The fairy robbed appeared and caused a lot of attention from Powerhouse.

If it is a common fairy robbery.

But this time, the wind and fire thunder and three robbers, terrifying power, almost inferior to the color of the robbery, it is difficult to attract attention.

“I drop an obediently 哟, three robbers, this Is Great Expert in Transcending Tribulation?”

“An parallel province number one genius, less than a hundred years old, will reach the Transcending Tribulation nine-fold Zhonghuahai?”

“I heard that this person has been suppressing Heavenly Tribulation. Do you want to be a blockbuster?”

“You see, I didn’t see the Heavenly Tribulation location is Duanmu?”

The smuggling of the first half of the parallel squad, making it impossible to determine the identity of Transcending Tribulation.

The Transcending Tribulation site is also visible as the slaying is brewing and the explosion is approaching.

It is a Duanmu House!

Countless perceives this scene of Powerhouse, both of which are complex in expression.

A few days before Duanmufu, I just had to stir up the parallelism of the province, and I haven’t settled for a few days.

Transcending Tribulation is no problem, but also three robbers.

The brain of Transcending Tribulation is definitely a problem!

… Duanmufu.

“Zhao Young master, aren’t you ready to take some defensive measures? Three robs are coming, and only by Duanmufu, you can’t stand it!”

Seeing the fairy robbing the power to cover the sky, Duanmu can not be woundedly said.

Qin Zhong Ziyan also seems to be busy.

Although they have not started to talk, they are also full of worry on their faces.

Zhao Fang faintly smiled : “Imperial nothing more !”


Duanmu has a face constipation.

This damn is too big to be big.

And, you said it’s easy, Transcending Tribulation is not for you.

“looks at is.” Zhao Fang did not explain.

Listen to him.

Although Duanmu is not willingly, it is helpless.

The singer has arrived, even if he wants to re-arm Wood Clan, it is too late!

“I hope Yao’er is a good man.” Duanmu sighed in his heart.

Just at this time.

A clear shadow, like the son of the stars, the starry bloom, like a round of the moon, from the end of the wooden house rushed out, vacated straight, stunned to the fairy.

Qin Zhong Ziyan recognized it at a glance. It was like a moon, filled with the clear silhouette of Majestic aura, it was Duanmu Yao.

Even the end of the wood.

When the silhouette appeared, I also felt a familiar aura.

“That is Yao’er?”

When the female university changed eighteen, he almost did not dare to recognize each other, but what surprised him even more was that Duanmu Yao abandoned his defense and only slandered.

What is the difference between this and court death?

He looked at Zhao Fang, in the eyes without any respect, but with resentment and anger: “This is what’s going on?”

Listening to Zhao Fang’s previous tone, he thought that the other party had a secret hand in Duanmufu, which could resist the fairy robbery.

Now it seems.

There is no secret hand in the fart.

I really want to let Duanmu Yao die Ah!

Zhao Fang expressionless, looked up and quietly at the view, because the fairy robbery was already launched when Duanmu Yao rushed.

Endless silence, hurricane fire … like smelling a delicious hungry wolf, suddenly surrounded Duanmu Yao.

The Duanmu bereaved a burst of exclamation.

Duanmu looked up and saw exactly that Duanmu Yao was swallowed up by the three terrifying forces of the wind and fire. The figure trembled and the complexion was pale for a moment.

“Yao’er ……”

He whispered, his voice was so sad, and he was like the roar of the wild beast.

“She is not dead yet, something is exciting.”

Zhao Fang frowned.

“Any Transcending Tribulation Cultivator can’t break free from being in a three-robbery…”

Duanmu stared at Zhao Fang, his eyes were smoldering, and he first saw the other party. He also felt that he was very reliable. Now the more he looks, the more he feels, the fellow is not reliable.

“how can it be?”

At this time, behind was heard again and screamed.

Duanmu Cheng also quickly looked up, and saw a round of fiery red days, rushing out of the wind and fire and thunder, like a leaping out of the horizon, rising, no one can stop.

Even more amazing is.

The surface of the sun is not just Red, but Black and white.


Duanmu took a look at his eyes, and with his cultivation base, he saw at first glance that the sun was wrapped in a silhouette.

That is not someone else, it is Duanmu Yao.

“Yao’er is not Transcending Tribulation? How can you break free from the three robberies? Can you smash the three robber attacks?”

Duanmu Chengneng and Tongfu contend for ten years, naturally very human, and soon calmed the mood, mind can not help but emerge this problem.

He couldn’t understand, and his eyes finally fell on Zhao Fang.

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Fang is very calm, obviously it is prepared, or know something, this will be fearless!

“The swallowing star is really out of the ordinary.”

Zhao Fang Dark nod.

When he was treated for Duanmu Yao, who was physique backlash, he also prepared several Tribulation Treasures for her.

Duanmu Yao can resist the immortality. On the one hand, these treasures are powerful defenses and are Top Level Tianxian Lingbao.

On the other hand, it is the credit of the swallowing star.

Swallowing stars, but more than simple swallow starlight so simple, now even the light can swallow, turned into its own use.

It is through the special physique source that draws power firmly, and Duanmu Yao can compete with the fairy.

“When Duomu Yao is on the Tianxian Immortal, go to the Jianlong Temple and wipe it out to complete the rivers and lakes!”

The Task Objective of Jianghu blame is to help Duanmu Yao annihilate the Wood clan enemy.

However, after successively stepping out of Tong Family, Xiao Jia, he never got the prompt to complete the Task.

“Is the genocide dissipated?”

“Look, Yao’er Young Lady Transcending Tribulation is a success!”

The Duanmu survivors shouted and broke Zhao Fang’s contemplation.

Looking at the air, bathing the beautiful silhouette of the fairy Dao Guang Hui, countless people with big eyes, unbelievable.

Those cultivations who originally wanted to see Duan Muyao being destroyed by the figure were also shocked by the scene.

I didn’t think of it.

Three robbers arrived, Duanmu Yao not only did not die, but also Transcending Tribulation success!

Simply too shocking!

Zhao Fang looks up, expression is light, like the Transcending Tribulation, it is not unexpected.

Duanmu Yao has all the Tribulation Treasures he gave, so that Transcending Tribulation can’t be successful. Just kill the tofu!

“Zhao Young master, I used to care about chaos, and my words were not good, and I also asked Young master for forgiveness.”

Duanmu Chengdasong at the same time, looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, but also with a little complexity, and finally a body, sincere.

“If not, you are already dead!”

He Zhao Fang is not a common good-hearted person, and he is accused of being indifferent.

Duanmu Chengxiao laughed and became more and more respectful. After this incident, he had no doubts about Zhao Fang, and some were just reverence.

The crown is covered with a hundred miles.

The sky is falling.

The earth is filled with golden lotus.


This is only displayed if the breakdown is in the sky.

The more the phenomenon, the greater the potential for the fairy.

Immortal Empowerment, transforming the body of Duanmu Yao, her aura, directly 飙promotes to the fairy, a flaming soft armor attached to the sleek and delicate body, like a flame goddess, people’s hearts.

Seeing Duanmu Yao fell, many people are staring at the fire red soft armor.

Before, Duanmu Yao can break through the three robberies, this is a must.

Duanmu Yao smiled and looked at Zhao Fang, just wanting to start to talk, his eyes touched the white middle age next to him, the body trembled, incredible. “You, are you uncle?”

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