
At the time of the stalemate between the two sides, a grand voice was born, and the circumference of the Hanging Temple was spread thousands of miles.

The original complexion is fierce.

Hearing this Buddha, it was as soft as a sheep, with Mercy on the side, and standing on one side.

Other monks, even average person, are more like a god-like respect and Revere.

Zhao Fang disdain sneer: “The Buddha is really hypocritical, and he likes to play with these confusing little means.”

He looked up.

I saw a clothes koi, aura 缥缈 old monk, slowly walked out.

He is very slow.

But one step stepped out, the whole person was on the few hundred zhang (333m).

After a few steps, I came to the first seat.

“I have seen the abbot.”

The first Respectful Salute.

Known as the abbot’s old monk, expression faded nod, his eyes fell on Zhao Fang, very peaceful.

Zhao Fang was keenly aware that when the old monk swept the Heavenly Dragon sword, his eyes flashed a trace of greed.

“Oh, vulture!”

Zhao Fang secretly sneered.

At the same time, I’m also looking at the Hanging Temple Number One Powerhouse.

Yes, old monk is the person he perceives, the cultivation base strongest.

“Amitabha, benefactor is so imposing manner, but I have nothing to do with the benefactor?”

Old monk ask.

“You are a chandelier?” Zhao Fang was too lazy to ink with him and went straight to the subject.

“It is the old man.” The awkward nod.

“It’s just you, I ask you, where is Nezha?”

“Nezha?” The flash of light looked like a little surprised: “What is the relationship between benefactor and Nezha, and who is benefactor?”

“Who am I, you have no qualification, I only ask you, Nezha?” Zhao Fang is arrogant.

“arrogant !”

“who do you think You Are?”

“Trivial Tianxian four heavy, actually in front of the seven heavens?”

The other first seats are sneer.

Zhao Fang didn’t move, just looking at the indifference.

The more he is.

The more the lights are, the more you can’t eat Zhao Fang.

After knowing your own cultivation base, it is still impudent, and this person is either dependent or Idiot.

Without the Heavenly Dragon sword, he would think that Zhao Fang is the latter, but now…

“Nezha is my Honorary Disciple, which violates the rules of my temple and is being sentenced in the Discipline.” The light complex complexion is light.

“The monks don’t swear, you are a vulture, but you don’t even draft the draft. Do you think Young Master is a three-year-old?”

On the way he came, he killed many hanging temple disciplines, and by searching the soul, he knew the situation of the day.

“The thing of Nezha is something in my temple. It has nothing to do with benefactor. Where is the benefactor?”

When the lights are finished, the other first seats are in a hurry.

The Heavenly Dragon sword has not been captured yet. How can I let the other party leave?

“hehe…so, the Young Master will level your hanging temples, and these are nothing to do with you, let’s go.”

Said, under the foot Heavenly Dragon sword suddenly flew out, volley to the light.


The lights don’t sneer.

Feel free to take the action palm, cast the Buddhist Golden Body, and grab the Heavenly Dragon sword directly.


When the palm is in contact with the Heavenly Dragon sword, the complexion of the light changes suddenly. If it is a ghost, he wants to pull away from the palm, but it is late.

Pū chī.

It was blessed by the Golden body, which is comparable to the palm of the common Lingbao, in front of the Heavenly Dragon sword, like a paper paste, easily cut off.

Blood sprinkles!

The deficient light reacts quickly, crushing a relic, forming a transparent hood, and bounces the Heavenly Dragon sword. Otherwise, the sword can easily split it into two.


He escaped One Tribulation.

However, the strength of the collision between the Heavenly Dragon sword and the relic hood caused serious injuries to the seven heads around.

For a moment.

The suspended level of the Mid Level is full of power.

The two Tianxian five-fold Powerhouse, which was shrunk in the Hanging Temple, seemed to be unsatisfactory, and they rushed out and turned into two sultans who had to be pale and face like a middle-aged.


The two people held up the Heavenly Dragon sword, the figure was unstable, the complexion was white, but it was the Sword Qi backlash, the corner of the mouth.

“Powerful fierce sword!”

The lamp is staring at the Heavenly Dragon sword, in the eyes of greed, without any cover.

When he first saw the sword, he felt out of the ordinary, but the cultivation base of the person who exhibited it was too weak, and the light was not in the heart.

I did not expect it.

Almost a big loss.

“This sword, you can control it. It can hurt people and hurt the Lord. It is better to raise it before the Buddha, and the old man raises the sword heart with Dharma, and removes the fierceness. How?”

“To treat this group of people with a false appearance of the old dog, you need this Rank to kill the sharp blade.” Zhao Fang looked cold, grabbed the Heavenly Dragon hilt, and the man walked with the sword, as fast as the thunder, then relics.


The hood is harmless.

However, there was a fairy 3-Layer first, which was killed on the spot.

Zhao Fang expressionless, once again sword, and pulled out three swords.

The seven first seats were all killed by the earthquake.

Even the two Tianxian five-fold Powerhouses were seriously injured by the earthquake, and they could not afford to fall.

The only thing that still stands is that there is only one person.


Seeing Zhao Fang, he still wants to swing his sword. He blinks and blinks. He quickly yells, “Don’t you want to see Nezha? I will take you there!”

Zhao Fang is working hard to stop.


His Immortal Force, long ago, was first hollowed out by the Top 3 sword, but at the moment it was just a bluff.

Of course, even without Immortal Force, with Fleshy Body, the might can’t be underestimated.

The chandelier looked at the first person who had a cold body and was very painful.

This is the Hanging Temple accumulated a number of 1000-year background, today, but was all killed by Zhao Fang three swords.

“Look what you see, not fast!” Zhao Fang urged.

The fake lamp faked the voice of the Buddha, and turned to walk toward a Buddhist temple.

Zhao Fang holds the sword and follows.

The sluts and the average person in the hanging temple, I saw this scene, I feel shocked.

I thought that the last time Nezha had entered the Hanging Temple, it was rare in the world.

I did not expect it.

Today, a fellow who is still fiercer than Nezha, and several simple take action, killed all the first seats.

To know.

Even the day Nezha take action, there is no such terrifying power.

Zhao Fang enters the temple with the lights.

The hall is empty.

Therefore, the jade bottle placed on the incense case is particularly conspicuous.

Zhao Fang locked the jade bottle at at the same time and noticed the shadow inside the jade bottle.

“Old vulture, you are doing evil, I will kill you sooner or later!”

Soul shadow shouted.

Zhao Fang body is shocked, in the eyes revealing the color of memory.

A familiar voice.

Is it Nezha?

Zhao Fang didn’t notice that the chandelier had been observing his change of mind. Seeing this, the soles of the feet slammed into the ground.

The ground cracked a hole and swallowed the light directly.

Followed by.

The temple is closed.

An invisible Array formed, covering the interior and exterior of the temple. At that moment, Zhao Fang felt that he was stripped by Outer World heaven and earth and was in this cage.

“Draw a snake to add.” Zhao Fang sneered, simply ignore it, his focus at this moment, only that side jade bottle.

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