Golden Dragon Ze was born.

Golden light shines.

Dignity thousands.

Like the emperor of the beast, even it can’t help but give birth to a trace of worship.

Just generated this kind of emotion.

I feel a cold light across.

The neck is cold.

Subconscious touched, the thick blood, the gap that was split along the neck, like a fountain.

At this time.

It also finally saw that the reverse scale, which had been hidden under the belly of Golden Dragon, was dyed with a layer of blood light.

“How can it be? My defense, even the five centuries can not be broken, how can it be easily torn open?”

The three-tailed scorpion eyes are round and unbelievable.

Other demon scenes saw this scene, but also shocked.

“You haven’t heard a word?” Golden Dragon faint start to talk.

Three-tailed Scorpio is hard to look at Golden Dragon.

Just listen to the latter indifferently said: “The dragon has a reverse scale, and it will die!”

The three-tailed scorpion eyes are condensed.

It has naturally heard of this sentence, but I have never seen Dragon Race use reverse scale. I don’t care much about this sentence.

I will understand the meaning of this sentence until today.

“Unfortunately, I know it is too late!”

The three-tailed scorpion in the eyes was full of unwillingness, the neck slammed, the head fell, and a burst of blood was splashed.

Neck incision, smooth and smooth.

Obviously, it was easily torn by the sharp weapon without any slight delay.


“Congratulations host, killed BOSS ‘three-tailed scorpion’, obtain 50,000 days of celestial points, five thousand celestial points.”

“congratulations host, the ‘True Dragon Spirit’.”


“Three-tailed scorpio, dead, dead?”

Yan Jianyue feels that it must be a dazzling.

Especially Yu Yue.

At that time, the family and the three-tailed scorpio broke out countless times of fighting, and they failed to completely kill the opponent. They only changed a bone sufferer.

But it is such a strong terrifying opponent, but even the Golden Dragon can not stand it.

“The edge of reverse scale, so terrifying! is enough to compete with Peak’s Full strength strike!”

亢岳 stucked in a breath of cold air.

Other family members are also on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the old and difficult opponent that was so difficult, was so easily killed by Golden Dragon.

“Five thousand fairy points?”

Zhao Fang only felt that happiness came too suddenly, and there was a feeling of being stunned.

So many things that were mentioned behind System, he didn’t even understand it.

“I am missing the fairy point now, just right.”

Pressing the joy of his heart, Zhao Fang gaze at the demon.

There was a commotion in the demon.

After witnessing the death of Sanwei Tianzhu, this group of demon stunned, has lost the belief of fighting Golden Dragon.

Was swept by his eyes, and suddenly scared to escape.


Golden Dragon dignity sounds coming out.

The golden light has disappeared into the sky.

Like a sword that is invincible.

Wherever passed, the demon squatting on the spot!

Almost blink of skill.

This group of demons that made the family’s fairy sorrows have a terrible headache, and they were killed by the golden light, and one did not stay.

After killing the demon scene, Zhao Fang’s fairy soul points rose from 5,000 to 8,000, and directly increased by 3,000.

This is the end.

He just stopped.

The golden light flashes and reappears into a human form.

“Young Master!”

Yan Jian quickly greeted him and looked respectful.

Previously, he respected Zhao Fang and most of them respected him.

Respect him to save himself, and the identity of Zhao Fang Cang Young master Long.

Nowadays, it has become a compliment.

Zhao Fang just finished the breakthrough, and he did not do anything that he and the Yue Yue team could not do, showing the unmatched tyrannical power.

Such Strength, already deeply impressed.

“Zhao, brother!”

Yu Yue had a hard time swallowing.

“亢健, This is the eyes of the three-tailed scorpio, can detoxify, you first refining.”

“亢岳, This is Healing Medicine Pill.”

The two people had a quick result and they were wounded.

Not only that.

Zhao Fang also greeted other family members and gave them Pill Medicine to heal them.

This place is the place where the white Dragon King bones are buried.

This is the most rich blessed land of the dragon.

After the golden lotus ceiling, and the fairy aura baptism, more than ever.

Already blessed with signs.

Not only for healing practice.

In this case, you can also enter the one step by enlightening the Jinlian smallpox imprint, comprehend and understand.

After all the people have been arranged.

Zhao Fang discovered that there was one less person.

“Daimu Yao?”

Zhao Fang looks at the family.

When he learned that Duanmu Yao was still in the cave, he was in a tight heart and could not blame the family. After all, they rushed in order to prevent the three beasts from harming themselves.

“You are practicing here, I’ll go and go back!”

Leave this sentence, his figure is like electricity, and the blink of an eye disappears.


Then came to the old nest of Sanwei Tianzhu.

Looking around, I did not find the trace of Duanmu Yao.

“There is a mother-in-law to protect her, there should be no accident, where did she go?”

Zhao Fang frowned as he searched.

When he almost turned the old nest of Tianzhu to the sky, he still couldn’t find Duanmu Yao, and he could not help but worry.


Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, and his eyebrows glimpsed.

The eyes looked at a hole in the wall.

Walk into it, below the cave wall, there is a large gate with a height of two feet.

“It seems to be the nest of the demon.”

The huge cave is the nest of the three-tailed scorpio, which is here.

Inside the cave, there are also countless caves, which are the places where other demons are entrenched.

Zhao Fang The cave that was discovered at the moment is the place where the demon is left.

He walked in and walked in.


Immediately felt a pure and vast aura coming.

Take a quick step forward.

Walked to the center of the cave and saw the fairy ray that shone with colorful rays of light and shrouded the small half of the cave.

That vast aura is coming out of the Array.

In the center of the Array, the woman sits cross-legged and stands next to him.

“Duan Muyao.”

Zhao Fang expression A hi.

Then, his complexity is slightly changed.

Because I found out that the Array after the start, I will protect Duanmu Yao, seeming to put the strength between heaven and earth into her within the body.

He also couldn’t think about it. Why did there be an Array in this cave, and he quickly went forward to save Duanmu Yao.

Just approached.

Array escaped a powerful force and directly knocked him back five or six steps.

“Powerful Array!”

Zhao Fang’s gaze, after being promoted to the fairy, his Fleshy Body is strong enough to rival the Peak, but it is detached by the Array. The erter is terrifying.

Looked for a moment.

Seeing Array won’t harm Duanmu Yao. He puts it down a little, standing on the edge of the Array and watching it carefully.

The mighty Immortal Force is poured into the end of the body.

She seems unable to withstand this power, showing the color of pain.

“Run me to teach your veins Secret Art!”

Zhao Fang condensed into a line, reminding Duanmu Yao.

The latter is obviously also heard, and he is running the Cultivation Technique in a hurry. The situation is quite good.

quickly. Duanmu Yao within the body, was filled with pounds and scent, almost bursting her.

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