
Zhao Fang, just approaching the jade bottle, was spotted by the soul inside the bottle: “Weird, how do you have a familiar aura, who are you?”

“Nezha, do you remember me?” Zhao Fang start to talk.

“you are……”

“cave dwelling, Devil Dragon, white…”

When Zhao Fang uttered the first noun, the soul inside the bottle trembled fiercely.

When you hear the ‘white 藕’, you can’t help it anymore: “You are Zhao Fang?”

“It’s me!” Zhao Fang nod.

“You actually came to Immortal World.” Compared to hearing the name Zhao Fang, Nezha was even more shocked, and Zhao Fang came from the cave dwelling world.

Since returning to Immortal World, he has asked many people.

I learned that the cave dwelling community could not come to Immortal World for the rest of his life.

Therefore, the agreement between him and Zhao Fang is an agreement that will never be reached.

Nezha waited for five years and had given up.

I did not expect it.

At the time when he was the most lonely and most dangerous, Zhao Fang actually appeared!

“You are quickly go, the old vultures of Floating Mountain are not good things, it is too dangerous to stay here!”

Nezha reacted quickly and urged.

“Now I want to go, I can’t go away.”

Sweeping the Array of the temple, Zhao Fang shook his head.

“How come you are here?” Nezha remembered this question at this point.

“I came to see you.” Zhao Fang simple said, “Talk about you, how do you become this look?”

Nezha is silent.

“Forget it, you don’t want to say more, I don’t ask. Tell me, how can I save you?”

“This bottle has the d seal of the old vulture, unless it is mastered by the Great Expert of Buddhism, others can’t crack it.”

Nezha has a helpless tone.


Zhao Fang held his chin.

He scanned it with System. Indeed, as Nezha said, the jade bottle has been strongly sealed, and the Tianxian Jiuzhong is not necessarily broken.

But it is hard to beat Zhao Fang.

“I can break the unseal print. The only worry is, will the seal be broken, will it affect your soul?”

“What? Can you break the seal?” Nezha sounds eight times better.

Obviously surprised!

Zhao Fang can even imagine his shocked expression.

Regrettably, today’s Nezha has only one group of souls left, and there is no expression at all.

Thinking of this, his killing of the hanging temple lights is getting stronger.

“That’s breaking open, it doesn’t affect my soul.” Nezha was eager to try, as if she couldn’t wait to get out of the bottle right away.

“Yeah.” Zhao Fang nod, after grabbing the jade bottle, he silently said: “System, crack!”

After consuming two thousand soul points, the d character on the jade bottle was erased by an invisible force, and a group of Red souls floated like smoke.

In the end, condensed into a boy’s phantom.

It is Zhao Hai who is impressed by Zhao Fang.

Although it has been several years since the last time the two people met, Nezha does not seem to have grown up, still pink and cute.

“When you are this means, you can really crack it.”

Seeing Zhao Fang, Nezha feels kind, at the same time.

“I heard that your parents have also been caught here?” Zhao Fang transferred the topic.

Nezha complexion, a small eye reveals a trace of fierce light, “despicable light lamp vulture, if he does not count me, how can it fall to this point.”

“what’s going on?” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows.

Nezha sighed and said things slowly and slowly.

“What do you mean, after the vultures of the Hanging Temple know your natural talent, deliberately count you and lead you to the Hanging Temple, thus destroying your Fleshy Body?”

“Oh, good as me, really helpless!” Nezha is very depressed.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth.

I haven’t seen it for years, and Little Nezha has become so narcissistic.

Is this damn still Little Nezha in my memory?

“brat, old lady Mercy is pregnant, it is not easy to care about your cultivation, give you a chance to live, hand over the sword, and give up Soul Blood…”

At this time, the voice of the light was heard outside the temple.

“The light is vulture!”

Nezha is full of anger.

He hated the extreme for this murderer who fell to the present situation!

“You don’t want to be fooled, this old vulture is speculative and turned faceless.” Nezha feared Zhao Fang to be fooled, reminded.

Zhao Fang rolled the eyes, I thought, you thought I was you.

“Old vulture, Young Master is not easy to read your cultivation. If you commit suicide immediately, I will spare you a way to hang the temple. Otherwise, the Hanging Temple will be buried for you!”

Zhao Fang responded faintly.

Trying to trap yourself with Array?

Zhao Fang has some admiration for the light.

In front of the System, even if you move the Array that trapped the Emperor, damn is not enough to see.


Even if the Array seems to be sturdy, even the Heavenly Dragon sword is difficult to break through, and Zhao Fang is not very concerned.

“act recklessly something!” The awkward abbot coldly snorted.

At the same time, he told the human body: “Go and bury the red lotus fire in the temple all around.”

I heard this.

The squatting beside the lamp is a figure.

Red lotus fire thunder?

This is a weapon that takes the word flame refining from the mysterious volcano in the Red Lotus Mountains.

It is said that the might of a red lotus fire thunder is comparable to the full strength strike of the four-powered Powerhouse!

This kind of treasure.

Even if the Hanging Temple is accumulated for thousands of years, there is not much left.

Before, in order to deal with Nezha, it can’t be used.

This time, I will use it again, but it will be a little bit of collection!

“The abbot, that brat has been trapped by the Array, is it necessary to use the red lotus fire?”

Some monks tried to make the light change their mind.

After all, the Red Lotus Fire Thunder is a big killer in the Hanging Temple. It can be used properly and can even kill the existence of the Heavenly Sixth.

“Go and do it.” The light is indifferent to start to talk, and the voice carries a flavor that cannot be rejected.


Some people havetened to retire.

Other monks did not dare to persuade.

Soon, a red lotus pattern, a fire bomb filled with Berserk destruction power, was piled up in the Buddha’s doorway.

“What is that?” Zhao Fang frowned and asked Nezha.

“Red Lotus Fire Mine!” Nezha sound solemn, in the eyes full of wariness.

“It seems that they want to completely kill us.” Zhao Fang smiled and rushed to Nezha. “I have a way to restore Fleshy Body. Do you want to try?”

“What method?” Nezha asked.

Zhao Fang takes a piece of chalk from the System.

“This is ……” Nezha gaze, “What did I send you?”

“Not bad.”

Zhao Fang nod, in her heart, was very emotional. Before she came to Immortal World, she put some valuables into the System package. Otherwise, the common storage ring would not bring Immortal World.

“Good. With white, I am equivalent to having Fleshy Body.” Nezha overjoyed, Soul directly into the day.

“Not enough.” Zhao Fang shook his head. “The temple is so bad that you fall into this field. You can’t say anything.”

Say, he Void Hand 掐诀, playing a path of mysterious unusual patterns. As soon as this Rune appeared, the incense of the aura in the Buddhist temple was immediately rushing to the day.

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