Duanmu Chengmu Muyao family reunion, it is a good chill.

After a while.

I just thought of Zhao Fang on the side.

“Zhao Young master…”

Duanmu Yao face is obvious.

The other side helped herself so much, but never asked for a return, so that she was moved at the same time, and Zhao Fang also gave birth to some subtle feelings, beautiful eyes waved, with a trace of sorrowful meaning.

After being promoted to Tianxian, Duanmu Yao is not only more temperament than the past, but even the charm is multiplied.

“Your Heart Demon robbery, when did you spend it?”

Although there are a lot of Transcending Tribulation methods for Duanmu Yao, they can’t resist the last Heart Demon robbery.

The Heart Demon test is self, and it is impossible to use the power of foreign objects.

“Heart Demon robbery? Didn’t feel it.” Duanmu Yao’s eyebrows are slightly embarrassing.


Zhao Fang has a look at her eyes.


This is the most amazing One Tribulation in the Fair Tribulation. I don’t know how many people fell under Heart Demon and were forced to change to the Fair.

Duanmu Yao succeeded in crossing the wind and thunder and thunder, but did not feel the Heart Demon robbery, he was promoted to the fairy, how to listen to feel very nonsense.

“When the wind and thunder rushed past, the mind seemed to enter a illusion, but it quickly recovered.”

Having said that, her charming face is reddish, and she seems to have experienced some ulterior things in the illusion, secretly squinting at Zhao Fang’s eyes, and also with a bit of intoxicating charm.

Unfortunately, Zhao Fang was frowning and did not notice.

“This way. It seems that your mind is very determined.”

As the last roadblock of Fairy Four Tribulation, Heart Demon robbery natural impossible does not appear.

Duanmu Yao did not feel it, but only showed that her mind was beyond ordinary people, and Heart Demon had no effect on it.

“Suffering is not a bad thing for talent.”

Thinking of Duan Muyao’s experience, Zhao Fang thought about it.

I am preparing to tell Du Muyao to consolidate Strength.

Suddenly, it seems to be aware of what, complexion has changed dramatically, and quickly turned to look to the West.

But see the distant sky.

A number of golden zhang (333m) wide golden rainbow traversed the sky, roaring.

Jinhong imposing manner sharpness, like an invincible divine sword, speed is amazing.

Just a blink of skill, it appears in everyone’s sight.

“what is that?”

“sword light?”

“How come there is such an amazing sword light?”

An Parallel Province has many Powerhouses, and it is also a mystery.

Duanmu Yao broke through the fire and thunder, and finally, under the eyes of the public, he successfully entered the fairy, and the native powerhouse, which has been shrinking into the province, was shocked and speechless.


I saw the sultry sword light with my own eyes. They could even feel the terrifying Sword Qi of the sword light contain, which could tear everything and nothing!

“No, it is coming to us!”

Duanmu undertakes complexion madness, but it is perceived that the sword light appears in the parallel province of Ang, and is unbiased toward the direction of Duanmu.

The sharpness brought out by this sword.

If you are in Duanmufu.

I am afraid that all the creatures in the house must be turned into powder in all of a sudden!

Duanmu bereafactor complexion madness.

They turned their eyes to Duanmucheng and waited for his orders.

Just retreat at this moment.

Even if you can’t retreat from the whole body, you should be able to save your life.

Duanmu undertakes complexion change, he is XIENX-Layer, the most obvious is the terrifying of this sword, it really wants to fall, behind the bereaved people, can live half is not bad.

After Wood Clan was destroyed, clansman faded.

It’s hard to get so much, he doesn’t want them to die more than half.

Biting the clench one’s teeth, Duanmu took off, “I’ll go to stop it for a moment, you quickly go!”

“Gong Ye!”

The bereaved Powerhouse has changed.

Although their cultivation base is not a fairy, but it is also seen, the terrifying of this sword, Duanmu Cheng only to pick up, fearing that it is fierce.

Ge Jianqiang bears grief, loudly roared: “quickly go, don’t waste this opportunity that Cheng Ye won’t easily fight for!”

The bereaved families have set off.

Still someone is standing in the same place.

It is Zhao Fang!

He did not move, Duanmu Yao Zi Qin Qin three people, did not move.

“Young Lady, Zhao Young master…”

In a hurry, Ge Jian did not care for his honor, loudly roared.

“He can’t stop this sword.”

Zhao Fang looked at the end of the sword light and shook his head slightly.

Ge Yan Wen Yan, complexion is more ugly.

I know that Chengye can’t stop it, but damn doesn’t hurry to leave, grinding and smashing here, wasting the opportunity for Chengye to fight for it.

“Zhao Young master, what is who?”

Duanmuya complexion whitish.

Even though it is already a fairy, you can still feel very small in front of a sword that annihilates heaven and earth.

“So sharp sword, look at the North Continent, there is only one place.” Zhao Fang laughed.

“You mean… Jianlong Temple?” Duanmu Yao pupils shrank.

Ge Jian is also a complexion whitish.

The Sword Dragon Hall, North Continent First Influence.

In the position of Continent in the North, it is equivalent to the Flow Yunzong of East Continent.

Rumor has it that its Sect Master is a Tianxian five-fold peak Powerhouse.

And good at long sword road, superior combat power!

Think of it here.

Ge Jian complexion seems to be difficult to see, is this sword displayed by the Sword Dragon Palace master?

If so, Cheng Gong is not…

“White glass!”

Zhao Fang gave a break.


White mist is diffuse, a white dragon, looming in the white mist.

It glared at a pair of erects, and the scales shimmered, staring at the amazing sword light of Duanmufu.


The screams sounded.

However, after Duanmu was in contact with the sword light, he was immediately slashed by the sword light and he was injured on the spot.

Simply, when the sword light wants to kill his Fleshy Body soul, Duanmu Chengguang’s treasure is flashing, and the figure disappears directly in the same place. The next moment, it appears in the Duanmufu courtyard, and it is full of flesh and blood.

“Gong Ye!”

Ge Jian and others complexion big change, quickly ran over.

In the future, I have to scrutinize it, and I feel that Sword Qi is screaming and terrifying.

When you look up, you will see a White Dragon. With the Dragon Body’s hard-sword light, you can wipe out the countless spark and stimulate the splash wave to flatten the building near Duanmufu.


Duanmu has Array support.

Otherwise, it is impossible to escape this robbery!

The sword light finally smashed the white scales, scratched its skin, and plunged into its flesh, and the painful white glass screamed again and again.

Seeing the remaining sword light, it is necessary to tear the white glass, squatting in Duanmufu, a white silhouette suddenly appeared, raising a fist and banging in the sword light above.

This punch is plain and faint, not surprising.


The sword light condenses into a sword, making a bursting sound, and then, in the incredible eyes of countless people, it breaks into slag.

The Sword Qi alone relied on the death injury, and even the amazing sword that hurt the white glass, but was broken by the White robed Youth.

That white robed Youth Strength, how terrifying should it be?

Ge Jian Zhang opened his mouth, unbelievable!

Although I know that Zhao Fang Strength may be strong, I have never seen Zhao Fang take action, and it is difficult to be convinced that he looks young. Even Ge Jian did not treat him as a fairy.

It is only now discovered that the strength of this Zhao Young master is really deep and unmeasurable! “Since it is here, why bother to show up and come out, come out!” Zhao Fang took the hand and plaind at one place.

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