened in front of him.

In Clan Elder, out of a wide-bodied Clan Elder, the emits is a smashing aura, which is present in Clan Elder, a cultivation base strongest.

“What happened.” Clan Elder’s voice was low.

“It’s the Luo Family and the Xie Family Powerhouse.” The guards are respectfully said.

“What are they doing?”

Wide-nose and deep-eyed Clan Elder’s eyes, passing a trace wariness.

Three Great Influences in the province of Yangyang, except for the family.

The remaining two are the Luo Family and the Xie Family.

Among them, Luo Family is the old-fashioned influence of the province of Yangyang. Inheritance is not known for many thousand years, and the background is extremely deep.

Xie Family is a bit weaker, but it shouldn’t be underestimated.

Behind the two, there are clansman in the flow of clouds, and Strength cannot be underestimated.

“Is it just that Zhao Fang and Patriarch have been fighting too hard, so that both powerhouses are Sense?”

Only this explanation can make sense. The two Great Influences, which have never been in contact with each other, suddenly came to visit.

“What are they doing?” asked Clan Elder with wide nose.

When the guards were about to reverberate, they noticed two abnormal tyrannical auras, and they came down. The cultivation base was only a heavy one, and there was room for squatting on the spot.

Wide-nose, Clan Elder complexion ashen’s looks at the guarding behind two people coming.

One person dressed in embroidered robe, noble and noble, is a middle-aged.

Another casually draped the layer of Black, and emits the evil looking aura.

“Luo Yan! Evil wind!”

Staring at someone comes, wide-nose Clan Elder complexion solemn.

Even looking at the hustle and bustle of Main Hall, I also looked back and looked at embroidered robe. The middle-aged black scorpion middle-aged, the brow slightly wrinkled: “The two are the owners of the Luo Family Xie Family, rushing to me without permission. Home, it’s too much to keep my family in the eye!”

I heard this.

Luo Xie’s evil spirits shook his head again and again: “The old man is serious, we two people, but I have been waiting for a long time outside the house. You have been drying us and spreading it. Others think that there is not much to see us.” Home, more influence and embarrassment.”

They can ignore the wide-nose Clan Elder, but they will not be underestimated by the old-fashioned Half-step.

“hehe ……”

I don’t laugh at the old skin, “I don’t know how to be friendly with you.”

Most of the injuries caused by Jian Jian are caused by these two families. As a child, he has a good attitude towards these two attitudes. He did not kill the two people on the spot.

“亢Fellow Daoist is a student. We are both here. It is obvious that there is an abnormal aura appearing in the family. It is not a matter of life.”

Luo Yan transferred the topic.

“Right. How can you not see your family’s Sihong Patriarch?”

The evil winds swept over the old man and several Clan Elders. They did not see the flood, and there were some accidents.

“There is no other thing that needs two help.”

The sea is indifferent: “Please come back, please don’t welcome you!”

Luo Yi evil wind complexion is not very good looking.

In any case, the two people are the ones of the family, and the cultivation base reaches the existence of the nine robbers.

It is one of the most peak people in the entire province of Yangyang.

Now, how can you endure in the family?

“Oh, let’s look for Sihong Patriarch. I will discuss with him the Wolongtan issue for two days. I have nothing to do with you. I am not going to report it, but I can afford it. Can you afford it?”

Luo Yi evil winds hands in behind, free to go to that stop, the body of the nine robbers aura, it is like a storm that swept through.

Except for the expression of the sea as usual.

Wide-nose and deep-eyed Clan Elder, one complexion whitish, look gloomy.

Being bullied to the home doorway, complexion can look good.

“You, too much!”

Take the sea take action, Half-step, and the aura overflows, instantly suppressing the two people aura.

There was no confusion on the faces of the two people, but the corner of the mouth revealed a trace of smile.


The sea frowned, and the gaze suddenly looked at the two people behind.

It should be a void of nothingness, abruptly split, two silhouettes, silently appearing in the two people behind the Luoyang evil wind.


The sea gaze condensed: “I didn’t expect that two people with heads and faces had actually made this Rank.”

His eyes were locked on two silhouettes behind the two people behind.

The two silhouettes are hidden in the black robe, can not see the appearance, but the emura of the emits, not inferior to him, is actually two Half-step Tianxian Powerhouse.

This time.

Not only is Clan Elder wide and deep, but the complexion of the sea has also become difficult to look at.

“I heard that my family was in great difficulty. Even Patriarch was killed. I was waiting for the influence of the province. I was able to see the family being washed away. The Powerhouse came to the rescue. I didn’t expect it, but I was misunderstood by the Fellow Daoist. !”

Luo Yan is a helpless look that a good man can’t do.

The sea complexion is getting more and more ugly.

He is ready to see that the other party is prepared.

It’s not the opponents of the two evils alone, and by themselves, the great family of Strength.


Can’t play here, otherwise, it will be a little bit scattered, and thousands of clansman will certainly be in danger.

Good ruthless heart thinking.

Good toxic calculations.

Understand the two Patriarch intentions, the sea only feels the whole body chills.

He was not surprised that the two families knew that Sihong was dead so quickly. There were spies in each of the three Great Influences. However, what he did not expect was that the other party would come so fast!

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