“Duanmucheng, pays respect to Zhao Young master, thank the Young master for destroying the strong enemy for my family, re-creating the grace, the sky is thick and thick, if necessary, despite the instructions, the body is broken, do not hesitate!”

In the main conference hall, Duanmu Cheng met the young master of the singer of Outer World.

He revere at the same time, adding a bit of reverence and gratitude to it!

If the other party takes action.

Child thief, shadow Xiao Ming these enemy, he is not necessarily able to kill in this life!

“You are Yao’s Uncle, Duanmu? Then you…”

After Qin Zhong will support Duanmu, Zhao Fang surprisedly said.

According to Duanmu Yao.

Wood Clan destruction, except for him and Qin Zhong, the rest are killed!

“Yes. When the family was destroyed, I happened to be outside the caravan and escaped One Tribulation.” Duanmucheng explained.

Zhao Fang ordered nod.

There are two big witnesses, Qin Zhong Zi, who do not doubt the identity of Duanmu.

With Qin Zhong’s simple narrative, Zhao Fang knows that Duanmu has been in the situation for these years and looks at his left leg, which is no different from ordinary people. If not, anyone can imagine that This is a prosthetic.

“Yao’er will be very happy if you know that you are still alive.” Zhao Fang said.

“Young master, Yao’er how is the injury?” Duanmu Cheng asked.

He asked Qin Zhong, only to know that Duanmu Yao was seriously injured, so he has not been able to see.

“She is innocent, even, there are some good fortune!” Zhao Fang mysterious smiled.

“Fu luck?”

Duanmu Cheng looked awkward, could not help but look to Qin Zhong, but see the latter also smiled and shook his head, a look of puzzled.

At this time.

There is a Black cloud floating in the sky.

Wind up the forest.

Inciting people.


Few people noticed the strange cloud, only Zhao Fang found it.

He grows up, the corner of the mouth reveals a trace smile: “Come on!”

Qin Zhong Zi Duan Duan Cheng is a look of awkward.

Looking down at him, he saw, one after another, a black cloud floating from the sky.

Soon, the Scorpio was dyed in ink.

“This is, black smashing hurricane robbery?”

Duanmu Chengpupils shrank.

Those who have been robbed are no strangers to this catastrophe.


Phenomenon Regeneration.

At the other end of the black cloud, there is a sparkle of fire.

It’s the West, at the same time there is Lightning looming.

“Thunder fire robbery?”

“This is who wants Transcending Tribulation?”

“It’s too rude, it’s three robbers.”

Many people have complexion changes.

Transcending Tribulation has a total of Four Tribulation.

The black scorpion is dead and hurricane.

Fire robbery.

Thunder Tribulation.

Heart Demon robbery.

Among them, the vast majority of Cultivator, from the end, choose a robbery, prepare for hundreds of 1000-year, dare to trigger.

After all, this murder is about yourself and requires a lot of caution.

Like Zhao Fang, at the beginning of the three robbery, the shocking scene, looking at the entire fairyland, there are very few.

Not to mention the three robberies, even if it is a double robbery, few people dare to try.


That is the same as suicide in Cultivator in the eyes.

“Is it ……”

As a woman, Zi Zi is sensitive and transparent, faintly guessing the answer, and the charming face is slightly changed.

After her reminder, Qin Zhong seems to have returned to the taste, and immediately look at the elegant courtyard of Duanmufu.

Duanmu is frowning.

It was very confusing at first, but what I thought of was fictitious big change.

“Young master, this Transcending Tribulation person, is it Duanmu Yao?”

Looking at Duanmufu, there is still a lot of Transcending Tribulation cultivation base.

Many of the end-to-end ancestors brought by Duanmucheng are still Transcending Tribulation.

But they are still some distance away from Transcending Tribulation.

Except for them, other people are either scattered or fairy, not qualified.

The only one that met, and only the one who did not show up after the activation of physique.

Zhao Fang smiled nodded.

It was confirmed that Duanmu had complexion madness, “Young master, your cultivation base is wonderful, please stop it quickly, or suppress the cultivation base for Yao’er, three robbers, and look at Xianyu. No one has succeeded.”

When I heard this, Zhao Fang was not happy: “Who said that no one has succeeded? When I was Transcending Tribulation, it was three robbers!”


Duanmucheng and others are amazed, one dumbstruck.

Qin Zhong Ziyan also looked shocked, this thing, two people still heard Zhao Fang mentioned for the first time.

“Yes, it can be too risky!”

Duanmu bears sad with a laugh.

Zhao Fang’s statement is enough to prove that the three robbers are not able to spend.


In Duanmucheng’s existing concept, this move is too risky, and a little careless, that is, it’s never lost!

Today’s Duanmu Yao, but the hope of the future of Wood clan, can not make a mistake.

He would rather have Duomu Yao cultivation for a hundred years, after the foundation is completely solid, in the Transcending Tribulation, instead of rushing to progress like this, forcing three robbers.

“Now, the Tribulation Cloud has arrived, and the slain will soon drop. It’s no use saying it.” Zhao Fang shook his head.

“However, I don’t have to worry too much. Duanmu Yao is not forcibly breaking through the territory, but is thick and thin, and the water is ripe, and the three robbers are crossing, she is not at all grasped.”

For this.

Duanmucheng obviously does not believe it.

After all, Duanmu Yao has awakened physique, and now Transcending Tribulation, but only a few months nothing more.

Months of Time, crossing hundreds of others on 1000-year to reach the cultivation base, has been very shocking.

If the cultivation base is more solid than the same level, he will not believe it.

Zhao Fang does not explain.

After all, he did not figure out the Array of the Three-Tailed Scorpio Cave, and there was no need to explain it.

Compared to Duanmu and others, they don’t believe it.

Qin Zhongzi, the two witnesses to Zhao Fang’s many magical witnesses, are slightly relieved.

Zhao Fang although looks young, but extremely reliable.

Nothing else, the two people were injured by Tong Family Old Ancestor on the same day.

The common means, at least for a few years or even a dozen years, will barely recover.

At the beginning of Qin Zhong, he was even cut into adult sticks.

In the hands of Zhao Fang, new meat will be re-emerged in a few days, and the limbs will be restored.

Not only that, but even the cultivation base has been refined.

In addition to the two people, there are also white glasses.

After drinking a drop of blood from Zhao Fang, the white glass seems to have some kind of transformation, and it is more and more stunned. There are signs of independence from the Array.

of course.

The biggest change is Duanmu Yao.

On the same day, the swallowing star was forcibly displayed, and the power that was accommodating more than its own countless times was backlash, almost dead.

Zhao Fang takes a take action and drags her back from the edge of Death, balancing her with the body power and helping her succeed in refining the body.

The cultivation base is climbing.

In just three days, from Transcending Tribulation, Upgrade to Transcending Tribulation peak.

It is called Day 3.

The cultivation is fast, making people dumbstruck.


The robbery is coming.

Although the two people are worried about Duanmu Yao, but seeing Zhao Fang’s appearance, he can’t help but let go.

“To help you Transcending Tribulation, I spent nearly half of the fairy points, but don’t let me down.” Zhao Fang held his hand in front of the temple, thinking in his heart.

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