“What do you want?”

The sound of the sea is cold.

I don’t want to start, but the Luo Family Xie Family is not the case.

Otherwise, this time, it’s not just four people.

“hehe, 亢Fellow Daoist is interesting, and we don’t hide it.”

Lorraine evil spirits look at each other, the former smiles start to talk: “I Luo Family and Xie Family This year’s talents, Wolongtan’s quota is not enough, so I plan to borrow some from my family.”


“damn it, what is the difference between this and the strong cable?”

Clan Elder had a hot temper and immediately roared.

The words are complete.

It was swept in by a aura, like a heavy card hit by a disease, coughing blood in the mouth, figure rapidly suddenly retreat.

Take action, it is a evil wind that has never been said.

“We are talking to 亢Fellow Daoist, some arrogant dogs are also willing to interject? 亢Fellow Daoist, I will help you learn the lesson of these rules, you don’t have to thank!”

The evil wind pale face reveals a trace mad smile.


The Clan Elder complexion is ugly and has inspired Immortal Force to pose a battle.

The sea is also complexion gloomy.

The evil wind is too mad, and this move is tantamount to provoking the whole family.

He strode to the front of Clan Elder and shouted at them: “Retreat!”


Wide nose and deep face, I can’t wait to take action immediately.

“I will handle this matter, you will retreat!”

The sound of the sea is undoubtedly dignity.

Clan Elder looked at each other and stepped back.

They also know that the old move is to protect them, otherwise, with their strength, really fight with evil winds and others, bad luck, definitely be yourself.

“How much are you going to borrow!”

I am staring at Luo Wei, evil wind, said solemnly.

“hehe, or 亢Fellow Daoist know the time!” Luo Xiao laughed.

Wide-nose and deep-eyed Clan Elder clenched the fist, his face full of humiliation.

Despite the recent meetings of the Wolongtan, sovereignty has been transferred from the family to the Luo Family.

According to Clan Elder, the Luo Family wants to completely stabilize the sovereignty of Wolongtan. It takes at least several efforts to qualify the Pressure’s Might and the two.

Wan did not expect.

Will come so fast.

So suddenly.

I did not expect that the two families of Luoxie would join forces.

“If it is only a few dozen places, it will be better to say.”

Every time The Long Longtan event, the three Great Influences are almost the same, almost three hundred.

If you can take dozens of places, in exchange for the success of this year’s Wolongtan meeting, it is not bad.

Of course, this kind of thought, in exchange for them do not know the secret of the Wolongtan, perhaps still acceptable.

It is now.

It is very difficult to accept.

Wolongtan is the dragon of its own Powerhouse. It belongs to the family, and it is a last resort to share with outsiders.

This is a helpless move.

Now, outsiders are also planning to drive out their homes and prepare for monopoly. How can this be tolerated?

“hehe, not much, two hundred and thirty.”

Luo Yan smiled and said a number.

The words fall.

The atmosphere in front of the temple was quiet.

All the family Clan Elder have big eyes and an incredible look.

The old man is also complexion ashen: “Two hundred and thirty, not many, Luoxie two great ambitions, to remove the two hundred and thirty places, how many left in my family?”

“In any case, the family is not as good as the generation. If you use it, you can’t be a fairy. Why waste resources!”

The evil wind is taunted.


The old man was furious and screamed, and his voice was mixed with the Yimortal Technique.

Although the evil wind is prepared.

After all, it’s just a sneak peek, and there is still a gap between the cultivation base and the old man.

In addition to this surgery direct attack soul, he also ate a lot of boring, figure back three steps, shaking several times, only to be stable.

The face that was originally white, but now it is pale and bloodless, especially scary.

Luo Yi has not been targeted.

Also by this drink, the Half-step was shocked, the blood surged, and the complexion flushed.


Two silhouette flashes, appearing in the Luoyang evil wind before, coldly staring at the old man.


Main Hall all around, many of the Powerhouses appear.

The four people were surrounded by the center, and they were glaring at each other.

I don’t know what happened to the Item body, but the family and the evil spirits can be described as a hatred of the world, and it is necessary to make a move.

Luo Yan expressionless, straight hooked at the old, cold said with a laugh:

“Good means, I really have to hand in it. I may not be your opponent with the evil style Patriarch. But, do you really want things to develop to that one step?”

Once the family and the Luoxie two completely broke.

Will face the two families to join forces to attack.

Don’t say that today’s Origin Qi is a big injury, even if the Powerhouse such as Sihong is still there, it can’t resist it.

“three breaths Time, roll! Otherwise, don’t go back!”

The old voice is cold.

He had previously tolerated each other. He felt that it was not appropriate to compete with the Luo and the evils with the previous strength of the family.


The two families of Luo and evil did not have a good plan to discuss with the family.

When you come up, you will ask for two hundred and thirty places.

It is equal to breaking the back road.

If this matter can be tolerated, it will not be far from the death of the family!

Therefore, he has to be hard-pressed now.

“Hey, I thought we were afraid of you? Hands-on!”

The evil wind is full of grievances, and the sneering moment, the Half-step celestial aura in front of him is like a sinister fairy, directly rushing to the old man.


The Half-step in front of Luo Wei is also at the same time take action.

The two Half-step celestial joints, aura overwhelming, common sensation feels, all feel cold, such as falling ice, can not afford a little resistance.

The old complexion solemn has reached the extreme.

Immortal Force is agitated and is preparing to take action.


At this time.

In the old behind Main Hall, there was a strange sound.

Just like the sluice pulled up, the river surged like a raging wave.

However, it is not the river that is pouring out this time, but the fairy aura that is terrifying countless times than the river.

Aura tyrannical is solid, full of invincible killing power.

The two Half-step celestial celestial rushing to the front of the old man, surrounded by this aura, only felt stiff and unable to move. Looking at the Main Hall, the in the eyes was full of incredible gloom.

The old man is also on the spot.

Even forget to take action on two Half-step celestials.

When the reaction came, the two people had already succeeded retreat to the side of the Luo Yi evil wind, and the two people shouted: “It is the aura of the Tianxian Powerhouse, quickly go!”

Two people Wen Yan, they are all shocked, no nonsense, turn around and leave.

“I hurt my clansman, I want to leave like this?”

The icy sound came from the Main Hall, and an Immortal Force condensed palm appeared on the top of the two people.


The palms were suddenly photographed, two people blood violently spurt, the bones were broken, and only the whole body was scattered and could not move.

Also lost two people alert.

At the crucial moment, they used the Clan Protecting genius of each family to reluctantly save their lives.

“Go!” Two half-step celestial beings who were not affected by the stunned, stunned and stunned by the heavy injury, like the muddy sorrowful two people, no nonsense, turned and fled.

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