“hold onto!”

Zhao Fang whispers in his heart.

Naturally locked veins blocked the end of Muyao for more than 20 years.

If you want to break through the pulse and break the shackles for 20 years, you will experience the unbearable pain of ordinary people.

This process is from the inside out.

Outsiders simply can’t help.

If she can endure the pain, the pulse is successful, and with the special physique of the star body, the road to cultivation will be flat.

If you can’t hold it…

The meidians are all broken, and there is no possibility of cultivation in this life, but they are annihilated on the spot.

Everything is off!

It seems to hear Zhao Fang’s voice, Duanmu Yao’s painful expression, and a trace of a strong flavor.

But the body is still shaking violently.

Standing outside the Array, Zhao Fang can hear, and she’s with the body’s ‘嘭嘭’ sound.

Looking at a word, clench one’s teeth dead end of Du Muyao, he sighed, “Clan hatred, it really can change a person’s mind, let a weak women, can bear the pain of the collapse of the common fairy! ”

Also observe for a moment.

After seeing Duanmu Yao’s innocence, his gaze fell on the Array.

“This is what? After the operation, there are dozens of angels who cast spells together?”

Zhao Fang was surprised.

Here is the Dragon Vein, except that it was smashed by the beasts of the three tails, and was forced to become the celestial fairy of the heavenly pillars. Almost no outsiders arrived.

So, how did this come?


It is not a state of incompleteness. After the start, there is still such a might!

Even if you are away from the province, you can’t find such an Array.

Looking at the East Continent, and only the Flow Ranks Influence, you have the background to build this array.

He wants to diagnose, but he can’t get close, he can only give up.


When he regained his gaze, he squinted into the Array’s several bases and saw a white jade innocent bone.


Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows: “The energy that propped up this battle was not Xianjing.”

The more you look at it, the more you feel out of the ordinary.

“I hope to continue, a word!”

Zhao Fang, who had been stunned by Array’s temperament, was sitting down.

He began to check himself.

Since promotes to Tianxian.

He will fight the three-tailed scorpio, destroy the beasts of the three tails, and search for Duomu Yao. He has not sinken his heart to observe his own changes.

Duanmu Yao’s veins need a certain time, and the family will recover. It also needs Time. He just took the opportunity to see what changes have been made after he was promoted to the fairy.

“Xianquan became Primal Chaos Space, and Immortal Force was nearly a hundred times more powerful than Transcending Tribulation.”

Heavenly fairyland, the source of strength of the cultivation, is called the fairy spring.

After being promoted to the fairy, Xianquan disappeared and replaced by a gray and foggy Primal Chaos Space.

“Weird, others breakthrough, it’s all that Xianquan has changed to Xianhai. How did I become Primal Chaos Space? Mutated?”

Zhao Fang is puzzled.

When the sea breakthrough, he was next to him, and he knew naturally about some changes in the fairy.

“No harm to me.”

With a slight operation of Immortal Force, Primal Chaos Space is running freely, and there is no sign of stagnation and ignorance.

He tried the human form again and the fighting power after the dragon.

The end result made him stunned.

In the state of human form, Strength is stronger than ordinary one.

Once the dragon is turned, Fleshy Body can be arrogant ordinary, even to nine!

Supplemented by the front of the reverse scale, common Tianxian Jiuzhong met, and will die!

“Unfortunately, reverse scale every time, it will consume a lot of Essence, Qi and Spirit, can not be used multiple times.”

Zhao Fang has some regrets.

To alleviate this situation, you need the spirit of True Dragon.

The True Dragon Spirit complements his Dragon Body consumption and can also be applied to reverse scale.

“To kill the three-tailed scorpio, I get a True Dragon spirit and have a key to activate the reverse scale.”

His eyes are little bright.

This is good news for him.

The end.

He took out a jade bottle.

It is Zhang Yan’s mysterious jade bottle.

Was taken away by the three-tailed scorpion and helped it recover quickly, from the fairy 3-Layer, Upgrade to the quadruple peak.

In the mysterious jade bottle, there are still many sources of immortality.

Zhao Fang estimated that at least one of the four immortals, upgrade to the six cents.

The three-tailed scorpio is also a little worse for Luck. Just got it and it was found by Zhao Fang. The refining Time is too short, if you give it another month or two.

It is estimated that the three-tailed scorpio is not only a fairy.

“It’s not very useful for me.”

Although the source is good, how can it be better than killing the level?

I am thinking about who to prepare for.

There is a burst of rumbled inside the Array.

I saw Duanmu Yao sitting inside, and I don’t know when I was entangled with a lot of starlight power, and I carried my body to the air.

A pure force of the stock, scatters from her.


Zhao Fang is busy standing up and letting out the Sense of Sense, not a complexion.

Duanmu Yao, surrounded by starlight, climbed aura, and the skill of blinking was upgraded from refining to refining.

This is not over yet.

Just a beginning.

Unlock physique, relying on Array assist, her cultivation base, like a rocket, soaring.

Soon, from the refining of the nine heavy, into the Revolving Core, and without too much stop, the breakthrough through the baby level.

This is the end.

The crazy aura finally stopped.

“It’s good to be able to hold back the temptation of power surge!” Zhao Fang looked at Duanmu Yao’s gaze and praised it with a trace.

If Duanmu Yao is willing, he can rush to a higher Realm.

But she, she gave up rationally!

This upgrade is of course fast.

But there are also big drawbacks.

Forcibly aborting the cultivation base upgrade, storing the strength of the pound with the body, and then slowly upgrading, obviously a wise decision.

It didn’t take long.

Duanmu Yao slowly opened his eyes.

Initially, there was some sorrow, and soon, my eyes were sharp and I was delighted with a trace.

“congratulations you, the pulse is successful!” Zhao Fang smiled to start to talk.

Duanmu Yao looks at Zhao Fang, and looked at his hands again, as if he had not clear headed from the joy of Kaimai.

“Is it really successful?” she murmured.

“You use your patience and perseverance to succeed in the pulse and jump into Yuan Ying.” Zhao Fang is sure.

“I opened the pulse successfully and stepped into the Yuan Ying…”

Duanmu Yao in the eyes appears a trace of color, especially bright.

Yuan Ying Realm is not high, but for her, it is a new starting point!

“Zhao Young master, many thanks you, if not you, I can’t open the pulse!”

After clarifying the reality, Duanmu Yao’s beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Fang and thanked him.

“How did you find it here?” asked Zhao Fang.

“It’s Erha who brought me.”

“What about the two ha?”

“It seems to be swallowed by the mouth. In addition…” Duan Muyao hesitated, and he stopped talking.

“What’s wrong?” Zhao Fang was surprised.

“That’s the mouth, it seems to recognize me as master.”

“What!” Zhao Fang screamed. “Zhao Young master, this is really not my intention. After my family left, I was scared in the cave, I tried to communicate that mouth. I didn’t expect it to respond to me, but also refining my blood essence…”

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