In the valley, there is a mysterious Restriction. Once there is no protection for the bridge of the Luoxu Palace, these people will be dragged directly into the bottom!

Awesome valley!

It seems that this valley has its own countless Array and Restriction Ah!

Zhao Fang is slightly moving.

The danger of the Lost Palace is finally beginning to show.


As Time goes on, the Time that Lox Palace appears is getting longer and longer.

From the beginning of the flash, to the present, it is a time to maintain a full fragrance.

But even so, many people have been pulled into the bottom.

Finally, at the time of the activation, Zhao Fang also launched the charge.

When they set foot on the bridge corridor, Zhao Fang really felt the difference here.

In this aisle above, even the existence includes various means including flying restriction, seal, Pressure’s Might, and so on.

Coupled with Time’s haste, it can be said that everyone has only one thought at this time, that is, they must hurry through the corridor.

Fortunately, Zhao Fang, they have been waiting for a long time, so this time the time of the Lost Palace is also relatively long.

When Zhao Fang and others finally entered the Luo Luo Palace through the corridor, Zhao Fang could not help but see.

This place is actually self-contained.

It looks like a Palace, but in reality it is surprisingly big.

Simply don’t have a hole in the sky.

The peaks of the mountains are undulating, and at the top of each mountain, there is a Palace existence.

In the distance, there is also a Palace Complex.

However, in addition to these Palaces, the surroundings also have this seat city existence.

Among the sky, it is also a floating island with countless. Of course, the island above is also full of buildings.

With so many buildings, such a huge Space, this Luoxu Palace, how old was it?

However, at this time, Zhao Fang’s ear was ringing.

“Okay, Fellow Daoist, don’t want to see it, let’s go in, this is something outside. This time, our goal is a mountain outside the East Twelve Hall. According to the information I have, the mountain. Above is also a lot of good things!”

Zhao Fang before confirmed that the time of the Lost Palace is one month, so now, he should have Time.

Therefore, there is no rebuttal, that is, follow these people while advancing, while observing surroundings.

Because in the heart of Zhao Fang, I have never fully believed these people!

Since it is a treasure, and, from this contact with Time, it can be seen that they are together, so why would Zhao Fang and Nezha join?

Blood sacrifice ?

I am afraid that it is not Zhao Fang’s wild guess!

Soon, Zhao Fang followed these people to a more remote hillside.

The hillside is not big, and even you can see it at a glance, but it seems that these people are slightly excited when they come here.


“Yes, it’s here, according to map, here, it should be the entrance to the underground palace!”

Someone said excitedly.

When the man spoke, Zhao Fang clearly felt that the good-natured person complexion changed slightly.

But soon, the man once again said to Zhao Fang: “Fellow Daoist, we arrived, saw it, the seemingly inconspicuous hill in front, but the entrance to the palace of Luoxu Palace!”

“ha ha, I am afraid that few people can know that this Luoxu Palace actually has a palace!”

Zhao Fang actually doesn’t know anything at all. He is the first time to come here.

But at this time, it is also echoed and said: “Yeah, I did not think that this Luoxu Palace actually has the underground palace presence.”

The man smiled slightly, but said to Zhao Fang and Nezha: “Let’s go, let’s go in.”

Zhao Fang was keenly aware that at this time, those outside the surroundings were all excited, but no one was moving forward. Even the person in front of him just indicated that he and Nezha were moving forward, and he did not mean to move forward.

If Zhao Fang still can’t see the problem, then Zhao Fang is stupid.

Zhao Fang turned her head and looked at that person.

But that person does not seem to want to hide anything.

The face is still smiling, but the friendly ready in the eyes disappears, but the color of the haze is replaced!

“Why, see it? Unfortunately, you see it now, but it is already late.”

“Go ahead, if you are obediently coordinated, I can consider leaving your Primordial Spirit and even helping you to win!”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, deliberately revealing one kind of fearful expression, then asked: “Fellow Daoist, what do you mean?”

The man was not hiding at all this time, but laughed loudly: “ha ha, brat, you are really naive.”

“Trivial two people dare to come to Luoxu Palace, even the founders are not prepared, do not take you as our founder of this time, who are you looking for?”

“brat, to blame, you can only blame you for being too naive!”


It seems that this Lox Palace needs blood sacrifice only if it is true.

However, in order to understand the situation, Zhao Fang is still playing stupid.

“Fellow Daoist, what do you mean, isn’t the Lost Palace a Secret Realm looking for a treasure? It’s a big deal, wait until we have something to gain, all for you!”

Zhao Fang said to the man.

And the man did not even see it at all. It was only Zhao Fang deliberately doing it.

So at this time, I continued to say.

“brat, you really are naive Ah!”

“Yes, it is true that this Lox Palace is looking for treasure, even Xianjun Inheritance, but do you think it is so good to find?”

“Since the beginning of the Lost Palace, it has been tens of thousands of years, and every 1000-year activates once, and those who can directly look for the treasure are searched out early!”

“Today, only those places with Restriction guards have not been explored.”

“However, can this Luoxu Xianhuang can not leave the slightest guard?”

“In the palace of Lox, all the places have the mysterious Restriction. If you want to enter it, you need enough biological essence as the key!”

“Of course, the higher the level, the more powerful the essential essence, such as the underground palace we are going to enter this time, the blood essence of the person who needs the least cultivation base!”

“I was originally prepared to catch people here, but I didn’t want to, you two people actually sent them to the door…”

The man is still talking about something.

However, Zhao Fang knows about it, so naturally, they also lose the value of use.

Zhao Fang move towards Nezha gestured a look.

Nezha will know.

Just as the man continued to talk about it, suddenly, Zhao Fang and Nezha took the action!

“Heavenly Dragon sword, out!”

Zhao Fang shouting loudly, Heavenly Dragon sword without the slightest hesitation’s move towards one person killing the past.

And while the meanwhile, his silhouette moves, it is also move towards another person to cover the past.

For a moment, the two enems, which only had the six cultivation base of the fairy, were suddenly bombarded!

As for Nezha, the take action is even more merciless.

I saw him a red roll, but there were three people at the same time wrapped in red.

Then the red dragonfly suddenly contracted.

It is the direct explosion of the three people! A take action, Zhao Fang, they are killed five people.

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